So, a few days ago my girlfriend found a picture of me from college (with my balls out), where the caption read: "It's got a hoodie on, bitch." Wanting to be included in the joke, she asked what that meant. I told her it was something I drunkenly said to describe my uncircumcised penis that became oft-repeated. Her reply: "you're not circumcised?" Jesus Herbert Walker Christ. "No. How did you not know that?" Cue meltdown. Focus: Circumcision. Preferences, pros and cons, projecting this weird habit onto your children? Ladies: do you prefer a man who's trimmed? Gentlemen: Are you cut, and does it matter?
Never understood why it matters at all. I'm just as God made me. I don't see how a circumcision could make my penis even more magnificent, but whatever.
Personally, I have no preference as a female on the receiving end. However, if I ever have a son I'll opt for circumcision. The evidence pointing to very real, profound health benefits is strong, especially when it comes to STI infection rates.
Ok, serious question: How do you trust the research? One of the reasons I thought it was so common was that it was an easy, quick procedure for the hospitals to "pad the bill" for delivering a baby. As such, the corresponding research was nebulous and vague. It seemed a bit strange that a lot of the anti-Muslim whaargarbl and the outcry against clitorectomies (God knows how you spell it, I can barely find one on a perfectly nice vagina) dissipated when some kind soul pointed out the prevalence of circumcision in Western countries and the reason for the practice was more for increased hospital revenue than religious or health reasons. Any truth to that argument?
I'll be honest, and as an American woman I have been with two uncut? (not sure what is politically correct) guys. One was from the UK, one from New Zealand. Personally, I prefer cut* (see above). They are just *way* to dang sensitive (from my limited experience) for some things if uncut. UK guy was actually getting surgery because the foreskin was too tight around the top to comfortably roll down easily when he was "quickly aroused". Kiwi actually was entirely too sensitive to have much of anything oral with, because would make him..... yeah. But, that's just my opinion!
This is only slightly related, but I still want to tell the story of how I came really close to convincing a guy that he was circumcised. We had been sleeping together for a couple of years when I pondered in front of him about whether or not I had ever even seen an uncircumcised penis and he gives me a weird look and informs me that he is, in fact, uncircumcised. I give him a weird look and told him that he was. This "debate" went on for much longer than it should have (i.e at all) and he started doubting himself and freaking out that maybe he was circumcised and never realized it, until I demanded that he whip it out as proof. In my defense, it was a lot more obvious that he was uncircumcised when he wasn't hard. (Similarly, I once wondered what it would be like to kiss a guy with a beard until I realized that, actually, I had never once kissed a guy who didn't have facial hair, ever. I don't know what happens to my brain during these moments.) Anyway, back to the focus. I don't think I have a preference. I, apparently, can't tell the difference anyway when it counts. (Although, I think he may have just been well proportioned.) I guess if I had to choose, I'd go with circumcised. Sometimes a dick is just so damn aggressive-looking, though, and being uncircumcised can help make it look a bit more welcoming. Now I'm a bit tormented by this choice. I may have to come back to this. As far as whether or not I'd have my kid circumcised, I don't really care. I probably would, just because it seems to be what you do and all (especially if I'm with a Jewish dude), but I think I'd leave that decision mostly up to the dad. "Honey, you get to make the decisions about our child's penis." It'll be in my wedding vows.
From what I understand it became popular due to the anti-masturbation movement. I am uncircumcised and I can tell you, it is easy as hell to jerk off, no lube required, so hands under the covers playing around with the foreskin was how I figured out jerking it. I would never circumcise a son if I had one. My cousins all rejected the practice with their sons, none of my nephews had it done either. I
I'm "uncut" and so are both my boys. Since I've never had sex or experienced my sexuality "uncut", I would say it doesn't matter. I can't imagine my orgasms being any more intense than they are now just because of a little bit of extra skin. Also, as someone who has worked as a CNA, unfortunately, I've seen more penises than any man should have to endure, and I can say the ones I've seen always had some kind of cheese inside and around the foreskin.
