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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    A lot of us have had a number of relationships we'd like to forget. But there is one class of relationships that nearly everyone would like to forget: the dreaded High School relationships. The raging hormones, combined with the nearly infinite lack of experience, allowed those of us who were unfamiliar with the Dunning-Kruger Effect at that age to make some truly memorable bad decisions.

    FOCUS: Talk about your High School relationships. Were they successful? Did you marry your High School sweetheart and squat out a gaggle of perfect Beaver-Cleaver-like children? Or were you just obsessed with finding any beaver that you could, resulting in some regrettable mornings? Inquiring TiBbers and TiBettes want to know.
  2. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    The last girl I dated in high school I met in January of our senior year, and we got married 8 years later. Same is true for 3 of the 5 couples in our close circle of friends from high school. I only had 3 other girlfriends in high school before her. One, an Irish Catholic who married another IC, got married right out of high school and started cranking out the kids--I think they locked the door after their 6th. Another owns a hair salon in my hometown and could easily be the mother to any of the cast members on Jersey Shore. The third went on to Smith College, so that would make her a lesbian.

    The Mrs. and I waited 5 years to put the baby machine fully online though, and even then, I felt we were rushing things, but had it been up to me, I never would have been "ready."
  3. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I dated a guy in high school that the other kids nicknamed "the missing link." I think that's all that needs to be said about that.
  4. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I had one "relationship" in high school. I put relationship in quotes because it was specific to one area. I worked as a camp counselor for the JCC summer camp the summer before my senior year. I "dated" my co-counselor while I was at the camp. We only hung out outside of the camp once, and it was a group thing. But when we were at work, we would spend the entire day holding hands under tables, quickly kissing as the kids were walking out of the room, and spending the kids' play time snuggling on the back stairs. It was really obvious to everyone at the camp that we were together, but I refused to put a label on it because he lived half an hour away from me and I just wanted it to be a summer thing.

    Years later, I ended up going on a legitimate date with him. We went to the movies and made out in his car afterward, but the fact that we weren't at the camp and sneaking around made it less exciting, so it didn't go anywhere.
  5. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    I have the misfortune of spurning the attentions of two normal/average looking girls who are now both drop dead hot solid 9's. Oh if only I could have seen the future.

    I also got severely burned trying to trade up during my junior year. I heard from friends that Michelle R, a mid-semester transfer student thought I was funny and cute. The fact that I was dating a sweet but not nearly as hot Amy made little difference to me. I informed Amy's friends at 2nd period lunch that I didn't want to date her anymore, and set my friends to the task of getting Michelle to meet me during study period in the library.

    Michelle met me in the library but she didn't look happy. She'd just shared a class with Amy who was crying and felt "really, really bad for her". Apparently bad enough that she didn't want to make enemies by dating me.

    The worst part was that Amy a bit of a prude started partying and throwing blow jobs at any guy looking for one. Many of which were my friends who did their best to console her. Bastards.
  6. jennitalia

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 5, 2010
    Contrary to Dr. Frylock's belief, my high school boyfriend is pretty much the only boyfriend I wouldn't like to forget. He was a couple years younger than I, which required that I was always the one to drive us places. His dad, hilariously, always tried to offer me gas money which I declined. Since I wouldn't accept money, his dad would randomly give me Tim Hortons gift cards. We watched copious amounts of Planet Earth, college basketball and Will Ferrell movies while making out for hours (we were both saving ourselves for marriage, obviously). We were on and off throughout my grade 11 and 12 years, finally breaking up for good when I moved away.
  7. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had a girlfriend I started dating as junior in high school, she was a sophomore from the next town over. This went great for about a year and a half, even after I graduated and commuted to college my first year. When she wet to a separate college in a different state, we decided to try and stay together. For the first year it went fine, I went to Boston every other weekend or she came to me. In the Spring of 2006, she informed me she wasgoing to transfer to my school. "Fine," I thought. "Shell come here, make some friends, and well be able to hang out more often." Although I pleaded with her not to transfer just for me, but because she wanted to legitimately goto the school also. The next semester she's there and wants to hang out every single day. I explain to her that I have my friends in my fraternity that I want to hang out with sometimes too and that she's gotta let me go do my thing once in a while. Not taking the hint, She decides to join a sorority so she "Can be closer to me." After that she started trying to hang out with me between every class and insisted she go eat every meal with me. It eventually got to the point where I couldn't take it and dumped her. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do because I genuinely cared about her, but it was too much.

