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Who needs Judge Dredd? We've got Judge Adams!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WickedBitch, Nov 2, 2011.

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  1. WickedBitch

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    Jan 1, 2010
    Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    As I'm sure you've all heard, some judge in Texas was caught on video beating his daughter with a belt. As some of you have seen before, I'm a proponent of beating your children. I was beaten, both with a belt and without. My dad was beaten, with a belt and various other things. His dad was beaten with sturdy, not-made-in-China things. We all turned out okay.

    In my opinion, if more people today beat their kids, maybe the world wouldn't BE so fucked up.

    Our oldest boy lived on a steady diet of oatmeal and bare-handed butt-whippings until he was about 10. Now he nearly walks all over us at almost 13, mainly because we are too scared to give him the what-for in fear that we will end up on the net or one of the neighbors will call the cops. If I tanned his motherfucking hide like mine had been at his age, maybe it wouldn't be such a battle.

    Then again, I never went to college, am now unemployed and am married to the slimiest motherfucker this side of Michael Lohan. Apparently, those beatings my dad gave me were in vain.

    Our oldest isn't as bad as some of his friends, cussing out their moms and running away, but he shows a stunning lack of empathy for his immediate relatives and a knack for compulsive lying that would give his dad a run for his money. Literally every lecture I give him could be given to his father verbatim. I would beat them both if I could.

    Focus: Anyhoo, your thoughts on the beating issue? Were you spanked as a child? Do you still harbor resentment?

    Let's set aside the disability issue for a moment. My oldest was diagnosed with Aspberger's at one point but it doesn't make me want to beat him any less. Obviously you wouldn't whip a severely autistic kid (in public anyway) but I used to think that maybe if those parents had been a little more heavy-handed, maybe those kids would be a little less twitchy.

    (replace "beat" with whatever word helps you sleep at night)

    The thread title is a quote that my middle guy said when he was about 4 and heard that his older brother was about to get his ass handed to him. Totally out of left-field but ridiculously hilarious, if that makes any sense.
  2. Nitwit

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    Oct 25, 2009
    If you haven't already heard about this, you soon will.

    FOCUS: What are your thoughts on corporal punishment? What is corporal punishment? What is abuse? Where is the line?
    #2 Nitwit, Nov 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  3. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Merged the two suggestions on this. Honestly, I think this might be the Final Solution to music piracy, but that's just me.
  4. ghettoastronaut

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Re: Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    This is your hypothesis, bolded.

    I don't know, the current generation of people are being raised by people who were beat by their parents; the world is being run by a generation who were beat by their parents. We're not doing so well so far.

    Referring back to your hypothesis; is this really your definition of turning out okay?

    In human factors engineering, they call this fixation error. Your steady diet of oatmeal and beatings hasn't worked that well so far; have you considered that the problem might not be a lack of beatings?

    Also, so we're all aware, The Last Psychiatrist has some mandatory reading on the subject: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nking.html</a>
  5. JoeCanada

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    Re: Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    I have to agree. I was never beaten as a kid, and neither were pretty much any of my friends. A lot of us turned out fine, a couple are assholes, some are doing really really well.

    I just don't see why beatings are necessary. I'm sure many people whose parents did beat them turned out fine, but to say that it was the beatings themselves that shaped them into good, decent people seems ridiculous to me. It's not as if not beating your kids makes you a pushover as a parent.
  6. Disgustipated

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Look, I'm a proponent of corporal punishment but that's fucking assault. I don't give a shit what she did or how much she deserved it, the way in which it was administered was the fault. To me, at least, it's plainly clear that he's striking out of frustration/anger and he's not making any attempt to relate the punishment to the transgression.

    Both fails.

    As I've said before, I will smack my son if he deserves it. But he gets a talking to first, and he is made to understand what he did wrong, why it was wrong and why he's getting punished. There is as little confusion as possible about the situation. There is a very definite "cause" and "effect" scenario. And it's all done very calmly and without malice.

    The biggest thing he's done, to date, is destroy a television. He took a plastic hammer to the LCD panel of a $3,000 HDTV and destroyed it, and I caught him in the act. I was so angry that I wouldn't go anywhere near him or smack him - because I was so angry. I knew that if I did smack him, it wouldn't be a calm and rational decision and it wouldn't be a good lesson for him.
  7. WickedBitch

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    Jan 1, 2010
    Re: Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    No but telling junior that he made his mommy a little bit mad and is going to go to his room and THINK about his actions isn't really reinforcing the rules either.

    Have you ever tried to REASON with a tantrum-throwing 2 year old?

