It's been a while since we've had an "I hate fatties thread" and this seems like as good a time as any. Let me introduce you to Thin Privilege. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Let me clue you hippopotamic land masses in on something: It's not 'thin privilege'. It's called sloth and a lack of restraint on your part.
I am male, white, straight, thin, and my sex organ matches my gender. I am one privileged motherfucker.
Fat women are disgusting. Their only redeeming quality is they give better blow jobs. I got head from a fat chick that would have sucked my spine out of my pee hole if I had let her.
I don't know, guys. I think it's time for fat people to stand up and be heard. And then sit back down, sweating and breathing heavily.
My favorite is one of the people that's "friends" with the Thin Privilege blogger bitches about having to pay extra for plane seats and bigger tubs, but charges extra for larger shirt sizes
A fat woman playing with a dick reminds me too much of bread being buttered. Pass. I've got nothing to add. They're all fucked in the head, broken individuals with no goddamn balls. That's probably the thing that irritates me the most. When you go out in public with your gunt bursting out of your fly because the denim is already at tensile strength, perhaps its time to re-evaluate life. So here's a guy fucking a morbidly obese woman's navel. NSFW
I give you the ancestor of all fatties alive today, the ambulocetus. You may know it as the land whale.
There's a link between how little responsibility these people want to take for their current situation and why they're in that situation to begin with. Why bitch and complain and fabricate terms while staying fat and unhealthy, insteading of trying to make progress? It's sad when people give up on themselves like this. I think '_____ privilege' should only be considered legitimate in a situation in which the individual has no control over the outcome, i.e. race, sexuality, gender, birth defects. I hate the 'poor me' attitude more than anything else.
*puts on serious glasses* In all actuality most of these (the ones in the HAES group) people have tried really fucking hard to lose weight multiple times in their lives and got fatter because of it, the problem is that most of their attempts were based on faulty logic and they just assume that nothing works and give up so they don't damage themselves even more. I know everyone loves to jump on the personal responsibility bandwagon with the issue of obesity, but some people were just born with a shitty lot in life and can't make it work without doing something drastic. *takes off serious glasses* Then there's the fat pieces of shit that guzzle soda like it's the cure for cancer, fuck those fatties.
Not all of them, plus one time I had a skinny girl suck me off in 30 seconds flat with her porno sucking skills. So I win.
Very few people, an insanely low amount of people, are actually born to be fat. Throwing that out there gives normal fatties an excuse for eating the way they do. I don't like it when people bring that up, because people will take that and run with it when it in no way applies to them. They then use it as an excuse for why they can't lose weight. Fuck fat people who make excuses, you're fat, its a choice, its not societies fault, its not the medias for making you feel bad, and its not mine for being uncomfortable when you eat three hamburgers at dinner and bitch that you can't lose weight. The concept of thin privileged is obvious. Its like how I heard a study that concluded pretty tall people get paid more, well no shit, we're animals at the end of the day. We like pretty things, we don't like fat wheezing annoying, complaining things. The concept of hereditary fatness bothers me too. Why do fat parents have fat kids? Because the fat parents feed the fat kids the same shit they eat that made them fat in the first place. Its not genes, its personal choice. The incredibly vast majority of fatties ate themselves to their weight. Unfortunately, once those fatties get to that incredibly high weight its incredibly hard to lose, which is a bitch. But there are consequences in life. Anymore people pretty much openly ostracize smokers. Why? Because its a personal choice and a disgusting habit. For the vast majority of people out there, they got fat because of their poor life decisions. There are consequences in life kids, being a fat fuck who sits in the middle seat on your flight from Grand Rapids to Denver and taking up all the room in the row will annoy people (as was the case for my last flight).
I agree, but our current environment is very conducive to normal people becoming fat, and once you've been fat your body has a hard time losing it and keeping it off. And yes, plenty of fatties use that for justification to keep pounding doughnuts, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be mentioned. Just like the fact that talking about calorie counting and dieting can lead people to justify anorexia doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss it.
If reading that and saying "Fuck yeah, I love being a skinny bitch" is wrong, I don't want to be right.
And, this year, the AMA recognized obesity as a disease. Good luck getting the toothpaste back in the tube.
1) I started laughing at the visual. 2) You have money to, not only own, but remodel a vacation home. Stop talking like your very life is being harmed because you need to get a special tub cause you are a whale. Listen, I understand that not everyone has the genes to be skinny. And I understand maintaining a weight is very difficult for some people and I sympathize with that. But when you're large enough that you need to purchase custom bath tubs to fit your girth, don't fucking tell me that you have no control over that. "Few things that make you happy"...yeah cause while submerged, your bones are spared the burden of supporting your fat ass for a brief period of time.