Is this a tinfoil hat question? Peer reviewed research published in respectable publications is about as good as it gets. It's not perfect. It's not infallible. But at a certain point, you can't dismiss things because they could - if they wanted to put medical licenses, reputations, research grants, and careers on the line - be lying.
Since my anteater was lopped off at about a day old, I have no idea if the extra chicken skin would benefit my sex life one iota. Nor do I want to get a reverse circumcision to find out. The real question is... which one of you had a parent that kept your circumcised foreskin? Most likely preserved in plastic, stowed away in an old photo album, or precious memories scrapbook, where it only sees light, like the Turin Shroud, on special occasions like prom or marriage. It happens, you can share. This is a safe place.
I'm cut, and for a long time as a kid just assumed everyone was. Even when I knew what circumcision was, I still didn't understand how it cosemetically affected a penis until I was in college. I never saw one uncut until I was in the group hall shower my Sophomore year. And, that dude has a HUGE dick. I was walking in the shower area as he was walking out, and I was trying to be all hey-it's-casual-I'm-looking-at-your-junk -- HOLY SHIT WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR DICK?! is what I was thinking in my head. It took a sec for the lightbulb to come on. I'll take Top Five Least Popular Plastic Surgeries for a 1000, Alex.
The study that I read regarding male circumcision was done by Yale. Also, The Invisible Cure - a book I highly recommend - goes into it in great depth. I'm at work and don't have the book on me, but if I recall they figured that circumcising young men reduced the rate of HIV transmission between 50-60%. It had the effect of a "moderate" vaccine. The study was halted half-way through because the researchers felt it was unethical to proceed without allowing the control group to also have access to circumcision, if they so wished. If I can find more articles later I'll post them. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... mic-africa</a> As for my personal experience, the vast majority of men I've been with have been cut. Winterbike, I think you may be in the minority.
I've got a turtle neck and it is a love-hate relationship. I felt weird and kind of like a freak growing up because I was always the only boy in the locker room with one. Still to this day I don't know a guy personally that is uncut. My friends think it is some sort of mystical power these days. Pros: Sex and jerking off is much more pleasurable from what I hear. Cons: It is a pain in the dick when it comes to wearing condoms (they slide off during sex way too easy), some chicks get weirded out by it, and you have to spend an extra 60 seconds washing it in the shower. I used to hate my parents for not having me cut when I was a teenager, but these days it don't give it much thought. I would NEVER consider adult circumcision either. I hear that is about as awful as it gets.
You read an entire book about nothing but circumcision? I don't have that much dedication to my own penis. For the record, I'm cut and so are both of our sons. I didn't realize this was such a huge philosophical debate until I read a thread on, I think Fark, from people throwing out studies on STD transmission rates or calling it genital mutilation.
My parents left me uncut, but I had a circumcision done when I was 20. I had Frenulum Breve, which meant that I couldn't properly retract my foreskin, which made hygiene difficult and intercourse painful - the latter reason is why I decided to get cut. If I ever have a son I'm not going to get him circumsized; I figure he should have the chance to make the choice for himself if he ever wants to. Edit: So here's the deal, at least my experience: Immediately after surgery your dick looks like it got the worse end of a street brawl; mine was pretty brusied. I had either 27 or 47 stitches (don't remember exactly). The first week was the worst, since any sort of brushing against anything hurt - if you're a boxers guy I guarantee you'd switch to briefs. Obviously sex is out of the question, and the guidelines I got was no sex or masturbation for at least 2.5 weeks. Now, the soreness went away after about a week so I was back to getting regular erections, which made that last 10 or so days a test of willpower. If I recall correctly, I don't think I made it.
I would've hated them more if they had me cut when I was a teenager. You only want that done as in infant - - oooor, maybe not.
I'm uncut and I forget what comedian said it, but their doctor said 'well, will your son have access to soap twice a year? Yes? Then it doesn't matter'. I was also a non Jew born in the Soviet union, so I'm sure shit was different there. It requires 10 seconds of hygiene, doesn't require lube/lotion (makes me complain slightly less on receiving handies, but they are still worthless, ladies), and has yet to disappoint any girls unless I've been drinking a lot. Judging by the one or two adult films I've seen, when standing at attention, there's almost no noticeable aesthetic differences.