This instantly reminded me of a story from "Assholes Finish First" where Tucker said he fucked an ugly girl for a while because he'd get away with whatever he wanted, and: 12 - She was an exceptional good cook. I thought it was a funny way of looking at it. Also: 13 - Far less money would be spent on beauty or fashion related products. Christmas and Birthdays just got a lot more cheaper! ALT FOCUS Personally, the benefits of old-fashioned lust and physical attraction you share with someone you're in a relationship outweigh anything that comes up on this list. Besides, a lot of these points you can easily have with someone that isn't ugly. At the very least 9, 6, 5 and 4 hold true in any happy (long-term) relationship despite what each partner looks like.
Not really, I've noticed that them ladies LOVE to cook for me, so they're the ones hitting up the grocery store. Truth - that list has it. Sort of a mix of No's 1 and 9, but I can act like a porn start in bed. If the girl has a little more cushion for the pushin', I've noticed that I'm much more likely to lose in the race to orgasm. I'm not a two-pump-chump to begin with; but an average duration encounter can very quickly become one of those "can we finish this up? I can't stay up ALL night..."
Alt Focus: Not mutually exclusive. The best-looking women I have dated were also the most interesting and intelligent. Flip side: Guys who date ugly women are insecure and settle for what they can get. In short: At best, the correlation here is weak.
Alt focus: A few things I thought of while reading that- Chater didn't post the website it was from, but it wasn't very hard to guess (it's AskMen). Mentioning Maxim helped a little, but you'd never see this in that magazine. So who reads AskMen? Guys who think they need to do something about the fact that they aren't getting the Maxim cover girls. It's Cosmo for men (8 new tips to let girls know you have a giant penis!). These guys aren't pulling 10's, they're pulling 5's, and they're reading AskMen. So who would write an article letting those guys know that it's okay to not have a banging wife? (Hint: You don't need a hint). Looking at the comments on the article was also interesting, even though there's only a few of them most of the people responding are girls: I was trying to find the male/female ratio in their readership using the power of the internet, but nothing came up after searching. I did however find this: The AskMen FAQ. You'd think it'd be about the magazine and how to get it, but after those 4 questions it turns into "How do I do X for girl?" (What music should I play during sex? What cologne should I buy so she'll like me? What's the best way to ask her to shave my back hair?) They get asked these questions so much they just decided to put them all in a convenient page for everyone (frustrated guys). So yeah, people are people and they usually don't fit into lists made by AskMen.
I'd actually heard that the most successful relationships were ones in which the woman was slightly more attractive than the man. It boosts the guy's self esteem and lowers the fear the woman has that he'll leave her for a prettier woman. Or so the theory went.
This seems accurate. Just keep in mind that women view sexual attraction differently than guys. One woman's ugly is another woman's dream guy. I'm sure this is true for guys as well, but I'm not sure it's as extreme.
alt focus: I think No.6 rings the closest to home when it comes to dating hot women. But hey Im totally insecure and a guy. The other guys aren't being nice because they DON'T want to fuck your hot girlfriend. The trick is to find the diamond in the rough, the under the radar hot as fuck girls. Instead of becoming vapid hanging out with the other cheerleaders and retard jocks. They don't develop that neurotic self absorbed sorority girl personality. No one suspects them of being hot as fuck when the clothes come off. Pent up sexual frustration makes them killer in the sack. These girl's my friends are the true trophy wives.
This list is so fucking stupid. I mean, there's a small bit of truth there (I think truly beautiful people generally dont need to be 'cool' so if they are it's either and ugly duckling situation or else they are just awesome) but as a whole it's dumb. I'm dating a few different girls right now and the prettiest of them is also the most well-off (of her own doing, not trust fund baby) and the best in bed. FOCUS: I'll agree with the cooking. My buddy has a fat girlfriend (he's a bit portly but she's certainly bigger) but she is THE BEST WOMAN EVER. Super nice, puts up with his endless videogaming, cooks for him every night (and cooked for my roommate and I regularly), she used to catsit when I was out of town, and when I moved to Cali she volunteered to take the cats. I don't care how big she is, I'd marry that woman if he hadn't already put a ring on it. If she was 150lbs lighter no way she's that badass.
Alt Focus: This list is stupid as shit. No. 10. You selfish bastard. All you're in a relationship for is to gas up your self esteem, huh? Go actually accomplish something and leave your validation to that. No. 9. Doubtful to plain wrong. Yes there are hot women who are dead fish. There are also hags who are dead fish. Which is worse? No. 8. No, they'll see you as a dude with zero game. Hot women are people too. No. 7. Single guys don't view loyal dudes with girlfriends as threats. And if you're so insecure that you're threatened by some other dude's attractiveness to women, you deserve to live on a planet full of Addam's Family rejects. In short, fuck those guys, and who cares what they think. No. 6., maybe, I wouldn't know. No. 5., again, doubtful to plain wrong. I have known very few delightful and multitiered fat chicks. I have known quite a few spiteful and broken ones. Blatantly contradicting the human instinct to trust and value beautiful people does not automatically make you right. No. 4. More likely based on what? Are fugly girls more likely to sing, appreciate fine scotch and cigars, discuss comparative theology, debate CT policy, and play Drunk Driving in Mario Kart? Oh wait, I must be having that strange fantasy that people are unique and have interests that can't be categorized by the arrangement of your naughty bits. No. 3. Great, more excuses to be a lazy fat slob yourself. No. 2. Look, all "People will think" reasons are stupid. Let's just leave it at that, cause I can't dissect this shit anymore. No. 1. "But if your wife already looks like Gisele, how much better can she look?" LOLOL I TROLL U Probably should add that "not gorgeous but cute" is not "wildebeest" as this article seems to imply (I'm not really sure which one they're referring to at any point). But we all knew that. This is from AskMen? Not surprised. Maybe you should AskYourself once in a while, dear readers.
Yeah, this is actually true. It boils down to the guy will try harder to keep her and women reciprocate the effort. The opposite being situation, men go for greener grass and the woman won't have anything to reciprocate and be spiteful. The article was on CNN actually, backed by a study from one of our many universities.