I'd like to see a sequel to 'The Thing'. I remember reading that the computer game released a while back was considered to be the official sequel, but I think having another movie would be awesome.
I don't know about everyone else but I would love to see a sequel to The Notebook. Lost souls trying to find one another after passing over and just when they do, The Devil would appear and shoot firey flames of hate at them lighting the biggest fires Hell had seen, for the first one. Then The Devil and his little devlish assistants would do a hate/happy jig around the ashes.
I'm going to see this sequel, I loved the first but I'm not sure about this one........... http://screenrant.com/boondocks-saints- ... ofi-23949/
I'd love to see a Lethal Weapon 5, where Riggs decides to take down the Hasidic Mafia. Maybe a cop girlfriend with some rockin' sugar tits.
See, statements like this make think you're a dude. Everyone knows women are given a complimentary "Notebook" DVD when they are issued their vagina. I'm fairly certain it's the source of all their power. FOCUS: They need to stop fucking around and give me a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live-action reboot/sequel that doesn't make me want to go back in time and kill my child-self so that he never has to cry his way through every attempt after TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze. They don't NEED to travel through time, you assholes. They are awesome enough in the present. Show me Krang, show me Baxter Stockman, and keep time travel the fuck out of it, or you can go straight to hell.
I want to see a sequel to Predator. The first one was so good that it caused two of the actors to became governors (Arnold and Jesse Ventura). And DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TELL ME PREDATOR 2 WAS A REAL SEQUEL. That movie was a shit sandwich.
What are you saying? Danny Glover and Gary Busey weren't the perfect actors for that masterpiece known as Predator 2? Focus: Crank 3. Crank was a great flick, but Crank 2 was pure awesome and never got the credit it was due. I want to see Crank 3 if only to see how far Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor will take the ridiculousness. They were even surprised that Crank 2 got green lit. Apparently if you attach Jason Statham to anything you get your movie made. (See: Death Race and In the Name of the King.)
Ordinary People 2--because my pharmaceutical stocks are taking a beating. Mullholland Falls 2--because David Lynch needs to explain Mullholland Falls (preferably in less than 3 hours). Focus: Fasttimes at Ridgemont High--High School Reunion. Whatever became of The Surf Nazis? Mr. Hand? Phoebe Cates tits?
If Gary Busey ever runs for governor, you can bet your ass that I'm voting for him just to watch the ensuing train wreck. Focus: The Big Lebowski 2. The Dude has to raise Maude's lovechild when she gets bored of being a mother, Walter being Walter, Jesus being Jesus, and the glorious return of Sam Elliott's mustache.
I love film. Love film. I go to theaters constantly, and I will almost always choose to watch a movie I've already seen a thousand times instead of the majority of T.V. shows being broadcast today. It is probably my favorite artistic medium. Period. If they make a sequel to 'The Big Lebowski', I will never watch another movie ever again. It means that nothing good and pure remains in this world. I want to throw up just thinking about it.
Focus: Point Break 2, I'd like to see Reeves back in the Johnny Utah role go criminal after he leaves the FBI. I know they have planned on a Point Break sequel for awhile now, but from what I have read...it's going to be crap and no one will watch it. "Tango and Cash 2:More FUBAR than the first movie" Showgirls 2. Starring Lauren Conrad.
FUNNY GAMES... or MORE FUNNY GAMES (the 2008 remake of the 1997 Austrian film by the same director). Most people I know haven't seen or heard of this horror/suspense movie about 2 young psychopaths who terrorize a rich nuclear family. Maybe it's the generic title that garnered it little attention, but it's original and very frightening. The ending comes suddenly and leaves room for more. *** Also, Rob Zombie remade Halloween and Halloween II taking liberties with each. I only saw the 1st and didn't care for it, though it's cool he played with the storylines. He ought to remake/recreate Halloween III: Season of the Witch since it has nothing in common w/ the previous films. Most people/critics hated it because of that. I liked it because it was off the wall.