Alright buckaroos, here we go again! Time for me to slide one by you once more! Don't matter how you do it! Just do it like you know it! I've been down this road once or twice before!* Yall know the drill. Have a cold one or a room temperature one or however they drink 'em up there in Not America, and be sure to let us know about it! *Oh, and whoever can guess where these lyrics are from wins the secret prize! No Googling though. If you Google it, I'm gonna know about it and then fart in your mouth and you'll taste that shit for days. You don't want that shit, trust me.
Jerry Jeff Walker Gettin' By. I have no nutsack. Wait a second you cheated and changed it. You suck but, google is still my friend.
Just letting it roll, let the high times carry the low (Jerry Jeff Walker) I believe its called just getting by
Ha-ha- Shegirls gets a fart in the mouth! All her kisses are gonna taste like poo! Ha-ha! iRoCkHoEs gets the special prize, but has to wait until Monday. Man, why does that sound familiar?
Shut up. You can't even reach my mouth. Besides you let Tex kiss you right? Try not to get too hammered and trip over him this weekend. I'm pretty sure iRoCkHoEs would shoot you. EDIT: Hey iRoCkHoEs, he never said what it was. Be careful.
Ewww, it smells like poo when you talk. Your breath smells like melted Snickers bars and swamp mud. Don't give my secret prize secret away, you sticky mouth! Its awesome, I can tell you that though. Its awfully similar to what the winner of the boobie thread contest gets.
Don't worry shegirl I have an M4 with a 203 if he comes at me too crazy I can neutralize him, if he gets too close I have a very sharp knife... Be careful Blue Dog.
While you all debate song lyrics, I'm chillin' on the couch with Sailor Jerry and Vanilla Coke, waiting for the Celtics game. I'm battling a respiratory infection (and have been for 8 days), and am also avoiding homework.
I am watching Southpark reruns drinking whiskey until going out to see a couple of friends. I have a feeling I will end up too drunk to leave the house, so they will have to come here. Luckily I am awesome enough that they will drive over here. It's take-take bitches! Early Times whiskey is the gross poison of choice. Edit: Sierra Nevada is making my farts deadly these days. I can't wait to give a dutch oven tonight.
I am headed out to a Friends home to work on a 1991 GSXR1100 that I picked up a month ago. I will check back to see if Bluedog is still upright in about 4 hours.
I'm doing the same thing, though with cheap vodka and Mt. Dew. Another slight difference, I will be praying that Big Baby simultaneously gets dunked on by Amare and compound fractures his leg. Thus causing a break while they clean up the gravy pouring out.
There is a bottle of 151 sitting in my freezer, almost as if its mocking me. "Go ahead and try to drink me, you pussy, and the next thing you'll see is the puddle of puke you passed out in". Ill stick to non flammable drinks tonight. Did anyone else read this as neuter instead of neutralize? Bluedog could even get a second handle and call it Blueballs.
Your prayers will go unanswered. Big Baby is out after having hand surgery from punching a friend of his. Almost as stupid as the nickname "Big Baby".
I hate Boston teams but do not care if the Celtics win because they have the best player UConn ever produced, Ray Allen, playing for them. Drinking some Cape Codders with Svedka which isn't that bad for a cheaper vodka.
I am spending the night at home cleaning the fuck out of my apartment so I get my security deposit back. I am doing this with a 12 pack, a bottle of wine and a fifth of Sailor Jerry. Expect frequent, and increasingly less sensible, updates.
Just got home from my bar, where I had a beer and shot of the above. Nectar of the God's, my friends.