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You Obnoxious Asshole

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Inspired by a article:

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... y-in-2013/</a>

    Focus: Who or what do you find obnoxious?

    Alt Focus: Who or what do you most wish would just go away?
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    The following in no particular order:

    Kanye West
    Kim Kardashian
    Lindsay Lohan
    Honey Boo Boo
    Charlie Sheen
    John Boenher
    Barack Obama
    Bill Maher
    Conan O'Brien
    Justin Bieber
    Anyone from any reality TV series
  3. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I'll just go ahead and end this thread.

  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Anti-Intellectuals who refuse to believe they're wrong.
    Defying all apsects of science and math makes you an idiot. There is no "science" needed to know that. If you believe the earth is 8000 years old, or that evolution is a lie, or that Noah's Ark actually happened, you're stupid. Science has proven those statements false. Evolution has been proven without a shadow of a doubt since the human genome was recently mapped, carbon dating testing proves the age of things, and if you want to believe that some guy rounded up two of every species (there are around 800,000 species of insect in the world, with over 1,000,000 subspecies of beetle) then that might mean you're mentally ill. I mean, is there such a thing as being WRONG anymore? Why is it nowadays that the dumber a person is, the more right they think they are?

    Donald Trump
    Here are some facts:
    - became rich because he was a daddy's boy, his dad died with over $400 million in the bank right around the time he went broke and he was a property vulture (see also: vampire scumbags) in New York City while it was going through some of its most painful years.
    - His corporations have declared bankruptcy three times
    - Casinos went bankrupt as well, a feat thought literally impossible in the business world
    - Sold his airline while planes were currently in flight
    - Lost mostly other people's money and refers to them as "losers who don't understand the art of the deal"
    What this goes to show, is that you can still be an idiot fucking loser and be rich.

    Club Promoters
    I won't waste too much time since I already spent too much time on another thread cutting these insufferable cunts into ten million pieces. These guys are so fucking slimy you could kill them with salt. If you ever wanted to witness an over-inflated sense of self-esteem combined with an aboslutely loathsome arsenal of social skills, by all means make friends with this scum of the earth. The amount of tolerable club promoters in the world can be counted on the foot of a sloth.

    She has nothing going on. She looks like Aphex Twin, built like a prolapsed bratwurst, has the singing ability of a migrating goose being chainsawed inside an airbourne Cessna, dresses like she was the end result of a gang rape and is-- simply put-- one of the most wretched live acts on the planet. Her fame is nothing more than proof that youth really ARE gettng dumber by the year.

    The "New Breed" of Cop
    Until recently I had no idea that a police badge was diplomatic immunity to make the entire planet your bitch. I get it-- it's you lifelong dream to smash a handcuffed man's head through a car window. And you took over three stressful months of college. And "Nobody knows what it's like to be a cop". True, but you CHOSE this profession, and not because you had to. You chose it because you aspired to be a cop. And aspired to beat the dogshit out of anybody who doesn't do exactly what you told them to do. And by the way, it says "Protect and Serve" on the side of your car, not "The fuck are YOU looking at, bitch?" Your job is easier than it looks, you get paid $70 an hour to do it, you CHOSE to do it, and you're a public servant. So fucking serve.
  5. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare

    Here's why I find us to be obnoxious assholes. First, I don't think Americans are any dumber than any other nationality. We have our winners, losers, and freaks just like everywhere else.

    Plus, stupidity doesn't enter into the equation. 90% of Americans thought Congress was doing a bad job. It doesn't matter why, justified or not. Yet, they re-elected 90% of the people that they collectively thought were doing such a shitty job. Therefore, Americans are obnoxious assholes because they either:

    1) Elect people they don't think have done a good job so that they may continue to do a shitty job and piss others off; or
    2) Elect people they don't think have done a good job so that they may continue to do a shitty job and piss themselves off.

    Either scenario, they apparently are electing people solely to piss either themselves or others off. THAT is really fucking obnoxious.
  6. JoeCanada

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    People who dislike things/people/groups for no reason.

    It seems like for every thing/person/group that becomes popular with a certain group, another group decides they "hate" them. This bothers me because they don't (usually) have any actual reason to hate them, but because dumb teenagers like Justin Bieber, hating Justin Bieber makes you a cool 23 year old.

