About the Data This site just went live today. It's supposed to be Parker's wet dream. It proposes to show you everything marketing companies know about you from personal information to your online buying habits. Despite it having me an unemployed (excuse me, homemaker) father of zero driving a car I haven't owned in five years it's surprisingly accurate. I could edit this data and correct it so marketers would have a more accurate picture of my life, but it baffles me as to why anyone would actually want that to happen. FOCUS: Online privacy? Is there such a thing anymore? Do you want marketers to know more about you? Do you want this information to be more accurate so marketers can target you more accurately? Also, how accurate is the picture this site paints of you and your life?
Well, this site has absolutely no information on me as a married person, so I put in my last known address when I was single. The only thing it got right was the type of car I drive and I'm ok with that. I do not want marketers to be able to target me moreso than they already do through sites such as facebook and twitter. Online privacy is an oxymoron. In my opinion, if your name is out there on the internet, your absolute privacy ceases to exist. Case in point: We recently bought a house and figured out the previous owners' son was growing weed in the attic. A little digging around on facebook and a quick google search lead me to find out he was previously arrested for intent to distribute. Another quick search on a court website gave me the docket report. It took me ten minutes to find that information. I have half a mind to message his mom on facebook and tell her to get her son's ass back to the house and clean up the mess he left. But I digress.
It's got a few things wrong. I am still legally married but it says I'm single. It knows the ages of my kids but it doesn't know the gender of 2 of them. It says I completed college but other than dropping out of a couple of remedial community college classes, I didn't go to college - hell, I never even took the SAT. It got the auto info correct but it had a car on there that I traded in on my current vehicle. It had no home data on me, presumably because I rent. It totally fuckered up the Economic data. I make no where near what it says I do and, considering my credit rating is in the negative numbers, no company would be stupid enough to give me ONE credit card, much less the TWO it swears I have. The shopping data is confusing but it says that I purchase jewelry but I absolutely do not. I am so ridiculously allergic to nickel that even looking longingly at a pair of "hypo-allergenic" earrings breaks me out in hives. Fucking eczema. I'm not sure what they were going for with the household interests thing but in my house, we are all gamers. We have not had cable or even TV in its basest form in years. We have Netflix but that's mostly for the 3 year old. We might watch the occasional episode of Mythbusters or How It's Made (especially right now since I pulled a bone chip in my thumb about a month ago while bicycling, trying to get in shape) but other than that, we all have our own machines and on lazy, rainy weekends when nothing is going on, we can all be found in our respective spots, killing imaginary beings. In all, I don't really care what these marketing companies do with this info. I'm a "single" mom with not much disposable income so they can market shit to me all they want. If it ain't in the budget, I ain't buying it. While I am a little concerned about some salacious pictures of me out there on the net, my life is pretty much an open book. I know I should probably be more careful but I live my little life with my little job, driving my little Jeep, living in my little house in my little town. Who gives a fuck about little ole me?!
They have next to nothing on me, which is funny, considering I'm the only person in the world with my name. They got my name, former address, and economic range of my last job more or less right. They think I'm 3 years younger than I am. And that's all they have, other than one $59 non-specific purchase I made at some point, I don't know when or for what.
Since my legal residence is still my childhood home as does my older brother, it thinks I am my older brother. It list his cars and income (ie. way above my earning capacity). It also says I have a 6-8 year old child living here. I mean I guess I could have knocked some random girl up by chance and she decided to take it to term and secretly list me as the father? I need to call Maury. It does list hunt/shooting and gourmet cooking in my interest which is the only thing it seemed to get right. Most of this stuff is very basic and isn't really internet based search results by my browsing habits just general information that marketing companies buy from consumer goods companies I have used. The economic and car info is basic government data.
It has marginal info on me from my previous address. Basically nothing from my current address. The information it has on me is marginal at best, interests were pretty good but income job were off a bit. I'm surprised they don't have more considering I do most of my shopping online.
Good lord, that site is off horribly. It had my age, marital status, and education correct but it thinks I make well over 100k (I WISH), have a 16 year old child (?) and drive a truck (I drive a tiny 2 door car).
Perhaps I'm just overly suspicious, but I couldn't bring myself to provide a bunch of personal information to some random website - if they didn't have my information before, they'd certainly have it then.
American Express and Citibank have that same info that I entered into the site and I never gave it to them, either. Plus I am moving in less than 2 months so I don't give a FUCK! Yeah!
The site is horribly off. According to them, I am a medical professional (close, but wrong) making between $200-250k a year (I wish I made that much). They also think I have prior military service (I don't). The only major thing they got right was my education background (masters degree) and a few interests.
That site is a lie. I'm reviewing all of your DNA patterns as we speak. Did I mention our new line of DNA Tattoos? Tattoo your DNA and show how edgy/artsy/cool/laidback/alphamale/sexy/wealthy/important/different/individual you are today!
I tried a few different combos and it doesn't have any info on me. There is a lot of information about me out there as well which is kind of surprising.
I just found out I'm a smoker, have been on a cruise and enjoy purchasing plus sized womens' clothing.
So it claims to show you data marketers have on you by asking you the exact information marketers would need in the first place? Bullshit, have fun with all your spam emails everyone.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but on the off chance you're serious then, judging by the posts in this thread, the big guys both suck and blow at their jobs.
gsjknafnjk@sgklslgd.gnj will soon be full of spam. Anyway, nothing was right about me. Despite entering my actual birthday, it said I was born in 1941
No, I'm serious. These are going to be the Target's, Macy's, etc of the world. Not the Nigerian Prince trying to help you with a million dollars. A majority of this information is coming from reward cards and the like or store accounts. The obviously haven't gotten to Amazon or Ebay accounts. But if you have a Best Buy Rewards Card or something like a Grocery Savers card (because you need that 15 cents off milk) a lot of this information is coming from there. For the record if you sign up for those, they basically have written in the contract they're selling your information.