    Epilogue: We are both in relationships (She's engaged to the personification of the Michelin Man) and the last time I saw her I congratulated her and wished the best. Looks-wise, I have gained a very much needed 30 lbs, and she gained a very much un-needed 30 lbs since we broke up.
  8. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I had two relationships in high school. First was with a cute and kinda quirky shorter redhead with a great rack. Alas, she was the religious type and the most I got out of that relationship was a lot of fooling around and a lot of headaches. In her group of friends in high school, two of the guys had huge crushes on her. They'd lie and make shit up to try to break her up with any guy she was dating. They'd spread word that she was cheating on him or he was cheating on her, or start rumors to cause drama and get them to break up. Eventually, we did break up, but for completely unrelated reasons, i.e. we just didn't like each other anymore.

    She ended up dating both of the guys who had big crushes on her. She dated one in high school, but that relationship crashed and burned because he cheated on her (he was in a band, so it was okay, according to him). She actually went on to marry the other of the two dudes who had the huge crush on her in high school, but they didn't actually get together until about 4 years after they graduated. From what I hear, they have a kid or two, also. I suppose it was meant to be.

    My other girlfriend in high school is my current wife. We got together in the first week of my senior year (her sophomore year). It is easy to remember because I asked her out right after the labor day parade in town. She was the opposite of my ex. She was tall (5'10"), blonde, long legs, and absolutely gorgeous. The first time I asked about her, I was told by her friend that she 'thought she too good for me or anyone else in this town.' In other words, even her own friends said she was a stuck up bitch who was hot, but knew it. Even my friends who'd asked her out said she was stuck up, and always came up with lame excuses. Turns out that was complete bullshit, as her friend had a crush on me, and all her excuses were actually legit.

    When I finally did start talking to her I learned a lot. She was raised by a really overbearing mom and really religious dad, and was dying to get away from them a bit as she was starting to realize they were kinda crazy. She was also an incredibly smart, straight A student who was at the top of her class, and spent more time studying than any human being in high school reasonably should. I also learned that the reason she seemed 'stuck up' was because she would tell guys that she 'had to study' when they'd ask her out, or that her parents wouldn't let her, which they thought was bullshit. In reality, she really did study three hours a night every single weeknight, and her parents really didn't let her ride in a car with anyone until she was 16, hence no dates. She was also really awkward in middle school (I've seen pictures, she was gawky and nerdy with huge, thick glasses; the kind of kid who was made fun of endlessly). She had 'blossomed' before her freshman year; she got contacts, stopped letting her mom dress her, and joined the volleyball team, which gave her some coordination. Her parents relented on the driving thing when she was 15 and needed a ride home from a football game, and I drove her home. We were dating a few weeks later, and married 7 years later.

    No kids, yet, because we enjoy taking vacations and having disposable income and nice things. Kids will probably be coming some time within the next year or two, however.
  9. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had one relationship in high school which lasted nearly all of high school. We were together for over three years.

    She was the girl that would talk to anyone, had a billion friends and a popular nickname to go along with herself. I was always in that shadow--to the point that even today, nearly a decade later, people still remember me as [nickname's] boyfriend if I run into someone at a grocey store in my hometown. I doubt they even know my name.

    Everything was good in the beginning and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the popularity and my first up-close interactions with the female body. I had a bunch of friends and went to parties and had all of the fun that high schoolers do. I lost my virginity to her at 15. I drank and smoked for the first time with her. She knew how to party. That part was great.

