I have the TiB bookmarked Why are y'all here? This is for the lurkers and the regulars, but especially the lurkers. I discover the TMMB during the Miss Vermont lawsuit, one of the news stories had a link to Tucker's site and I clicked on it. I was underwhelmed when I read his stories, but out of curiosity I hit the link to his message board. The folks posting were both smart and funny, which was something quite novel. So I stuck around, because I found it amusing. I jumped into the board and immediately got red dotted into the negative. I was at like -28 at some point. But I kept posting because I really didn't give a shit, to quote Popeye: "I am what I am." I basically have an 8th grade education, am much older then most of the other members, but I stick around because y'all make me laugh occasionally, and the intelligence here is unrivaled. There are some seriously smart people here and I learn something new from y'all constantly. That this board is basically unmoderated other then Nom is testament to the fact that it's something different then other boards. Most places this size would degenerate into absolute chaos within a few hours with one active mod. So why are you here?
I got here for the same reason I still come here: entertainment. I mean, you people are hilarious. Someone told me about reading a Tucker Max story. I read it and ended up at the RMMB. When that folded, I ended up here at TiB. TiB doesn't tolerate stupidity that clogs up a lot of other messageboards. I can watch an embedded YouTube video without having to sign in to Google or whatever to prove my age. A lot of times, I find out news or current relevant topics by reading them here first. Oh, also, tits.
I lurked on Tucker's board (although I was too young at that point to post and not get jumped on), and kind of migrated here after it got shut down. I'm younger than most people on here so I like to read people's stories and take what I can from it. I'll also echo that most people on here are relatively intelligent (or at least fairly articulate and fake it well enough) and the arguments are generally well thought out and civil.
Where else can I post pictures of my nipples and get lauded for it? This is the only place on the internet where I can reference Harvey Fierstein's hairy cronut and get a marriage proposal. From a girl no less. Plus my Tourette's seems to go unnoticed here.
I bought IHTSBIH one day for a book to read when not busy at work, I enjoyed some stories, some I thought weren't book-worthy at all. I saw in between all those big long words that nobody uses he had a message board. So I typed Max's name on the computer and up popped the RMMB. I was already a frequent poster on a defunct humour site called Phat Phree, so I dove right into the place the second I signed up and both a couple mods and the Ass Kiss Squad went apeshit on me for the first little while but got the idea quick. I'm not used to many message boards, I am extremely picky about them. When the RMMB closed I didn't know about TiB for about a week or so, so I went through the top 50 most popular humour message boards on Google. I don't know if its just because I'm high-horsed by my previous two message boards, but I could not find one that didn't make me want to remove my brain through my ear with a corkscrew. They were impulsive, annoying, packed full of emoticons and cheap-ass shtick and abbreviations. It just wasn't funny stuff, they were just posting stuff from other places. I went back to the Tucker Max site to see if there were any more new boards he linked and I saw this one. If you go back to when this board began, yes it had much more regular member the first six months, with more posts and more topics. I still am thankful for the group that's stuck around, there's a reason why we're still here. It still cracks me up constantly and dishes out actual conversation WITH ACTUAL THOUGHT week after week. This place is my favourite source of non-physical entertainment and as eclectic, bizarre and different the people here are from each other, they mostly share a love for substance abuse, hardcore nudity, cooking meat, fighting the good fight against anti-intellectuals and ridiculing shit. A hundred of this board would have one tenth of the Flame Wars To Nowhere that any other site that encourages you to express your opinion has. Politics is wisely kept out since it is the conversation that ends friendships and calls judgment on anybody and people here 99% of the time abide by the strict moral code and unwritten rule of "Yeah, don't be a moron." This place is basically a perfect storm of assholes. The good kind. Even KIMaster can come back. Now that Nitwit is gone, everybody needs somebody to roll their eyes every time they post.
Like many I found the TMMB after reading a few of his stories and was hooked. I don't know if it was fear or curiosity that made me come back the first few times I did because after my first post, they literally tore me a new ass. That was December of 2004. Obviously I learned quick and to this day I am still thankful to him for that place. It provided me hours upon hours of free entertainment and countless laughs. Not to mention learning a thing or two. After a while, the only thing I ever got shit for was never posting my boobs.
