Oftentimes, The Idiot Board becomes The Deviant Board. I think this is fantastic, but I'm worried that we're slacking off a bit. Even our successful and titilating "Ask a Pervert" thread focused mostly on BDSM. BDSM is great and all, but you have to admit it's about as "taboo" and "weird" as doing it doggy-style these days. There are lots more things that turn people on. Thankfully for us, somebody made a pretty comprehensive map of these things and how they are inter-related. It even includes HotWheelz' favorite, clown porn! A more inclusive but less-organized map can be found here. FOCUS: Do you know anybody that has one of these rarer turn-ons? Did you date them? Is it you? What is/was it like? ALTERNATIVE FOCUS: If your partner revealed that they had one of the stranger turn-ons, how would you react? Would you participate, or demur? Which ones would you be most OK with participating in? Which would you be least OK with? RULES: Let's take those elements under "non-consenting partners" off the table completely. No kids, no animals, no corpses. Period.
I made so many jokes to a girlfriend about how I wanted to pee on her during/after sex that she thought I actually had a pee fetish. (I don't.) I thought this was hilarious and there was nothing funnier than starting our post-coital conversation with "Okay, I'm going to pee on you now" and watching her ensuing reaction. Besides my penchant for self-deprecating humor at inappropriate moments, I don't really have any weird turn-ons.
At-Focus I had this discussion with an ex boyfriend while we were still dating. It was out one-year anniversary and I told him I would act out any fantasy he wanted. My only rules were no sploshing and keep the latex to a minimum. I ended up wearing a dominatrix get-up and, adhering to the mistress/slave relationship, we didn't even have sex. It was kind of fun when I got him to clean my whole apartment.
Girls with really long leggings/stockings and short skirts are the hottest thing ever. Even before it because some weird japanese sexualized phenomenon I thought this was rediculously hot. I already knew I had some mild paraphiliac tendancies but this brings out the worst in them ... I've used the term hot at least once too many times in this post. One of my friends (6'1) refuses to hook up with a girl shorter than him. He doesn't get a lot of dates.
Focus Lingerie, I love garter belts and stockings. It seems like chicks my age don't even try anymore, I need to get some desperate 30 year-old that still tries to look sexy for bed. Alt Focus I had a girlfriend who wanted to fuck me in the ass, does that count? We went to the sex shop to buy some lube and a vibrator I think. When we walked out to the car she just casually dropped, "I'm tired of being the one that gets fucked all the time, I want to be the one doing the fucking." Me, "Uhh, what are you talking about?". "Just you know, with a strap-on or something, I wanna fuck you." "Umm, yeah not gonna happen." Luckily for me she never brought it up again but the relationship was a little strained after that.
Hell yes. I feel infinitely sexier when wearing lingerie. As vain as it sounds, I look super hot and that gets me even more excited to have sex. No guy has ever minded this preference of mine.
Well, there was the one-night-stand I had a couple years ago where she asked if I would "choke me until just before I pass out". Then, after a few cycles of squeeze and release, she said, "Ah fuck it...you can choke me until I pass out." More recently, my ex-booty call got me into kinkier sex than I was used to. Nothing THAT crazy, but stuff I never would have brought up first, simply because they didn't cross my mind. It was fun to go along with it, but I haven't had a desire to do it with anyone else (so far). Basically, she was my slave. I did whatever I wanted, as deep as I wanted, and she had to say thank-you after. This inlcluded non-sexual dominance such as not allowing her to sit on the couch with me, or getting me a drink when I wanted one. She was also into dirty-talk, but it was exclusively commands by me. As in, I would tell her what to say (a kind of "don't speak unless spoken to" type thing). We often didn't even have sex, she would just stay on her knees all night and give me hardcore/messy blowjobs with her hands tied behind her back. Good times. Like I said, most of it was just fun experimentation for me, and I doubt it will carry over into any future relationships I have, but it was cool to push my admittedly vanilla boundries a bit. As for my own weird turn-ons: the saying thank-you thing was mine from before. That's been super fucking hot ever since an ex re-hooked up with me after years and said please and thank-you before and while I came in her. Sweet fuck is that great to hear. Also, specific to porn (not that I'd look away in real life), lesbians licking each other's bums, or at least going down on each other from behind. Something about a hot girls face being squished between another hot girl's ass cheeks just does it for me. Guess I'm weird like that. What was REALLY weird, getting back to the booty call, was that apparently I was the first guy she met who would actually go through with the above-mentioned dominance. She found most guys wanted to be dominated themselves, to the point an ex of hers got off on her talking about fucking another guy in front of him, and was close to going through with it. Oh, and she wanted to be DP'd. Yeah...I was not on board with that, even though she said she'd have a MFF threesome with me in return. Also, lingerie rules.
I dated a virgin who after a couple of sex sessions turned into a completely different person. Slap me, choke me, bite me, tie me up kinda thing. I really didn't mind. Also, lingere is amazing, stockings too. Once the above mentioned girl came over to my place with a giant coat, she removed it to reveal just her black bra and panties and stockings underneath. It also helps that she is legitimately the best looking girl I've hooked up with. Re: MMF threesomes, I'd do it but it'd probably happen when I'm well drunk and at a college party kinda thing. I'd totally high-five too, it's just too funny to pass up. And "sex infront of other people" doesn't really faze me, I've done it before.
He likes them two or three at a time. Focus: I've got a bit of an exhibition fetish. I love fucking or messing around in public places where other people can potentially see me. One of my favorites was at a Chevelle concert with some girl sucking down all 7" of my 6" in the middle of a packed house. My roommate is standing there next to me throwing high fives, video taping it and showing everyone around me while I stood there with my hands on the back of my head laughing the whole way through. Parks, airplanes (Yet to try. On the list.), concerts, bars, wherever. If there's a crowd, I'll do about anything.
Anti-Focus Sweats UNACCEPTABLE!!! If you're wearing sweats in public I think one of four things. A.) You haven't showered or shaved in a while. B.) You're trying to hide that you're fat. (see far right) C.) You're on your period. D.) All of the above. Ladies if you wear sweats or pajamas to sleep in you're not half as fun in bed as you think you are. *edit: exclamation points added for emphasis
I'm a bit of a sadist... Focus: I've never really examined the reasons behind this (I don't want to change anything as it were), but I've been a fan of watching a woman masturbate for as long as I can remember. I know this because watching Shannon Elizabeth in American Pie, while hot, planted an idea in my head that this scene didn't cause any fetish of mine, just that it awakened something innate. I was certain of this after a college ladyfriend, upon being asked by her roommate what she was doing with both her hands down the front of her overalls (she was that rare kind who looked good wearing those, and kind of a free-spirit - proof follows), gave the roommate (and me as a bystander) more of a show than first bargained for. She deserved an Oscar if she was faking. I haven't had a long-term ladyfriend with benefit who refused to give me the show - provided I join in eventually and don't sit in the corner like a lech.
I've got a thing for smurfs. And a bunch of other (by now) predictable shit. But I have a completely unexplainable fetish for Smurfs. I have no idea where it came from. One of the hottest things anyone has ever done for me, was to make a leather smurf hat and paint herself blue. And no, I'm really not making this up.