    Our relationship was volatile, though. She was a rich J.A.P. who was always handed everything she wanted. She'd have temper tantrums when things didn't go her way and was extremely manipulative. At times, she would simply lose her grip on reality. Of all the shit that's happened to me in my life, she's still number one for the worst thing that anyone has ever done to me. We were fighting once and when I held her hands so she couldn't hit me, she spit in my face. I've never wanted to take a human life more than right at that moment, but I didn't lay a hurtful finger on her. I simply picked her up, gently placed her outside of my house, and shut the door. We didn't speak for a week after that and I should've just ended it there. At least then I could've saved face and had a shot at some sympathy love from her friends who knew how nuts she was.

    We had other incidents throughout the rest of high school and by the time the end of our senior year rolled around, I was sick of her--and it showed. We basically hated each other on a two days on, one day off rotation. It all came crashing down the morning of graduation, when I broke up with her in the parking lot after rehearsal. That was followed with multiple days of her trying to get me back. A ton of, "I'll never do that again," and incredibly long, tear-streaked letters left in my mailbox.

    The problems we had weren't all because of her, though. I was a fucking doormat and I let a lot of the shitty things that she did to me happen simply because I was a weak person. I was almost like a battered husband at times. It was pretty fucking pathetic. I'd have to say that the best thing I took away from that relationship was that I grew a spine.
  10. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The only meaningful relationships I had in high school were with my right and left hands, and that didn't even start till junior year. Surprisingly I didn't catch too much shit for this.
  11. JGold

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Denver, CO
    My high school relationship couldn't have been more average.

    We dated in 10th and 11th grades for nearly a year. We took each other's virginities. After breaking up, we had one or two lapses and continued sleeping together for a few weeks. She then started dating a new guy, at which point I realized I was being a giant idiot and threw myself at her again. She denied me, and after a few days of devastation I moved on. We didn't talk any more than we had to throughout the rest of high school, but a couple years later I visited her (as a friend) at college and we continue to have an amiable relationship.

    Breaking up launched me into a six-year stint of singledom during which I took full advantage of college. She, on the other hand, is still with the guy she started dating right after me, and I assume they're going to get married any day. That's kind of funny, now that I think about it. She's my high-school sweetheart, but I'm not necessarily hers.

    On a side note, she was a lithe and sexy swimmer in high school who continued in the sport at the Division I level. Do you see where this is going? She's a fucking beast now. We're talking a could-deadlift-a-Hummer beast. I definitely got out of that relationship just in time.
  12. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    Since I'm still only 19 this thread is still somewhat relevant to me. Please be gentle on my pitiful attempts at self-awareness and emotional honesty.

    Anyways, my first and only actual relationship was my high school sweetheart and it lasted 3.5 years, almost the entire duration of High School. I had met "Hannah" in 5th grade at an over night camp where apparently I had asked her out. So, the summer before high school when we ended up on the same bus for a trip through the pacific northwest I was shocked after recognizing her. Turns out all that time she literally lived three blocks away from me. Hannah was a adopted, and therefore a total Aryian and Jewish at the same time. She was smoking hot and had massive tits, it was every high school guy's dream. We spent all our time together and were the couple that everyone seemed to know about. It was pretty surreal as I was a debate nerd and she was a successful gymnast but it seemed to work. Even though I dominated in the book smarts and she dominated in the people smarts we worked it out for awhile. She loved playing video games and eating/cooking which was fucking sweet.

    We didn't start having sex until over two years into the relationship, and I guess that was the signal for everything to go to shit. At first we just constantly fucked anywhere we reasonably could. Public bathrooms, parks, cars, showers, the big hill overlooking town, the prairie, lots of sex. Junior year guys started to hit on her and a bunch of terrible shit happened in my life that fucked up my self-esteem. I couldn't trust her, I knew didn't trust her but I let things keep going. I rationalized that even if she was cheating on me (which she wasn't) at least I was fucking that hottest big-titted blonde in my school. We were on/off so much that I have no idea how many times we broke up because of my insecurities. My solution senior year was to drop thirty pounds and start lifting every day. That finally started getting me attention from other girls but that just muddled our relationship even worse. She wanted us to go to prom with different people (we were on a "break") which should have been a massive red flag but I kept ignoring it. She wanted us to go the same college but I adamantly refused. I never knew how bad that had hurt her until after the fact, but as a couple we were completely broken. I would get insecure and want to talk to her all the time, realize it was unhealthy and break up with her, she would cry really hard and I'd forget why I did the dumping and we'd get back together. We fucked all throughout the summer before college but she would do a ton of little things that seemed weird. Lots of new friends, not wanting to sex when we normally would have, etc. I went off to college and Hannah left for a year in Israel. We skyped all the time and I was still in love with her. One day I'm chatting with a mutual friend from a different school and realize that she had had a boyfriend the whole summer and was fucking him too. I talked to the other dude and he was devastated.