Was on RMMB for a few years. It closed down and I signed up here right away. Then I left and didn't come back for over 2 years, no idea why. But as for now, it's a good reprieve from the rest of the Internet.
A buddy I was banging in university got me reading Tucker's stuff online which led me to RMMB. I think I made a grand total of one post before they closed down and this place opened up. A benevolent member led me here and the rest is history. So, I guess I should say thanks to that guy from school. If we hadn't been doing the nasty, I never would have ended up here and my titties would still be anonymous.
I discovered Maddox's website during my senior year of high school, in late 2003 after a friend of mine told me about him. I was a regular reader of his website for a few years. During my sophomore year of college I saw the link to Tucker's website on Maddox's page and read Tucker's stories and thought that they were hilarious. I bought a copy of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell and started reading the RMMB frequently. I never had much to contribute to it but I enjoyed reading because, like everyone else has said, most of the posters were intelligent and funny. I discovered this board after Tucker linked to it a few days after he took down the RMMB, and I am grateful for the hours of entertainment that is has also given me. This is about the only message board that I have found that is worth reading. There is one other message board (non-humor) that I read and contribute to but it has gone downhill over the last five years, though it still has its moments.
I stumbled upon the TMMB and found the humor and intelligence (for the most part) very unique as opposed to the many message boards out there that are completely devoid of any personality. I logged on to read the forums one day and found that it had been terminated, but a link for this place was put up as an alternative. I really feel like TiB is, for the most part, the trappings of the best posters from the old board. Very little bullshit comes into play here and when there is something that needs to be addressed, it is done so thoughtfully and often times with brilliant humor thrown in. This place is a gem among the vast wasteland of the internet and the denizens make it something more than just a website or a message board.
Same story, found this place after the RMMB shut down. I usually find time to read through everything but posting became sporadic because of the whole baby/school/work trifecta. "smart" and funny are hard to find on the intertubes, so I stay.
Similar trajectory. Found a link on Maddox, lurked for over a year on the TMMB, then started posting. Stayed for the RMMB, then migrated with the other lemmings to the TiB. Now I'm here despite myself. And like CharlieJ, this is the only place anywhere, internet or otherwise, where I've posted a nipple pick.
I followed a link from a website I don't even remember now and found the board interesting. I didn't post much as I had nothing remotely in common with what was posted there, but I enjoyed the stories and thought a lot of the people were funny. But when the movie deal started happening, I felt it got mean. So I stopped going. Until late one night I had the TV on in the background and I heard the commercial for IHTSBIH and I thought if this is the first commercial I saw for the movie on a channel no one watches, it can't be good. So I thought I would revisit the board. And it was gone. So I knew it definitely didn't do well. But the link for this board was there and I followed it and registered. But I was in the process of moving and wasn't around for a couple of years. About a year ago I thought to check it out again. I had no intentions of really posting, just lurking again, but then I got a PM from someone calling me a dude and telling me to post. I just responded with what made him think I was a dude? But I figured why not, so I did. The weird thing is that he isn't really that much of a poster himself.
Like some of the others, I originally found the Tucker Max site from a link on Maddox's page. His stories were entertaining and by the time I got around to the forum, most of the highlights that people mention had already happened, but I still liked reading people's snarky and brutal humor. I didn't post much because those people were scary and I didn't really have much to contribute anyway. Once it shut down, I was funneled into this place just like all of you. I didn't really post at first but once I got going, I didn't shut up. I stick around because y'all keep me amused and I've been here long enough to sort of e-meet a lot of you, and a lot of you are interesting, smart people. It is nice having a "place" to talk about your shits and drunken stupidity without judgement (mostly). I probably should censor myself at least in the general discussion areas but what fun is that?
Heard about TMMB from my brother. Long time lurker on that site with a few posts here and there and then followed the link to here. I continue to come here for the varied content in the pop culture forum, info in some of the permanent threads and its like Christmas when the boobie/booty threads are updated. I also like reading all the smart peoples discussions in the sober threads and the randomness of the WDT.