    "No, no honey! Quit acting like a demon child and sit down solely because I asked you to! You are tired and full of sugar and aren't thinking clearly!"


    "Quit acting like a spaz or I'll spank you so hard you'll feel it next week!"

    I get better results with the latter. Even if I don't have to actually do it, just the thought is enough. You must have been some subdued kids to not have been threatened at least a little bit with spankings. While you may have actually not been beaten, you probably weren't waiting around to find out...
  8. Nitwit

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    Oct 25, 2009
    For the record:

    I live in the town where this happened. (pop 7300) Everyone is talking about it. I'll offer up facts or news when I can.

    As for me, I contacted my twenty year old daughter just to tell her how much I love her after seeing this.

    Last spanking she got from me (bare-handed, never a tool) was 5 or 6 years old. Afterwards, her mother went in to her room to see her, came out and when I asked "How is she?", responded with this. "She's OK. She told me, he didn't have to do it that hard."

    At that moment, I realized she was capable of reasoning and spanking her for doing wrong was a weakness on my part as a parent, not hers.
  9. kindalas

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    Nov 19, 2009
    Ottawa Canada
    There is a difference between a spanking and a beating.

    A spanking is a disciplinary technique that sometimes needs to happen.

    A beating is what happens when a stronger person can't relate to a weaker person and gets frustrated.

    I was spanked as a child, and it kept me in that boundary where I had a little fear for my parents but also a lot of respect.

    A beating would have made for a whole lot more fear but no respect.

    Now as an adult I respect my parents and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that they didn't beat my ass with a fucking belt for downloading music from the internet when I was a teen.

    He obviously beat his kids enough that they wised up and recorded it, I hope he ends up standing in front of a Judge whose moral code doesn't involve terrorizing their kids.
  10. WickedBitch

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    Jan 1, 2010
    My oldest's favorite quote is "Awww, but mooooom!" I get really frustrated, you're right! I want to beat him with a belt! He hasn't done a single full night's homework since school started 8 weeks ago! If he had a choice between getting beat with a belt every night or taking an hour to do his homework, I'd like to think he would do his fucking homework. Unfortunately I don't have that option because you childless people think I'm being a big meanie! I have to coddle and prod and bitch and get frustrated and watch his grades go down day by day because I can't give him the incentive he needs to do what he needs to do. And somehow in 10 years you are going to blame ME because he doesn't have a job or a proper education or the coping skillz to live on his own.

    He is grounded to his video-gameless room until Saturday for numerous fuck-ups. That didn't stop him from sneaking candy in his bed and trying to hook up the Xbox at 11pm. "Gee son! You shouldn't have done that and are going to be grounded for the next week!" doesn't quite have the same ring to it as a spanking/beating/corporal punishment would have done.
  11. ghettoastronaut

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Re: Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    Well, the important thing is that you get better results. I'll leave it up to everyone here to draw their own conclusions about the oldest turning out to be a compulsive liar and having a complete lack of empathy for his immediate relatives. Make sure you relate it back to the whole idea of people who were beaten as children turning out okay, and how the world would be, on the whole, less messed up if everyone were beaten as a child.

    Here's a secondary thought: you were beaten as a child and can't figure out a way to motivate your kid to do anything aside from beating him. Somehow, modern first world militaries have given up on beating their troops (well, officially...) and yet today they are more physically fit, better-trained, and on the whole better organizations than they have ever been. NCOs and officers motivate troops under their command by leadership, force of personality, and setting an example their subordinates can aspire to.
  12. dense

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 27, 2009
    Growing up I only had to deal with any sort of physical punishment twice. The first time was when I was like six or seven years old while I was staying with my cousins, I guess I did something piss off my aunt because she spanked me, I just remember that while it didn't hurt at all, I should act like it did. The other time was when I was 17 I used my Dads credit card to run up a bar tab, when he got the bill, he almost put me through the passenger window of my car.

    I don't have any problem with spanking or anything along those lines, but I would argue that while physical punishment does have an impact, it pales in comparison to when your mom or dad says "I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed." Hearing that shit changed my attitude right away.
  13. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I don't know whether this is a result of just who I am as a person or my dad's parenting style, but the biggest factor in being afraid to break the rules was that I was really afraid of disappointing my dad. He was (is) terrifying when he's mad, and that's motivation enough to be good, but there was nothing worse than when I could tell he was disappointed in me. I think using fear as a preventative disciplinary tactic is kind of necessary in parenting, but I think there are other, better ways to instill it than with threat of and/or carrying out beatings.

