I just smoked a whoolllleee bunch of weed, drank some dr. pepper oout of a two- liter, and am now munching on some fritos. How are those olympos going.
The last family guy I saw where they made fun of a Downe Syndrome kid was fucking hilarious. Seth is THE MAN. His Haiti show that he did (live) where the cast of Family Guy and Always Sunny did live readings of shows that were banned from TV was SOOO worth the cash. Highly recommended!
I am from Texas, and I usually cant stand french people around here, but dear god this french women is so fucking sexy.
Just finished recording two shows for my nerdy podcast and have been drinking PBRs for about 5 hours now, but I'm okay with that because I saw the "beer consumption thread". I drink about 150 or so gallons a year, which puts me in a not so horrible place. Anybody see the challenge from the producer of Phoonk 2? It's an Indian horror movie, and the guy will hook you up to an EKG and monitor your heart rate as you watch it. Supposedly, if you don't get scared, you can win $11,000
What gets me is that if people are upset about cigars and a few beers, they're going to have a fucking aneurysm when they find out what happens at the athlete's villages once the athletes have finished their events. Take four years of intense physical training under high pressure with all of the associated sacrifices, and those sexy, fit athletes go nuts. Booze, smoking, gorging on every piece of unhealthy food they can stuff down their mouths, and so much sex that you'd legitimately have a harder time getting laid at a whorehouse with a fistful of 20's. By the way... there's a picture of me out there with Joe Nieuwendyk's 2002 gold medal. I win. This post has reminded me how fucked up Dutch names are. Christ.
They say ask and you shall receive...now we just have to figure out what bobbs are so that Rob can get some.
Yuo. In a spinoff of Dragonball Z shown only in Korean Markets, Yuo was Goku's estranged half brother who used ninja mind tricks to defeat the evil that faught people on tops of weird floating landmasses.