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You did what??!''re my parents.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shegirl, May 18, 2011.

  1. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I thought this would make a decent thread.

    FOCUS: What have you found out about your parents that you almost don't believe could be true?

    For me, mine honeymooned in Canada traveling via motorcycle, pup tent and campgrounds. The pics are just hilarious. My Mom's dark hair is straight as a board and down to her ass. My Dad on the other hand had a full on long hippy 'stache and hair to his shoulders. Yes, I confess, there was a time my 'rents were full blown hippies.
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I found out about my parents gradually over many, many years. Some things when I was pretty young. I can't say I couldn't believe anything I heard, and by the time I was old enough to understand it in context, it was all pretty believable. Some of it was awkward, like finding out that Mom was not Dad's first wife as I was led to believe, but his third (a subject that his parents, whom I knew until their deaths both in their very late 80s, never once brought up in 30+ years). The other big shocker was that my middle name is the name of a guy my Mom had a crush on in college, a fact Dad never knew.
  3. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I saw an old and yellowed photo of my parents when they were very young. They looked happy.
  4. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I found out that the night my parents met, my mother was on a date with another guy. An hour after meeting my father, she ditched the guy who brought her to the party so she could watch my dad play guitar with the rest of his groupies. I should mention that my father looked like this:


    Also, my parents were not actually dating when I was conceived. They had broken up and my mom moved to Philly. Then, my paternal grandfather died and my mom came back for the funeral. 9 months later, I was born.
  5. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Last year I found out that my dad was married before he married my mom. I was helping them move some things in their house when I found an annulment form. After talking about it with my grandmother, she explained that he was married while he was in law school, came home from class one day and she had packed up her shit and left. Neither of my parents know that my brother and I both know about this and I don't really feel like having an awkward conversation about it with my dad. I was happy to hear that they never had any children but shocked that something about this marriage never slipped out in casual conversation amongst my aunts and uncles.
  6. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    My dad was the coolest. These are only a couple of things I know about his twenties and thirties:
    -For two years he lived in the Rockies...most of which he lived in a teepee.
    -He did something involving botany and tulips in Amsterdam for a while, after bicycling around the Netherlands for a few months
    -He also did something related to botany on a kibbutz in Israel
    -He spent some time on a near-deserted (at the time) island in the Caribbean called Utila with two of his friends and one of the "natives"
    -He hung out in Egypt for a bit, but I don't remember what he was doing there.
    I'm pretty sure I've heard more stories, but these are the coolest ones off the top of my head. I probably still don't know everything. I just found out he lived in Florida for a bit last year, which he apparently hated. I'm waiting until he tells me all the juicy stuff. Come on, Dad, I know what you were doing most of the time in Amsterdam and a teepee in the Rockies. The pictures I've seen in his hippie state are awesome, too.

    I also found out, just last year, that my dad was my mom's second husband. I realized that some of her signatures on a few of her drawings that I have had a last name that was neither her maiden name nor my dad's. It was weird.
  7. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My Mother loved to go to concerts when she was young. She even wrote a column for a local newspaper about concert reviews that she went to. When she was 16 (In 1966), a friend and her snuck into the Rolling Stones dressing room and hid in the bathroom. They came out of the bathroom when the Stones came in the room and a security guard was about to throw them out but Mick Jagger said they could stay.

    She has a photo album of her and her friend with the Rolling Stones and the Stones look so young in it. After they left the room my mother was interviewed about it on the radio.
  8. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    My Dad was in Vegas at a poker table when I was born.

    My mom was told by the doctor that I was due in about two weeks, and my dad was going out to Vegas to see his parents for the weekend since he had just gotten back from deployment. Anywho, I decide that I want to escape a couple weeks early all while my dad is out gambling, pretty sneaky of me. But he jumps the first plane back when he gets the phone call that I had made my appearance and he was actually the first one to hold me and pass me off to mom.

    I still give him shit for it to this day.
  9. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    I found out not too long ago that my dad was into disco. Like wayyy into disco.

    Take into account that my dad is a Pakistani Chemistry PhD who came to America to do his PhD. He was one of those foreign bastards the rest of curse when they wreck the curve for everyone else.

    Given this, I always imagined my dad being mostly a nerd in school, but it turns out he and his buddies used to hit up the disco clubs quite regularly. Regrettably, he has no pictures (perhaps they are hidden) of himself in disco mode. I would pay so much money to see him as you couldn't find a more stoic person.
  10. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Now to the gooooood stuff, the drugs!

    My dad was kicked out of his house for a month when my grandparents found his bong in his car. I have also found out that everyone in the wedding party of my Aunt's wedding went out back afterwards and huffed nitrous. There are also photos of my dad in a wedding party where all the men wore crushed velvet purple tuxedos. We also found out, through rooting through the boxes of pictures that my dad attended some sort of nudist festival. He was a shutter bug when he was younger but this was after my brother and I had been born.... Luckily the lens was not turned on him. My mom has been much better at hiding her past. We know her sister was a pot dealer in high school but my mom in her after school special wisdom supposedly threatened to tell their parents if she didnt flush it down the toilet. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.
  11. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    My parents got engaged after knowing each other for one month. They were married in 1973, and are still together. My dad met my mom because he got in a street race with her boyfriend at the time, and he rolled and crashed his car which flipped into the second story window of a building here in town.

    My dad was also a street gang member as a kid, which I never would have thought since he's the nicest person I know. Just not the person you would fuck with, though.
  12. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    My dad used to ride a motorcycle. He's never told me about it, though. That is the extent of my parents being interesting.

