Facebook is awesome. Where else can you see how fucking gullible, stupid, or worthless (So-and-so just won x, y, and z playing this-that-or-the-other-thing) your friends are? For example: Focus: Discuss the stupidity of your friends on FB. Bonus points for screen caps, particularly where the person gets corrected/looks like a fuckhead.
I once conned all these maladjusted, socially inept internet types into meeting in meatspace. It was hilarious.
I've started checking LiterallyUnbelievable.org daily. It's a collection of people who don't understand The Onion. Recently, the headline "Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Really Is" has been causing quite a stir. One a related note, do R.I.P. Facebook statuses bother anybody else as much as it bothers me? I understand that people need an outlet for their grief, but it's slightly unsettling to see a eulogy for an old classmate directly below my Amy Winehouse jokes on the newsfeed.
I can't find the conversation, but there was once a huge comment war between my Republican friends and my Democrat friends. Apparently one of my status updates "made fun" of something a girl I went to high school had said 6 months before. She yelled at me, my cousin yelled at her, and it ended up being a 200 comment argument about politics. There were at least 10 people in on the conversation, and I never said a thing. It was kind of amazing.
Sorry for not being overly political, but whenever I see a status like this with some sort of political rant that doesn't directly affect my day to day life, I'm always reminded of the "Calvin & Hobbes" comic where Calvin calls his dad at work, says something like "It's a beautiful day outside. Go for a hike, climb a tree!" and then hangs up.
To me, politics can be summed with with THIS Calvin and Hobbes strip: In case it wasn't blatantly obvious, the Calvin is playing the role of the politicians.
I recently defriended and/or blocked some people. I'm pretty tolerant of well-thought-out political opinions, even if I don't share them. We all have different views on things. I just can't help rising to the bait of some idiocy, though, and have occasionally gotten people pissed off through wry or deadpan observations about how and why this or that political opinion is ludicrous. Usually backed up with links to news articles and such. Typically, the person had no real basis for their opinion and simply gets angry with me.
My personal favorite brand of Facebook stupidity is whenever anyone plays out their drama for the whole world to see. Angry girlfriends do this the best, but this guy also does it really, really well. For example this happened in the past two days: Yes. He called out his own stupidity.
I think the thing I hate about Facebook the most next to everything is every now and then, I get lit the fuck up and post some snide status forgetting how much that thing gets bounced around in there, around a LOT of people and eventually it's going to end up in the lap of a guy who used to lick power outlets as a kid, so these ding-dongs I've never even fucking heard of from Sudbury or something are going off on me on my board: "HOW DARE YOU CALL KIM KARDASHIAN A "GERM FARM" SHE'S THE HOTTEST PICE OF ASS BLAH BLAH BLAH...." Really? You go E-Tough on a complete stranger on the most trafficked thing in the solar system? I cannot believe people this retarded actually exist.
A classmate of mine from high school recently changed his status from "in a relationship" to "single." This was entirely unremarkable until I visited his ex-girlfriend's page and saw the posts, "I just found out my own relationship was over through facebook" and "Next time, at least grow a pair and tell the person before doing it on facebook." Apparently he neglected to inform her of this development in their relationship before making it Facebook-official.
Sadly, I see this happen a lot, at least in my generation. It seemed to me that the abusive ex's favorite way to indirectly express his anger towards me was to get smashed, then end our relationship via Facebook and wait for a mutual friend to mention it. Since we didn't see each other every day during fights, this often took a few days to come to my attention. Delightful.
Yes, in this case, the girl who was broken up with via facebook only found out when a friend of hers called to express her condolences. Really a terrible thing to do.
Enjoy. I recommend the parents section. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.lamebook.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.lamebook.com/</a>
This is probably the highlight of what the fuck that I have seen on facebook. http://www.geekologie.com/2009/12/boy_gets_revenge_on_sister_via.php Brother gets revenge on sister by tagging everyone on the scanned in copy of her "hook up list"
I've just unhid the people on my Facebook list who I'd hidden. I should have something new to contribute to this thread in no time.
I've always felt that Facebook is the equivalent of giving someone a bullhorn, one of those super long fold-out wallet picture holders, and a bunch of acid. Some people take all of that and sit quietly. Every now and then, they mutter something through the bullhorn and just leave the picture fold-out open if anyone is interested enough to stop by and check it out. They don't like acid, either, so they just toss that into the grass. Others drop all of the acid right away (perhaps even dig some up from the grass that belonged to people who tossed it) and start screaming every vapid thought into the bullhorn while they hurl their picture wallet at people passing by. That way, when the other person stops and says, "Why the fuck did you throw this at me?" they can have an excuse to show them every picture in there.