    Seriously, why does anybody hate Justin Bieber? I don't like his music at all, but so what? There are a 1,000 artists out there who make music I can't stand. Compared to all of them, Justin Bieber himself seems like a pretty good guy. I've seen a couple interviews of him, and he seems like a nice kid.
  7. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Religious nuts. The ones who believe that prayer cures before medicine, the Earth is only 6 millenia old, and that the Bible is 100% law and doctrine. Just...leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you, hear you, or share space with you.

    People who are touchers. The people who communicate with EVERYONE by touching them. I'm a physical touch person, with the people in my circle...but not with strangers. I like arm's length + with strangers. Some people like to touch, though. Especially if you have tattoos...they want to touch them. Ugh.

    Anyone whose knowledge of current events is limited to the Kardashian clan, Honey Boo Boo, and reality television.

    And, people who "don't like to read". As in, don't like reading books, and lack the imagination to enjoy a good fiction novel...whether it's a classic or a contemporary....they don't have the attention span or the creative mind to read and lose themselves in the author's scenery. I don't understand disliking reading - it's how you learn different speech patterns, and ideas, and settings, and vocabulary! I grew up reading anything I could get my hands on, and as a result I had a more extensive vocabulary than my classmates. I remember taking part in the school spelling bee and the sophomore girl four people in front of me couldn't spell "ego". I was in 5th grade and remember looking at her like she was crazy! She didn't even know the definition of the word. I just couldn't understand her explanation of "I don't like reading".
  8. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    That hit it perfectly

    Conspiracy Theory Nut-bags

    Look, Chemtrails aren't giving you cancer asshole and I don't want to hear about your bullshit "evidence". The last time I talked to my cousins the world was secretly being run by the Illuminati,"Global Banking Shadow Government" ( whatever the fuck that means) and the ever-popular Jews. They have never been able to explain why these invisible "powers" have run thousands of years of history but are incapable of killing someone who lives in a basement and worships Alex Jones and anything he writes, says or does.

    But hey man, "they" are out to get you, better start prepping for the end of the world ( didn't happen ), the Zombie apocalypse ( seriously ), Mercury filled light bulbs that are giving you cancer, NOTHING these people prattle on about comes true. When you ask them about it they always spout more bullshit.

    Fuck these people.
  9. littlefoot789

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 11, 2011
    Twin Cities, MN
    Focus: People who use the word 'weary' when they mean 'wary'. Read a fucking dictionary, they are two different words. One means apprehensive, one means tired. How you are a graduating college student, as in, passed 16 years of schooling and still haven't figured out the language, is beyond me.
  10. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    To try and save a LOT of internet anger:

    People who are so religious, it dominates their ability to socialize and they focus on the anti-social parts of their religion. If you are an anti-science, fundamentalist fuck nugget, fine. Go be a Bedouin or join the Amish and put some life decisions behind your belief. Otherwise, thank your doctor as much as you thank your God, because at least one of them is working his fucking ass off. Science is not a threat to the believer, it's a challenge because all science asks is for a better, proven idea.

    If your religion calls for you to treat non-believers differently, then keep it to yourself. It's not a soccer team, it's a belief system: something that by it's very nature should guide YOUR behavior and YOUR behavior only. You treat it like herpes on the Jersey shore and try to push it onto others, and then expect people who have developed their own beliefs through experience, intellectual pursuits or anything other than a 2000-year old book to like it, you can fuck right off.

    I teach my students this very carefully: Whatever your religion is, treat it like your genitals. Never display them to children, only share them with special people, and keep it mostly private. It cannot be said enough that this would make our world a much less aggravated place. I had a student tell me she didn't want her children studying in the US because they are not Christian and would be discriminated against. That is the most thorough and disheartening perception of my country and corruption of the American dream that I've yet heard.
  11. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    That is a really smart statement, well done. I mean that with all sincerity.

    In that vein, Militant Atheist Know-It-Alls. They are just as obnoxious as religious fundamentalists but while one deals in purposeful ignorance brought by their "belief", the other deals in a puffed up perceived intelligence and sense of self-importance because they aren't "foolish enough to believe". Both are well versed in being judgmental, unwilling to listen to opposing arguments, and outright hate.

