This is the stuff of nightmares... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 00000-bees</a> FOCUS: What's the worst way you can think of to die. ALT-FOCUS: What's the best way you can think of to die?
Personally, the worst way I can imagine dying is from boredom. Death by all-caps would be a close second. When I was a kid, I stepped on a digger wasp nest and ended up being stung by over 150 of the fuckers on each leg. The resulting endorphin rush was insane. If I wanted to go out on my terms, I'd steal an airplane, go for max altitude over the mountains, and then jump out of the thing.
Always thought eaten to death by rats/bugs has to be pretty high on the list. At least w/ big animals, it's fast. Emphatically disagree. I always thought that falling from great heights has to be one of the worst. Way too much time to think about it. Might even end up changing your mind halfway through, and boy would that suck. I want mine quick and without a lot of deliberation. Spontaneous combustion, maybe.
Sharks. I have always been terrified of sharks. You don't see it coming, and then you get eaten. I've seen a bull shark when I was surfing in Florida, the speed at which I paddled in would have beaten Michael Phelps. It's amazing, I've been surfing in Pacific Beach, Australia, and I always ask them if they have any shark stories or if it frightens them and they all say the same thing, "There out here what can you do??"
The ONE TIME I happen to be south of the Cities during rush hour, this crap happens. This is why I avoid the south and west of the Twin Cities all the time, the rush hour is bad enough, and throw a fatal accident and bees and it adds at least 1.5 hours to your day. FOCUS: I think burning or drowning would be the worst. Burning because it would be so painful that you wouldn't know what to do, and it would be slow. Drowning because the psychology before it happened I can't even imagine. Talk about panic/fear/adrenaline/pain all thrown into one. No thanks.
Worst way to die: I'm in the jungle. Why? Because I've stolen the golden head of an Aztec diety from a tomb and I'm going to sell it in Marrakesh. The guardians of the tomb, who have sworn to protect it for centuries, have spotted me and are giving chase. Unable to catch up, they unleash their highly-trained swarm of Brazilian Wandering Spiders. The spiders know the jungle well and are able to cut me off, forcing me onto the edge of a giant cliff. With only seconds to decide my fate, I leap from the cliff only to realize that the spiders have lept as well, and are injecting me with their incredibly poisonous (the world's most potent, actually) venom the entire way down. Best way to die: In my sleep. I wonder if any leftover energy in my brain would result in a sweet final dream.
fire's the WORST by far... especially if the heat's applied slowly and you're roasted to death: could you imagine being inside this thing, trying to crawl and curl up in a corner to escape the heat... trying to shift your hands, knees, and feet to lessen the pain, only to realize you're just delaying the inevitable?.. so what do you do, just throw yourself at the bottom and grit your teeth? I mean... DAAAAMN. Best way to die would easily be drug overdose. Most cases, you simply fall asleep and don't wake up.
WORST: Dying in a panic, like suffocation, drowning or like someone earlier said, being eaten by rats/bugs. BEST: Going out courageously. Sacrificing yourself for someone else or for the greater good. Doing something that people will honor and revere you for. Preferably a sudden death, no one likes agony.
Yep, my sister was good friends with one of the two victims. Kind of hard to mourn when everyone is focusing on the damned bees. I am really hoping she died in the crash or shortly after so the bees couldn't make it worse.
Dying by fire sucks, but it's not that bad because you pass out from lack of oxygen long before you die due to the burning. Buried alive has to be the worst, like in a coffin. Enough air to think about the inevitable. Best way to die for me? In bed, with two hot chicks and dying of a massive heart attack as I come. Perfect.
Its really bright out where I am so I can't see the pic very well but whats up with the dude in the right foreground ? Is it some kind of beekeeper who is getting attacked by his charges ? Worst way to die for me would be starving while adrift in a boat. Best way would be an unexpected death, then I wouldn't have to worry about it. Edit: Ah, photochop. Should have known that.
Bees in the car! Bees everywhere! God, they're huge! They're ripping my flesh! Couldn't find the clip, but that was the first thing that went through my mind when I saw this thread. I weep for you if you don't know what that's from. Focus: Definitely drowning. Burned alive is scary, but I have to figure that there, the massive pain would release endorphins before the end...drowning is just panic. Alt-focus: Overdose on heroin. Never tried it myself, but I have to figure that ain't a bad way to go.
That was Photoshopped in; it's Nic Cage from a scene in the remake of "The Wicker Man". Focus- Rats slowly eating you is definitely up there. There is a torture where a man is held to the ground by chains, and rats slowly nibble away at his body, starting with the feet. Any form of death that involves being blinded and losing limbs first is also bad. So are all the ones involving painful and unnatural bodily contortions. Among more common deaths, kidney failure is incredibly failure, and the slow degradation of a terminal cancer is also awful. Anti-Focus- Gunshot to the head or lethal injection are very short and/or relatively painless. A stroke, if the person dies from it, is relatively quick and pain-free.
I always thought a terrible way to die would be like that guy in Saving Private Ryan who was stabbed. He had to just look into the eye of the guy who was slowly killing him with a knife, that would have to be terrible. Drowning would also be terrible, your body actually tries to breathe in the water which gives a terrible burning pain in your chest, followed of course by death.
Is it wrong that this is the first thing I thought of when I heard it on the news? Focus: Being dipped feet-first into a giant deep fryer.
I remember a guy in the neighborhood where I grew up who fell off a ladder while painting his house and impaled himself on a picket fence. Death was not instant. Still, I have to agree, burned alive has got to be the worst. Best way: Also agree, self-sacrifice to save someone else.
Focus: I think starving to death while having Chinese water torture administered would be an absolutely dreadful way to spend your last few days. The length of time it would take and the non-stop frustration of drops of water on your forehead would probably cause you to go crazy for the last day or two, I don't care what you say Wikipedia, it would blow. Anti Focus: I know I heard or read this somewhere but, healthy at age 100 after a full life, getting gunned down from behind by a jealous husband.
Worst way to die to me is getting caught by an alligator. It combines drowning via death roll and being eaten alive in a way I don't even like imagining. Once your dead, you don't just get eaten though. You're left to ROT under a submerged log to be picked apart as you decay. Fuck that. Best way? A manner in which I don't shit myself.
Freezing to death never appealed to me as a good way to die. I have had friends die of Diabities and that damn disease just kills you one limb at a time. Best way to die? Well my father has said that going in for an operation after the age of 100 and never waking up sounds good. I would have to agree.