    The clusterfuck of a relationship made it impossible for me to trust women for awhile and I'm still very hesitant about entering a new relationship. A lot of painful realities about the world punted me in the ass and I didn't know how to handle it. The emotional pain overrode the logical-thinking part of my brain and it fucked with me for a long time. Since then I've had a couple dozen hookups and been with some girls that are so amazing they restored my faith in humanity but I still think about Hannah almost every day. Hannah showed me how amazing life can be, and how badly people can hurt you if you expose your back to them. Last summer I stupidly fucked Hannah when she got back from Israel and finally got the closure I had pined for. Turns out "closure" is pointless and people don't change. Meh.

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Due to my home environment of Jehovah's Witness insanity, I had a stunted teenage romantic existance. I was not permitted to have friendships outside of the borg, and this went double for boys. My mother did try to steer me towards the few exemplary young future misogynists in our congregation, but they were either chasing the blondes or too short for me.

    I was terribly shy and insecure at school, this led to me being so overwhelmed when one of the boys on the school football team started talking to me on the bus after school. He was awful handsy, and not very attractive. I still associate Ralph Lauren Polo with him, as he bathed in it daily. He would later ask me to be his girlfriend over the bus intercom and I would just smile in embarrassment with everyone staring at me and cheering. This meant we were together and I suddenly had some sort of social status. It was bizarre to me, I was definitely not cool and never hung out with jocks and their crowd.

    I believe this psuedo relationship lasted about a month, that's how long it took me to tell him that nothing about him was appealing to me, that I rarely spoke to him because that would be as interesting as communicating with the mesquite tree twisting out of my backyard. He said I'd regret it.

    I didn't and don't. That was the extent of my school relationships as my mother later pulled me out of school to homeschool me.

    sidenote: This jock girl that played on the softball team hit me in the temple with an aluminum bat about two weeks after I dumped him. I beat her head into a locker in a rage that compared to Carrie. Nobody fucked with me after that.

    edited for a double negative.
  14. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I started going out with my first real boyfriend in my Sophomore year of high school, and it was a volatile shitshow, for the most part. He was one of my friends' older brother and they hated each other so for the first maybe three months or so we were dating "in secret." We lost our virginities to each other. Then, my friend found out and that was a mess. That summer, she was the one who told me he had cheated on me twice when they were staying at their, like, commune that they go to every summer. I decided to let it go because it was just kissing. Then, without getting all personal, I started changing a lot and growing up at a much more rapid pace than he was. I became this different person and he stayed the same, and while he worked for me when we met, we became too different to work. We got into these huge fights and he was making me feel bad for who I was becoming (even though it was a better person) and I was trying to get him to change into a better person but he wasn't feeling it and blah blah. I wanted to stop dating him about a year and a half into it, but since I was young and didn't want my first relationship to end and didn't want to be the bad guy who broke up with him, I stuck it out until we had been together for over two years and I couldn't take it anymore. Drama with him dragged on for months after that, even after (or maybe because) I started dating someone else. He was stalking me for five months and wouldn't admit to it, but when I threatened to bring the police into the matter suddenly everything magically stopped.

    Yeah, it was fun. The weird thing is that I don't doubt that I loved him, and know that I did really feel that way for so long, but now and looking back on it, I don't have a single shred of positive feeling for him. I just do not care about him whatsoever. And since I'm still friends with his sister, I've kept track of him and have talked to him every now and then, and he's still the same exact loser in the same exact ways four years later. And yet, I just continue to be more awesome with each passing day!
  15. Hoosiermess

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 2, 2010
    You are not alone in this. That shit screwed up my entire childhood and led to me stealing my oldest brother's car when I was eight, hey I made the associated press for that, and trying to run away. If I remember correctly one of my friends from the "congregation" and I were going to work at Disneyland (don't judge us we were eight) but I couldn't find his house and ended up parking the car and walking home. As you can probably imagine that was interesting.