    I grew up religious and church-going, still consider myself religious, but have grown more appreciative of the similarities in religions as well as the distinct difference between faith and religion. That being said, in college, it took me far longer to find an atheist I could have a pleasant conversation with similar topics on than a Jewish or Muslim peer. Believing in God makes you no less intelligent than an atheist and being an atheist doesn't make you some fucking enlightened scholar by default, its a fucking belief system. One of the dumbest kids, intelligence wise, I knew in college was a vocal atheist along the lines of "gosh, I can't believe you're stupid enough to believe".

    Much like downndirty said above with religious people, same goes for atheists or agnostics. Its not cool to bitch about religious fundamentalists pushing their beliefs on others while at the same time basically saying believing in God, not science is a fucking joke. I find Bill Maher's endless sarcastic bashing of religion and faith just as abrasive as Tim Tebow's evangelizing. Believe what you want, but be respectful. Just because you are the minority in relation to the history of the world and religion doesn't mean you have a carte blanche to be an arrogant vocal jackwagon
  12. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I should have put this in before JWags' post, but screw it.

  13. VanillaGorilla

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Shovel dirt, equipment fails, find gold. Gator gets hooked, gator wiggles, gator gets shot. Corn gets dumped in water and somebody starts a fire and the ATF is after you and then moonshine gets sold. Dudes yell at each other and build a motorcycle/car. Got it. How many jobs can Discovery and the History Channel go through before they run out? American bookkeeper? We have to run out sometime.
  14. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    How can you leave out "Rednecks obtain guns, weld them together, call it a 'game changer'", or "Holy shit people actually live in Alaska!"??

    I just saw a new show on one of those two channels on a couple of guys who find old change with metal detectors. What did these channels even do before these shows came around?

    Focus: Simply because they are still pervasive vermin where I live...


    Fucking hipsters.
  15. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Hipsters They are attention whoring fucktards who are trying to be new and cool by doing old shit and misappropriating retired black culture. Oh you have A Tribe Called Quest on vinyl? Please go fuck youself.

    Easily Offended People/Overreactionary Bullshit This is almost too big of a topic to tackle...but here we go. This is something that is pushed by all sides of the media. This is not to get political but I've voted Democrat, but when Mitt said "binders full of women" I thought it was fucking retarded how everyone took that and ran with it. "OMG HE SAID BINDERS FULL OF WOMEN" completely ignoring the the real queston of "Well did he actually try to hire women?" because everyone wants to be offended at the slightest thing and climb up on their high horse. I didn't vote for the man, but there is much more shit to talk about besides the fact he didn't spell out EXACTLY what he was saying. He left off - 's applications - and was castigated. Ridiculous. *Hipsters do this a lot in general conversation.

    That also is tied into the above but Strawmaning arguments and discussions. This happens on a certain message board a lot, but a almost everywhere as well now. People now have to explain what they're not saying more than what they are saying. Mainly due to projection by Person 2.
    Person 1:
    Person 2:
    That comes along with 10 postings of their cat
    Person 1:
  16. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Related to above--

    People Apparently Incapable of Recognizing Nuance or Varying Degrees of a Distasteful/Bad Thing: My first exposure to this bafflingly douchey phenomenon was when I was living in the South and trying to grasp why certain assfaces thought that their Confederate flags were appropriate for public display. Their response was generally along the lines of "But, but, heritage! Not hate! We're not racists! It doesn't mean anything racist to us!" Right, but you're not the only inhabitant of this planet. You aren't the only human who contributes or has contributed to the society we inhabit today. Step outside yourself, son. Many men and women before you used that symbol for oppression, violence, unspeakably horrible acts of hatred towards those they deemed "less than" due to the color of their skin. Fuck, people died because a band of racists who looked just like you rallied around that flag with rope in their hands and a chilling mix of calculated cruelty and thwarted dominion in their hearts. You don't get to make the children or grandchildren of those survivors tremble or feel unsafe just because you like the way some stripes and stars are arranged on a flag. If you must reinforce the social bonding between you and your homogenous group of buddies, go to the gym and scream it out like every other dickwad.

    But I see this all the time, thankfully in more varying shades of gray and on a wider variety of issues.* People arguing that women aren't discriminated against in hiring practices or wages (and failing to grasp why a potential president not being aware sans binders of any competent lady peers in his industry is a really fucked up thing for the existing power structure). The argument that welfare recipients are scummy, low-life users who contribute nothing to society and deserve to be cast out. The argument that fat people just, like, don't understand that calories in < calories out. I could go on, but soundbite statements like the above really piss me off. None of those problems are simple. They're all horrendously complicated, so there is no possible way a simplistic statement about any of the above will ever come close to touching the complexity of the solution needed. And it makes you look like an ignorant (willfully? Unintentionally? Some of both?) idiot when you drop something like that in a public space and expect accolades for parroting the opinion of the lowest common denominator.

