I hate the Mass Pike with an ungodly passion. And what the fuck is with people driving with their ear buds in? Is this a new thing? Focus: BEER.
Wow I feel like I'm cheating on the old drunk thread. Im so excited tailgating season starts tomorrow.
Fryhead, back from the grave? What's next, Nettdaddy coming back to regale us with tales of bear fights?
Wooooo bear fights. Hockey dressing room beer, parking lot beer, and fundraiser beer yesterday. Will be nice to just have some good ole sitting at home being lazy beer tonight.
Touche, sir. So, I found a picture that Dixie is sure to post later in this thread, and figured I would do it for him. NSFW C'mon, you know you want to.[rnsfw][/rnsfw]
My ankles hurt so much. Hey a while ago I was reading a random thread on reddit and one post was some long story that had a lot of stuff like Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner would say, except instead of "I've seen C-beams glitter in the dark at the Tannhauser gate" it was "I've seen a woman double-fisted by four midgets while having her appendix surgically removed and candle wax used instead of stitches" and I was like "Jesus, that sounds like scootah." It was scootah.
I am about to tour a local brewery I've never heard of (they just started up last year). Anyhoo, FREE BEER!
So as I tell myself not to, but I involuntarily click, and this was how it showed on my screen and all I could think was "don't you dare touch that roller wheel" NSFW
I am supremely disappointed. Weyebacher's Pumpkin is SHIT this year. Weak on pumpkin, weak on spice, too boozy. Cheap bastards cut back on ingredients. That's the second stinker I've had. Got my favorite Oktoberfest, Paulaner, and the bottles were skunked. What the fuck is going on? Beer has never been more expensive and now they're fucking with us? I hope they get ass and cock cancer and before they die from the disease someone sets them on fire and their families have to watch then eat the charred pieces of ass and cock. However, Southern Tier Pumking makes up for it in spades. This stuff is the tits. Super pumpkin and spice. Un-fucking-real. Like the best pie. Also twice as expensive. New ZZ Top? New ZZ Top.
I am actually buzzed and posting on the drunk thread. Unlike the rest of you losers who should be drunk while posting, even on a Wednesday night.
I am making banana-blueberry bread for the kiddos and it smells AWESOME. If they even try and pull any of that "But I want chickennnnn nuggetttts" crap with me tonight, I am going to eat it all by myself and make them a large plate of raw vegetables for dinner. Do not disrespect my bread-making prowess, babies. Focus: God, thanks for reminding me. It's pumpkin ale season! I don't usually drink beer, but I lovelovelove pumpkin ale.
Jeremy Clarkson. He's the only person that can get away with that.... in the WHHUUURRRLD. This pumpkin beer may be shit-ass, but if I drink it fast enough I can get drunk then pass out with my dick in my hand around 1030. Really, there are no losing propositions tonight.