(Inspired by bebop's post on the TiB guild to men and women thread) We just recently did a thread about when we lost our virginity, but I'm pretty sure we've never done one about when we first discovered the joys of masturbation. I mean, that's right up the alley for this board... I was thirteen at the time. We were vacationing in DC and while my parents were out and about I needed to content myself in the hotel room. Pretty much the only thing I had for entertainment was the TV. I was flipping through channels when I came across a movie wherein some blond was getting railed from behind by some dude on a pile of hay (turns out it was an Emmanuelle movie). Needless to say I stopped switching through channels right then in and there. Of course I had been getting hardons for a couple years already, but for some reason this time it occurred to me that maybe if I tugged on it a little bit it would feel even better. And boy did it ever, much to my delight. Focus: How old were you when you first figured out how to masturbate?
This sounds like a thread we must have done at some point, but I can't remember. Either way, let's hear it and maybe get some insight from the new members. I know we have a lot of horny little fuckers on this board, so don't think your confession that you were yankin' it before anything would come out will be special. However, I am especially interested to hear about anybody who didn't discover it until very late.
When I was younger (way younger) I used to fuck the shit out of the jet nozzles in pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, you name the water propelling device, I fucked it. Those were probably my first masturbatory experiences. Reminds me of the Louis CK bit: "I made that couch my bitch!"
You know that part about how he sat on his friends back while his friend humped something cause he enjoyed the pressure? That's what I used to do, never needed a friend to help though.
I think we can all see where you got your username, though. You were waiting a year and a half for me to post this thread, weren't you?
I must have been 12 or 13 when I started doing something with my hardons. At first I'd just rub them against stuff because it felt good. Then I escalated to using my hands. I didn't use anything in particular at the time, just my imagination. I remember one time I was jerking it especially furiously and then I felt I big build up and release and actually produced jizz for the first time. It was only a drop or two but I freaked the fuck out. I thought something was wrong with my dick. Of course, I was unsure in regard to what caused it so I decided I better run some more experiments. At some point or another I stopped worrying about what was wrong because it was so much fun.
I invented masturbation when I was 12.(every kid thinks they invented that shit) It was glorious. Nothing came out so there was no clean-up. I had been trying to replicate the feeling that came when I would put pressure on my boner...and voila. And then there was no turning back.
I don't remember when I started actually masturbating, but I do know that around the time I was 8 or 9, I would slowly itch down there. I obviously had no concept of masturbation, but I did know it felt good and I assumed it was like itching any other part of my body.
I'm pretty sure I was masturbating right out of the womb. I seriously have no recollection of figuring it out. I feel like I've just always done it.
I was 15 when I first did it. I was in the basement watching Cinemax late at night, I think I was watching Busty Cops or something. You know when you have certain turning points that change the course of your life? This was one of those. I knew from that day forward that my penis and I were going to be great friends.
The first time I beat off was when I was probably 6 or 7. My cousin had heard from his older brother about it, and he passed the knowledge on to me. He said, "Make an OK sign with your fingers, grab your dick, and go up and down. My brother says it's great." I remember that the first time I did it, I had this weird feeling in my gut like I was going to puke, so I stopped. The next time, I went beyond that and freaked out when my dick started jumping up and down on its own and I let go, thinking that something was wrong. From there, the good feeling developed--and the rest, as they say, is history
I can't remember how old I was, probably 12ish as a guess. I had a recliner in my room and was reading a book. I got a random pop up hard on, the kind all guys get at that age, and for some reason started rubbing it through my sweat pants. The clouds parted, the sun shone bright, and my lifelong (so far) love affair with masturbation began. I can't remember exactly how I figured it out or if I had to do any clean up after. I just remember that I liked it.
Until I masturbated for the first time, I had no idea that orgasms existed or that masturbation existed. I woke up one morning and went to take a bath. I was still sporting wood so I decided to stroke it while sitting in the bath. To my surprise, it felt realllllly good. I went at it briefly and thought I had to pee as some pressure was building up. Then out of nowhere: white stuff! I don't know how to explain all the sexual knowledge I learned in the next few seconds. Like a thorough natural teaching. More importantly, I had just discovered what made the world go round. Sex sex sex. So I went out looking for some. At the tender age of 12 or 13, I walked out to the street looking for a girl my age and I practiced asking her if she wanted to have sex. Sadly, the opportunity didn't present itself and within 15 minutes I was so horny I had to go do it again.
It was March of 2000 A.D. (a little over 16.5 years of age) when I first gave it a go. I didn't even do it consciously, I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed my hand was tugging on my member. I tried to stop, but it hurt when I let go so I went back to it. When I finished it came out with so much volume and force that I thought I was pissing, it felt like the greatest piss of all time. I somehow managed to not get much on my bed, but it was all over my stomach chest, and some on my chin. The next day at school several people commented on how much more relaxed I seemed and thought I had just aced a huge test or something. I don't have a good reason for not doing it sooner, just that when I was 12 some teenager told me that masturbation is fucking yourself and that made you gay because you're a guy. I'd like to bash his skull in with a crowbar.
This still makes me laugh to this day. I was in 8th grade and I was just 13 when i discovered this. I found out one week night looking at porn (pictures) on the computer in my room, and I knew my life was changed forever. I acted like I was too sick to go to school the next day so I could stay home and beat off all day.
I don't remember how old I was, but let's just say I still had The Little Mermaid sheets. I was lying on my stomach, trying to fall asleep, and looking at Prince Eric. I started squirming around to get more comfortable, and with the rubbing+Eric equation something started feeling good. For a while, I thought it had to do with having to pee because I guess I had to go at the time, so I wouldn't pee before I went to sleep so it could build up and I'd rub around a bit at night. I'm assuming I was around 11 or 12 when I connected the dots and included my fingers in the mix. (Although I think I had moved on from Prince Eric to Justin Timberlake or something by then.)
Here. I was 18 when I first did it. It's a trip, because I first did it after I had sex for the first time - which, by the way, no nuts were busted that night. That's another story. I knew all about masturbation beginning when I was in 2nd grade. But the whole thing just seemed so awkward for me. I tried it out, one time, when I was in 8'th grade, but apparently I did it with too much of a firm grip and ended up chafing the head. Pretty awesome. The next day was painful as all hell. So, in high school, I was in a real awkward situation. Everyone was getting all sexual and all kinds of shit. Of course, like all girls in high school, they would "truth" me to see how many times I masturbated in a week. I had no idea how to answer that, except honestly, and I said "I don't." Very interesting times. Anyway, after I got laid and didn't bust a nut, I decided to try it one more time. It felt pretty fucking amazing. I think because I started so early - saw porn in 2'nd grade - or maybe late - laid at 18, etc. My sex drive is all kinds of fucked up. I'm 22 and honestly, not that horny. I feel like I should be going around just fucking every woman I see, but it's really not like that. I enjoy their company, but sex isn't that high up on my list of priorities. Any other questions?
I'm gonna be the first person to say I don't masturbate regularly. In fact, I've never actually jerked it to completion. I start thinking about how much time I'm wasting and how stupid I look with my dick in my hand, and that really kills it. I still like watching porn though. Go figure. Yeah, yeah, I like cock, etc.
I felt like I've been masturbating for a very good portion of my life. Humping the bed or a pillow when I was around 6 or 7 was when I first started getting those urges to fuck some lucky lady in the future. When we finally got the internet when I was 15, and I discovered the holy grail of internet porn, it was all over from there. I sort of remember the first time I actually got myself off to the point of cumming. It was glorious. Those were the days spent jerking it close to 9 times in a day. Big kudos to sublimedirectory.com