<a class="postlink" href="http://www.wired.com/reviews/2011/11/wish-list-50-items/?pid=1942" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.wired.com/reviews/2011/11/wi ... /?pid=1942</a> Since Turkey Day has come and gone, now the shopping season has begun. The above link is to a "wish list" of random things someone thought were cool on the internet. Many of these are lame as all hell (a leather rack for a bottle of wine that goes on a bicycle?), but it's interesting to know some of these actually exist (like customizable chocolate bars). Focus: What's on your wish list for Christmas? Alt-focus: Cool, but relatively unknown shit for sale on the internet.
I'm actually still waiting for the same thing. I'm feeling good about it this year. I'm hoping to pick up some TRAD gear for climbing. It's protection you place yourself while rock climbing.
My list will be simple A PS3 with God of War 3. Magic Cards. Microsoft office (My comp didn't come with any sort of word processor and I need it for school.) Magic Cards. Mizzou/Notre Dame apparel
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.openoffice.org/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.openoffice.org/</a> Works nearly as well as Microsoft Office, and can create compatible docs, etc. Ho, ho, ho.
Ever since I became an "adult" I have mostly been getting practical things for Christmas, which isn't bad. Clothes, jackets, watches, shit like that. Usually some books too, which are nice. I don't mind getting stuff like that either, because it's usually all pretty nice stuff, but deep down inside I still want something completely impractical and fun, a 'toy' that I can open and play with right there on Christmas morning. I want some fucking Lego's, or maybe a fun new electronic something-or-other. But mostly I just want some Lego's.
You're brilliant. I was trying to think of something fun to get El Fiance, because I was just going to buy him clothes (which he needs) that he could just buy for himself. He has all the electronic toys that he wants already. Once he talked about getting a lego set and then giving it to his friend's kid once he finished assembling it. This thread is wonderful. Y'all keep giving me ideas!
Well that's gay. What kid is going to want a pre-assembled Lego set? 90% of the fun associated with Legos is the building process. That's why most kids have a big box of random pieces and not a myriad of assembled models. Sheesh! My list: -An IPad -Apple gift cards -A Tom Brady jersey (fuck you) -Clothing -A snazzy flask
Pretty simple, pretty practical. I'm not expecting all of this, so getting any of it would rock. -A couple fitted dress shirts -Neoprene chest waders and a calling CD -A nice checkering kit and high quality gouge (or any fancy tools for the shop...) -Simple camera and Gorillapod -A durable thermos bottle Icing on the cake would be an old, beat up .22 for me to restore and put to work. Basically any fancy tools I've been lusting over or stuff to make me more comfortable while hunting (or just new hunting/shooting toys in general) will make me very happy.
Ah yes, this thread reminds me that every year, I am amazed at how fucking rich a lot of your families are. "Oh yeah, not a bad haul this year...got nine grand in cash from the family, some new rims for my car, and half of Belgium. I'm not complaining." I'm hoping for some golf balls, a book, and an eight-year old video game from ebay that should run about $8. And some sleep.
Benicassim Festival 2012 Ticket For those that have not heard of it: "4 day music festival taking place in Benicassim on the east coast of Spain between Valencia and Barcelona."
Just download it. I have the CD but I think I reinstalled without the disk. I used to play obsessively against the computer and my brother with a local connection. If you get a decent connection at some point, you can play online at a site called something like "international gaming zone." IGZ perhaps? They shut down the zone.com official multiplayer function several years ago. edit: couldn't find the site I played at a couple years ago, but I did find this: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.voobly.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.voobly.com/</a>
Honestly what I would like for Christmas is to NOT get any gifts. I know I'm going to sound like a hipster who thinks he is too cool for Christmas, but that is not the case. I love spending time with my family and all the other Christmas traditions, but I just don't like owning things. Getting gifts always feels like a responsibility to own and care for yet another thing that I don't need or want. A nice bottle of scotch or whiskey would be nice, though.
I'm pretty sure that my girlfriend and family will be splitting either a Nook tablet or Kindle Fire and maybe some clothes for me this year. Maybe some new basketball shoes too. Awesome stuff to be sure, and just what I need, but not super exciting. On an unrealistic note, I would love to get new knives. A decent Global set or something like that, which I could use for years. Not in the cards though. Another thing I feel uncomfortable asking for because the value feels short term is something like a skydiving trip. I feel like if I ask for something that can't really be seen as repeatedly used I am wasting the money of others. I guess all that stuff like booze and thrills has always felt like something I should buy myself.
Being one of 5 kids - and 3 of us now have significant others - we do a pollyanna just among us "kids." I got my brother-in-law who, thinking he was being funny, wrote that he wanted "Alcohol, condoms and drugs." Guess what he is getting - just that. I know he thinks that whoever gets him is just going to ask his wife (my sister) what he REALLY wants, but nope, not gonna do it. The best part will be when he opens it in front of my parents - smart ass (the alcohol is no big deal, but opening the other two will be funny). I couldn't think of a thing for myself. I know my gf will probably get me a 6 pack of Phillies tickets - which is the best gift ever. Otherwise, I think I was boringly practical and asked for a new table cloth and dish towels (but cool ones - from Etsy!) and other little things that I can't remember.
My wife keeps asking me the same thing, and I don't have an answer. I've pretty much got all the gadgets I want/need, putting anymore clothes in my closet will qualify me for an episode of Hoarders, and I have a few books on my iPad that I haven't read and won't until after graduation and the licensure exams next May. But the problem is, if I don't tell her something, she's going to pick out something herself which invariably sucks. Examples: a wooden box, felt-lined, with my name inscribed on it. Not a men's jewelry box (and I don't need a box for 2 watches and my wedding ring since 2 of those 3 are almost always on), but I have no idea what purpose it's meant to serve. A few years before that, she got me that foot bath thing that supposedly pulls all the heavy metals out of your body.
This is typically what my family does, too. I have 5 siblings, 4 brothers in law, and 8 nieces and nephews and it can get out of control pretty fast. We set a 25 dollar limit and do a secret santa between all the siblings and husbands. We need to start pooling our money together for one large gift for each of the nieces and nephews because that boat is about to careen out of control. All of us girls pitch in and get my parents each a couple nice and/or sentimental gifts. It ends up being nice each year. This year I'll contribute toward the parental gifts but am bowing out of the secret santa since I will not be in Houston with the rest of the family. This makes it perhaps lamer, but we also include a top 5 list in a gmail group email. I usually ask for shampoo and conditioner, venus razors, burt's bees chapstick, or a new laptop battery. Basically, stuff that I use all the time but hate buying. What I need is some new clothes but that's something I have to do myself eventually.
It's weird, I can't think of anything specific that I want, and I LOVE Stuff. Don't get me wrong, if I had money there would be plenty of things I would find to spend it on, but I can't think of anything to ask for. The only thing I've been really wanting lately is a new tattoo, and there is no way in hell my dad's going to give me that. I guess it's convenient, though, because both my dad and I got laid off within the last month, so I'm assuming it's going to be a small year anyway.
The only thing I want for Christmas is a free weekend to put my fish house on the ice. Having the little one go to bed at 10:00 or 11:00 and not wake up until 7:00 ro 8:00 would be nice, too. Of course, I wouldn't return one of these if it ended up under the tree. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.fnhusa.com/le/products/firearms/family.asp?fid=fnf022&gid=fng007" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.fnhusa.com/le/products/firea ... gid=fng007</a>