Re: Can't we just have a permanent drunk thread? Can't you get a real job, and, you know, move out of your mom's house? I mean, really?
It wouldn't be all special if we did. As it goes now every one if them is like a shiny new penny. Which you need all of you can get so you can eventually do what Nett said. It's Friday and the sun is making a rare showing yet I still feel just blah. Maybe I need a liquid lunch to readjust my disposition. Someone do something funny. DANCE MONKEY DANCE! I just realized I have two different colors of socks on. Good thing I'm wearing boots.
Re: Can't we just have a permanent drunk thread? Fuck a real job. I have one company that wants to start advertising on my site this summer, and am talking to another company about ads on Monday. As opposed to the pennies you get for Google AdSense, direct selling to companies that want to advertise to lawyers and law students (research companies, bar review, etc) means getting rates north of $10 per 1000 hits (AboveTheLaw's highest rate is $30 cpm). So yeah, Fuck - A - Real - Job. Tonight though I'm going to be pouring beer for about 4 hours at the Rocket City Brewfest, which gets me free admission tomorrow (as opposed to paying $29 for a ticket). Nice rundown of breweries showing up: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> I think last year there were over 150 different beers being served. Looking forward to the Sweet Water Mean Joe Bean. Edit: My not a real job also comes with perks! Today I got a free copy of You Want Fries With That? to review on the site. It's about an ad exec who quits the white-collar gig to work minimum wage. ...Seems relevant to my audience.
Picked up a six pack of leinenkugel's Summer Shandy last night, that shit was delicious. Hopefully these clouds GTFO in the next couple hours so I can go sit on a patio somewhere and enjoy some sunshine and cold beer.
Re: Can't we just have a permanent drunk thread? You might want to learn the difference between "pipeline" and "the cheque has cleared". Pipeline don't pay rent or put food on your table. Oh wait... that's what your mom does. Never mind.
Fucking gorgeous day, I'll probably be leaving work in an hour or so to play some yard games and have some afternoon beers. In unrelated news, this has got to be some sort of a drunk driving BAC record.
Re: Can't we just have a permanent drunk thread? Ha, that's where you're wrong, asshole. My parents own their house, so no one pays any rent. And why doesn't my dad get any credit? He does most of the grocery shopping.
...better? Nett, you shouldn't have been so harsh with BL1Y while the camera was running. Not cool, broseph.
Anyone who wants to see New Orleans should probably make a trip down tonight, we may not be here much longer. The River is just a tad high.
Re: Can't we just have a permanent drunk thread? Oh, they both get ALL the credit. You get none. That's the point that everybody except you seems to get.
This is where you fail. Any day that my socks match is a good day. Aim low, that way you're never really disappointed. I may not be drunk right now, but tomorrow is Orange County(CA) Beer Festival.....
Just finished up undergrad, so I'll be heading out tonight for much farewell boozing. Also, skipping commencement tomorrow to go to a welcome home party for my buddy who's returning from his second tour in Afghanistan, where there will be much welcome back boozing. I'm pretty stoked on this weekend all around, although for some reason I don't feel as excited as I thought I would upon graduation. Probably has something to do with the god-awful job market and these student loans looming in the distance. Either way, let the boozing commence.
I felt the same way about graduating from law school. The bar exam class I took started before commencement (which I stupidly attended), and the prospect of working 60-80 hour weeks at the job I had lined up was only slightly more appealing that staring down unemployment. But congrats anyways. Whether you're excited about graduation or not, booze makes your life better.