    I couldn't be involved in birthday parties or sports and was discouraged to go to college... Fuck all that, I refuse to put kids through that kind of childhood.
  16. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus erroneously assumes that I could trick any girls into dating me. High school girls are dumb, but not that dumb.

    Not actually true, but easy joke is easy.
  17. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    My high school relationships were weird, to say the least. There were four girls that I was ever romantically involved with, each with their own special brand of crazy.

    The first one I will call "A." We met at a camp where I volunteered and became summer sweethearts. I was an extremely nerdy middle school/early high school guy with little to no social skills while she was a head cheerleader at her high school. I remember watching a movie at home with my two sisters one day and realizing the situation that Hollywood was portraying resembled mine to the T. She was an amazing singer and loved the fact that I played piano, which is what I attribute to us finally talking.

    When camp was over I vowed to drive to her town when I finally got my license (I was 15) because she lived 45 minutes away. We would call each other nearly every night, resulting in my parents finally buying a cell phone for me because I was spending too much time on the house phone. When I finally got a car and my license, I drove over to her town, picked her up at her house and we drove around, making out in random spots. She was saving herself for marriage, so I didn't get to have sex with her, or even get past making out, but I loved it all the same.

    Then her friend died in a car accident...and all hell broke loose with her.

    She would call me up sobbing, high on pills, and reminisce about her friend. I would sit awkwardly on the phone, unable to understand, trying my best to shittily console her as she was traumatized by this experience. She started drinking at like 16 and I heard from her friends that she would go to parties and get really drunk, make out with a dude, and then proceed to tell them this story while they sat there. I tried to continue and support her, but it got to the point where it wasn't worth it.

    I ran into her last year when I was back downtown where I used to live and we talked things through. She is now a complete devout Christian and sings in praise bands...completely the opposite of how she was back in the day.

    That was the weird one of my relationships. Highlights of others include:

    - Making out in a library with a girl who didn't hold my hand in front of her mom because she was scared of what she might think (we were 17). This ended after three weeks when the girl invited me to go to her cousins bar mitzvahs.
    - About to date one of my best friends, when her best friend suddenly decides to tell me she loves me, and then they both decide not let either of them date me because it would ruin their friendship. That was a weird two weeks of phone calls. Adding onto this was that on the night of the UNC-Duke game this year (two weeks ago, not the ACCT) one of them showed up, gave me a call, we hooked up and now we are talking again. [side note: I love asian tits...or just the nips.]
    - Receiving a handjob on a crowded bus through the pants under a backpack. This may have contributed to the slight public sexual deviancy I have. [I don't dare call it a fetish, it's nowhere near that level]

    So I guess overall I was never very emotionally committed to any of them, except maybe A and one of the best friends (not the one I'm currently talking with), and I didn't have a very emotional high school experience. I've been single throughout college though, since the thought of dealing with someone going through shit like A did gives me chills.
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    High school pretty much sucked for me until senior year. I was a "little guy" and wore braces from grade 9 to grade 12 (seriously), though on the flipside I didn't get picked on or tormented because people liked me. The popular girls at my school were low maintenance and cruel, and I hated most of them because of their airport hangar-sized egos they didn't earn so any short-ass relationships I DID have were with girls from other schools, which never work out because of trust barriers. I came out of my larva state in senior year, discovered house parties, and started using girls for sex and not much else like a normal human being. I had very few relationships after high school because I simply liked being single better.

    ...this is a form of child abuse. How these idiots can put an unproven superstition ahead of the happiness of their own children boggles my pot-addled mind. I'm always glad when I hear about people escaping that so-called "life". They don't even let their kids celebrate Halloween for Christ's sake. I guess they don't like strangers coming to their doors and bothering them.