    *I am thankful, actually. When we're no longer discussing huge errors in the system (say, hiring no black people ever), that leaves us space to discuss smaller errors and fix those (say, hiring less black people). Then fix more (hiring qualified people because we've fixed the race gap between qualified applicants), and more, and more. Eventually, paying attention to different nuances and degrees of racism, sexism, classism, etc. in our society will push us forward into a better place.
  17. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I've been trying to come up with an umbrella term to describe the type of people that have been annoying me the most lately, and the best I can come up with is: People Who Rage Against Something When They Have No Idea What They're Talking About (Usually to Try and Fit in). This seemed to have been happening a lot last year since everyone got/wanted to be all political. These are a few examples that have happened with a friend of mine who's a hippie and I think considers herself this super-political radical liberal because of it:

    -We were talking about the election in general I think right around the time Romney was officially announced as the Republican candidate and about the state the Republican party seemed to be in as reflected by the primaries, and she didn't know who Herman Cain was.
    - We were talking about how fucked up the NYPD are (around the Treyvon Martin case) and she didn't know any of the really big scandals that had been happening with them in the past year or so (It was more understandable to not know those stories, but, still, I found the blindly having the "fuck the police" mentality, especially as a white girl, obnoxious.)
    - We were talking about all of the crazy women's health shit that had been happening that year and she had no idea about the "legitimate rape" thing

    And these were all about things that we had the same opinion on and it still annoyed me. It's even worse when someone's trying to argue against me and has no idea what they're talking about. Look, I don't need you to be a scholar in a subject in order for me to accept your opinion on it, but at least have some knowledge of what you're talking about to back up your views, especially if you're going to be publicly expressing them or (more importantly) debating/discussing them with someone.

    Don't just parrot the talking points you think you're supposed to agree with just because you know that's the general opinion of whatever group you choose to belong to.
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I agree with very much of your post. You are right. Athiests have a habit of being pigs, and I've said some stupid things about religion on this site and the RMMB that I wish I could take back.

    As somebody who gets called a "militant athiest", understand where my so-called "militance" comes from: it's not from believing in God or having faith. Whether God exists or not, it is unprovable. I think that faith is a good thing for many people, especially in aiding them through life's shitstorms.

    However, the reason that religion disgusts me is the bible. Or the Qur'an. Or the book of Mormon. Or the The Watchtower, a particularly evil instruction book that teaches parents how to steal a kid's entire childhood faster than you can say "Joe Jackson". All of these books are hateful, racist and filled cover-to-cover with bad ideas and nonsensical stories that were written before people knew where the sun went at night. The bible tells you flat out-- without metaphor-- that being gay is wrong and slavery is good. I'm sorry, but that right there says it all. The bible is wrong, and that makes God wrong. Jesus, however, I cannot think of a greater real/fictional role model in history. And the saddest thing about Jesus is that nobody got his message right. He told people to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, and the poor will win the world. The amount of Christians that follow that message to a "T" these days equals exactly zero. So when you say "be respectful"well.... no. Not when it comes to the bible or any of it's foriegn counterparts: they are hateful, centuries out of date, stupid and should be read by nobody.

    When I attack religion, I'm not attacking religious people if and I sound that way then I'm sorry. It is sad than anybody who has "power" in religion-- people like Billy Graham, Jerry Falliwell Oral Roberts, Bob Jones or Pat Robertson recieved all of their wealth and power simply by name-dropping God and then adding in their own idiotic opinions. Which is wrong. I disagree with a LOT of things about the Catholic church (especially in the last decade) but i'm not going to throw I tirade on IWantSomeJuice just because he's catholic. I repect the guy's humour and as a poster on this site. AND, he's never preached his beliefs even once on here. Like I said, respect.

    So on behalf of athiests I apologize for the obnoxious, condescending members of our small and not-very-well-liked community. Much like many religious people, they are probably just being solipsistic attention whores. But don't ever tell me that God's Big Book Of Bad Ideas serves as a useful and necessary tool to mankind.
  19. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    The passive-aggressiveness of posts in this thread. Dear god.
  20. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    People who want juice.