    I do know that the periods when he wasn't exactly being the greatest parent for various reasons were the times I cared least about being the greatest kid.
  14. Nitwit

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Re: Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    Would you mind defining that a little more?
  15. Omegaham

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Ahhh, the sweet sound of beatings!

    I think the only reason that this is the case is that we're able to kick out the scumbags through other ways, and there are less of them because recruiters can be a lot more selective about who they pick. There's no point in risking your career beating up PFC Dipshit if you can just kick him out and replace him with someone who didn't eat paint as a child. In the past, there was no one to replace PFC Dipshit; you had to make do with what you had. All of the armed forces had a big problem with the "Enlist or go to jail" crowd. Those guys don't respect anything but a beatin'. These days, those guys aren't around, so the hazing doesn't have to be as bad.

    I can say this, though - fall asleep on post while deployed? You're gonna get your ass kicked.

    On-topic: Corporal punishment should be a last resort, and never used in anger. Kid keeps lying? Lay down the law. "I won't get mad if you tell me the truth, no matter how bad it is. But lie to me? I'm going to spank you." And then follow through. If the kid fucks up but 'fesses up, don't smack him. If he lies his ass off about something little, then spank him - not for what he did, but for lying.

    It's a tool that should be used sparingly, impersonally, and intelligently, not something that you resort to when you've had a shitty day and your kid's being annoying.
  16. WickedBitch

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    Jan 1, 2010
    I do feel for the girl in the video but that shit happened nearly 7 years ago! I don't want to be presumptuous but I bet she never did whatever she was beaten for again, which is why there's only one video from a half-century ago and not a steady stream of them. I don't doubt that he had his moments but come on! I feel really cold-hearted for saying this but I remember what I was like as a teenager and this is the A#1 reason why I'm glad I never had a girl....
  17. dewercs

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    Oct 19, 2009
    phoenix, arizona
    I have told the story before about the way my parents dealt with us,
    I think there is a line that separates spanking and beating, as someone has said already, my parents did not see it that way. There were 8 adopted kids in my family and being one of the older ones we were beaten often and hard. The weapon of choice was a 1/2 inch dowel about 36 inches long and it was administered to a bare ass laying over a bed, if you kicked while you were being beaten you had to endure another 10-12 lashes, beatings were usually proceeded by a lecture and finished off with a bullshit speech about how what you just endured was done out of love.
    To make things more awesome, as I got to be 12-13 years old, my dad decided ass beatings were not enough and began to give my older brother and I lashes on the back with either the same dowel or a belt, followed by rubbing oil on said lashes to help them heal. Nothing like going to school and having to take change with scabbed beating lashes acrossed your back.
    The last time I got one was when I was 15 for what I don't remember but it was with a belt and it was a good one, so much so that my dad would have done a nice amount of time if I had the know how to contact law enforcement.As a kid I remember the screams of my siblings getting their asses beat, it is not pleasant.

    My younger brother, I found out in the last year, got his last one when he was 12, after which he told my dad that if he ever touched him again he would kill him and he was so angry that he would stand outside my dads room with a machete some nights ready to hack him up, this along with 2-3 attempts at slashing his wrists made for a few nice teenage years for him.

    My opinion would be that there are probably other forms of discipline that are effective, although a smack on the ass is probably called for at times, but on the other hand, if you want your kids to not speak to you once they leave home at a very early age by all means, beat the shit out of them.

    the last time my dad beat me with a belt was 24 years ago, I still do not like being in the same room as him. I think I do harbor resentment against him and my mom, they both conveniently act like that shit never happened and when called out about it deny that it was how I remember.

    Watching that video was not pleasant for me as it brought back some bad shit, the way the girl knew she had to take it and was there like a trapped animal and had no way out, yeah I have felt that.
  18. ghettoastronaut

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    Oct 22, 2009
    She was beaten for downloading music off of the internet.

    Ball's in your court.
  19. WickedBitch

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    Jan 1, 2010
    I will gladly pack up my pre-teen and ship him off to the copious bunch of you (who don't have kids) who think that it's all a matter of peace, love and understanding. I have tried and really wanted to do things the peaceful way - I am a DeadHead afterall. He just wants to lay in his bed and thumb through Harry Potter lazily. Unless a few of you are going to foot the bill for him crashing in my house, sponging off my PSN in 5 years, I suggest you kiss my corporal punishment ass! And I mean that in the nicest possible way!!
  20. Nitwit

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Yea, that fucking cunt might have downloaded music onto the computer.
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