The Calvin and Hobbes thread is making me really happy and nostalgic, especially Jwags post about that asshole stealing his bear. This may be too sentimental to fly here, but I figured it was worth a shot: Focus: What was your favorite thing (stuffed animal, blanket, action figure, whatever) from your childhood? Do you still own it? Is it at your parents house, or do you still keep it in your own place? I was the kid with a million stuffed animals, but the all-time favorite was Snugglebunny. I brought her everywhere I went and hugged her so much that she started to fall apart. My dad went to "get her new clothes" and a few (horrible) days later she came back with her entire body resewn and restuffed with new fabric where her bodysuit clothing had been. She still exists, and is on display on my bed in my room at my dad's house. (I may or may not still have a soft spot for stuffed animals, though, and may or may not have felt bad for a stuffed animal Wild Thing that wasn't being sold when I worked at Blockbuster a few years ago, and he may or may not have come with me when I moved to a new apartment.) Snugglebunny is not in this picture, but it's still cute: Spoiler
That bear hung himself with a belt a week after this picture was taken. All that was found near him was a letter that said "Sometimes the stuffing goes all out of you, and you realize you're little more than a sock with eyes"
I had an enormous obese Pikachu. It's still at my parents' house. I came home on leave one time and found my cats curled up next to it and thought it was awesome.
This gave me the mental image of coming home after years only to find someone had carved a hole in the ass of your favorite stuffed animal, and left polaroids of them fucking it. In this scenario I'm imagining an overweight Mexican with a handle bar mustache giving the thumbs up in every picture. Your parents then deny this ever happened and have no idea what pictures you're even talking about, you crazy person. Focus:I had an old cedar box where I kept toys that I no longer even remember what they were. There was a brown Carebear (fuck you, I was 4) and a black panther. The stuffed animal, not the negro militant. That thing was my buddy for a long while until Nintendo happened. Not long after my dad died I remember going through this box finally. Everything went in the bag to Good Will, except that little panther. I just turned 9, and I kept that thing on my bed that night. Woke up, felt ridiculous having it, and put it in the donation bag with the rest. Nothing and no one has ever made me feel safe since. Wow. That's kind of fucked up.
I still have my first Cabbage Patch kid. I'm still kind of attached to it. To the point where I brought it to college with me. I know this is probably a weird thing to do, but my roommate slept with her baby blanket, so I didn't feel all that stupid.
I had an orangey-brown colored bear with a white knitted shirt. I have no idea where he originated from but I remember that he was my favorite and I loved him to bits. His eye fell off at some point--maybe he was old when I got him--so I always had some artfully placed band aids over his eye. Sometimes they were in an X shape over it, sometimes I had the little round band-aids, pirate style. I always felt the need to care for him because of his sad state. His lack of an eyeball really concerned me. His name? Bo-bo.
I had, and still have, a stuffed Yogi Bear. I dragged him everywhere and chewed on his hat when I was very small. He lives in the closet in my parents' house. I imagine Scootah's teddy bear looked like this: Spoiler
I had a bear and a blanket. Both appropriately named teddy and blanky. Teddy's looking awfully mangy these days, but he's still wrapped up in the blanket in my moms closet somewhere.
I had a brown teddy bear with little black eyes and a tiny puff tail that I dragged all over the place. He was cleverly named Teddy. I had a habit of sucking on one of his arms... I believe it was the right one (for some reason I left the other one alone). After a long time of it constantly being sucked on, his puffy arm turned into a spike. Even if we washed it it would stay pointed. Eventually we had to throw him out. I forget the reason why but he must have been falling apart or smelt horrible; I don't think I ever let him out of my sight. Yes, I referred to my old teddy bear as "Him" and not "It". He was the Chewbacca to my Han Solo. Spoiler
I had a teddy bear. I loved him because he was as big as I was, so I could wrap my entire body around him. Oh yeah! FULL BODY HUG, BITCH! After a few years he developed a small hole at the base of his head. Digging my pointer finger into it became part of the comfort and charm of Teddy. I still have him because I'm still a big wrapper. I can't fall sleep without my arms around a pillow, Teddy, or man. I want to be the big or middle spoon. Man, me, Teddy/pillow. He goes into the closet when I have company.
I had this over-sized stuffed dog that I had for years. I even remember buying it when I was like 6; it was at a ToysRus and it cost $19.99 which I thought that was outrageous for a stuffed animal, but bought it anyway. After about 4 years, he developed a unique smell, so I washed him in the washing machine which ended up destroying his fur so much it was unrecoverable. So he now sleeps in the closet at my parents house, matted fur and all...poor guy.
All of these teddies named Teddy are lame. I had a teddy bear too. His name? Bear E. White. I was the coolest.
I had a blanket I named Rain for some reason. My mom still has it stuffed into a ziploc bag at her house. It's in tatters and wasn't washed very often because of that. I'm pretty sure you would unleash some form of the Ebola virus if you opened that bag.
I had the trinity. Bigted (a big teddybear) EeeOrr (a smallish looking grey donkey) and HopHop (a stuffed kangaroo made from real fur, he was very soft) Thinking about them has made me smile, so thanks for this thread. Next time I visit the folks I’m digging them out, I haven’t laid eyes on them for over a decade.
I had a small stuffed horse with long floppy legs named 'Gorilla.' Because no one fucks with a gorilla. It was never really a comfort blanket thing. Gorilla was just there to watch over the fort til I got back from my adventures. My most trusted lieutenant. I gave gorilla to my mother during her chemotherapy for breast cancer.
I had a rolling suitcase that was pink and said "Going to Grandmas" on it. I would pack my clothes in it when I actually went and stayed the night at my Grandmas. Imagine that.
I had one of those little Cool Spots from the 7-Up commercials. He was a little red dot with sunglasses, and little arms and feet. He could also flip inside out and become a stuffed basket ball. I got him when I was in first grade Catholic school from my "big sister" and he was cooler than all of your silly bears put together. I also had a little blue blanket that I stole from my mother. It has some of the biggest holes ever in it. But it made a great batman cape for a seven year old. Both of those things are in Oklahoma. The next time I visit my folks I will have to scrounge around for them.
Had a blanket, lasted till I was close to 10ish (I think?) Random stuffed bears, favorite of them was a bear my mom gave me from when she used to work Red Cross events. They had these bears to give out as gifts, and she stole one for me and my Brother. Not to mention, the 6ft tall bear we had in the basement that would be systematically destroyed because we would wrestle with it. Turns out there are a lot of Styrofoam beads in that bear.
I have mister ted - a bear holding a baby baby bear, that was given to me by my maternal great grand mother, who died a few months after I was born. I don't remember her at all, but the bear was always significant because of the association with grandma and the way my mother and grandfather clearly felt about it. I also have a fairly large green frog. My dad and one of his friends spend about $80 (a fucking fortune in '82) trying to win this thing for me at a carnival before they eventually gave up and just bought it from the guy. I'm amazed that a carnival prize has lasted almost 30 years - but it has. Both of them are in a box at my place somewhere. I would probably do serious harm to anyone who maliciously damaged either of them.