Inspired by Nettdata's weekend thread about miners trapped together for a ridiculously long time: There are lots of psychological thriller movies that fit a particular formula: a small group of 5-8 people, mostly strangers, are isolated somewhere, under some kind of threat. They are often looking for a means to escape, but people (and their motives) are not always what they seem. No matter what, one thing is certain: only 1-2 people are getting out of there alive. Examples include Cube (and its prequel and sequel), Quarantine and its predecessor, Rec, and the upcoming Devil: The Last Soulbender. FOCUS: Create your own "trapped together" movie premise with 5-8 people you know. They may be celebrities, personal acquaintances, or both. Where are they trapped? What danger do they face? Who dies, and how? Who escapes, and why?
Well, the low-hanging fruit would be having Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Kardashian #1 and #2, etc. having to kill one another in an animal cage where they are slowly being starved/tortured to death. (Think something like "Chinese Torture Chamber Story 2", where parts of one's body are cut off each day, a little at a time) However, none of those ladies have ever harmed me in any way, or anyone else that I am aware of. I would much rather put the media that covers them in the same predicament. All those fucking idiots on TMZ as well as whoever the hell puts news stories about them on the front page of Yahoo over serious political/international matters. Frankly, I don't think such a punishment would be enough to make up for the brain rot they have inflicted upon millions of people. It's amazing I even know who any of those people are, considering I haven't watched television in 6 years, and avoid "Entertainment/Gossip News" like the fucking plague, and refuse to discuss these things with friends and girls alike. And like the ending to most of these films/books/stories, the "winner's" reward will be a death at least as gruesome as the one they just escaped.
The cast of Gossip Girl is stuck on a Segway that can't go below 10 mph or it will explode. OR The Jonas Brothers, Mylie Cyrus, and someone else who fits that demographic are trapped on an escalator that is slowly falling into the pits of hell.
Paris Hilton is trapped in a Hollywood Hills mansion while, just outside, a knife-wielding maniac tries to break in & kill her... oh, wait, someone already thought of that plot-line... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?GT1=28135</a>