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What happens in Vegas, $127 Million stays in Vegas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by konatown, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    I dont gamble outside of Texas Holdem with a few close buddies from time, only because of what I seen when I was 14 years old at the Brock Plaza Hotel in Niagra Falls (its on the Canadian side). First you must know that the Brock Plaza has a over the road walk way to Casino Rama, so alot of people staying at the hotel gamble there. We were there for a hockey turniment that weekend, but anyways, my cousin and I were down stairs getting drinks from the store when we see a shit ton of ambulances, cops and a few fire trucks. We make our way through the crowd where we see a blood stain, but no obviously injured people. My cousin asks someone what happened, and the guy said that this middle aged woman jumped from the 9th floor of the hotel we were staying in. Later on, we went back upstairs, continued on with our weekend and went home.

    A few days later my dad turned on the news and they were talking about the same woman jumping out of the window. After the poice investigated, they found out she killed herself because she gambled away her family's house, her family's savings and her childrens' college fund when she was on a weekend away with her friends, and couldnt go home to face her husband and tell him she lost everything.

    That was a real eye opener for me.