    I do have an uncle, though, who's a serious fundamentalist Christian, thinks the earth is 6,000 years old, is manifestly raising his kids as such, etc. He used to be a pretty wild druggie back in the day; did pot, acid, etc. His kids are gonna have fun finding that one out.
  13. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    My dad's parents never bought him a single toy when he was a kid.

    Sometimes your parents are even more boring than you imagine.
  14. jennitalia

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 5, 2010
    My parents met at a biker clubhouse and indulged in a lot drugs (my dad apparently was a dealer) and alcohol. Hilarious, since they are now ultra-conservative Christians who will maybe have one glass of wine on their anniversary now. They're now part of some "Motorcycle for Jesus" club.

    Sometime in the 8-10 age range, I was digging through my mom's drawers looking for something and found a drawing of my mom naked. I remember feeling really embarrassed for even finding such an awful thing and grossed out by the pubic hair in the drawing. That drawing probably has some subconscious effect on my desire to be completely shaven at all times.

    I was also really surprised to find out that my mom was married before my dad. Thankfully, I don't have any half-brothers or half-sisters.
  15. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Don't ever...EVER look under your parent's bed.

    While looking for something when I was about 13 years old, I tossed up the dust ruffle on my dad's side of the bed and saw a red cardboard box. I really wish I hadn't succumbed to my curiosity and pulled it out.

    As I pulled, I realized that the box was much larger than it looked, and it had a clear plastic window on the top. Through that window, I saw a disassembled dildo voltron. There were so many attachments, auxiliary battery packs, and god knows what else. It looked like something used in a porn parody if an actor was supposed to be a Navy SEAL gearing up for the infiltration of a whore house.

    Not only were my parents having sex, but they had a fucking toolbox for it.

    As far as drugs and things go, I've known that my parents did drugs for a long time. They were never shy about it, but made sure not to glamorize it either. The sex kit was way more revelatory than any story they could've told me.
  16. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Apparently, my parents have had sex before.

    I'm still in denial.
  17. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I was artificially inseminated (seriously) so I actually don't have to think about this. Immaculate conception bitches!!!
  18. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Stuff I recently found out about my dad.

    1. Once drove from Seattle to Oklahoma in 18 hours because he was high on speed.
    2. Smoked a ton of pot while in Vietnam.
    3. Routinely hooked up with married women while my brother and I were living with him. We had no idea. In his defense, they all came on to him.
    4. Got piss drunk every night from the age of 18 to 32 when he got his first DUI. Now refuses to drink outside of home unless there's a designated driver.
    5. Accidentally saw my dad's website browsing history. Apparently he's in to mild S&M. I died a little inside when I saw it.
    6. His first wife was a Mexican woman in Oklahoma. They were married for 6 months before he divorced her.

    The only weird thing I've found out about my mom was that she had to marry another guy to get into the States so she could find my dad. She was pregnant with me and he needed to know. Luckily for her, my dad was stationed back in Seoul before she had to make the trip. This guy was a friend of hers, according to my mom.

    I don't know whether I should be laughing or crying because of this post.
  19. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    I found a large box of porn in my parents closet.

    Not traditional porn though, more.. instructional. The only title I remember was "Becoming Orgasmic"

    ... yeah.
  20. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    My dad has been a pilot since well before I was born. I've always known that, as my earliest memories are of flying. Sitting on my dad's lap while he piloted a Twin Otter or a Turbo Beaver or Turbo Otter was a normal day-care day for me.

    Funny story: When I was first entered into school, kindergarten, the teachers sent a note home to my folks asking for an emergency meeting; seems that they thought I was a retard. Why, you ask? Well, when we started to do "drawings", and were asked to draw a city, I drew a bunch of squares in a grid, while everyone else drew your typical 5 year old's side-view interpretation of a city. They saw this as me being a maroon, so put me in the "slow" class. My folks come in, hear the "bad news", and lose their shit. "He's spent more time in the air in a bush plane than he has on the ground, and that's how a city looks from the air... YOU'RE the retards."

    Here's a pic of my (now deceased) Aunt holding my sister, my Mom, and me. It's somewhere around 1971, and those were the 2 small bush planes that Mom and Dad used on the weekends to take us to some remote lake in Northern Manitoba or NWT to go fishing/camping.

    But yeah, Dad did a whole bunch of flying, including water bombing. Most of his water bombing hours were in one of these:

    I knew that, at some level, because of the slides that he had that we'd see every now and then. (Oh, kids... you totally missed out the era of the home screen, projector, and 35-mm slides... what fun).

    But it really hit home when we went to Ontario Place one summer in the mid-80's, and they were showing a big iMax flick on forest fires. We get about 10 minutes into it, and they start talking about one of the biggest Air Attacks on forest fires in Canadian history, the Dryden fire of 1974. BAM... whaddayaknow, there's Dad, in the Canso, parked on the tarmac with engines running, his arm out the window looking back like he's cruising down the highway, while they're refuelling his aircraft. And it's iMax, so he's about 100 feet tall and in your face. "Hey! Dad! That's you!" Everyone turns around, and he's now a minor celebrity in the theatre. He had no idea that old super-8 footage existed, or that we'd be seeing a blast from his past.

    But it was cool as fuck. That was my DAD!

    Sure, I'd heard of a ton of stories and stuff, but damn if that didn't make me respect him a shit-ton right then and there. It was insane.

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