Sell since BD is all sickly and therefore slacking I guess this is up to me. Sheesh. I have to do it all. I am sitting here watching the clock play a mean game of tick too fucking slow with me. My angry stares at it appear to be having NO affect. I hate you clock. Ahem. Anyway, I think I just decided that Happy Hour will be happening.
You know, I'm getting kind of tired of "going out" every Friday night, but that is all my friends ever want to do. I think I gripped about this in last weekends drunk thread. What I really want to do is find a bar, perhaps at a local restaurant or something, that I can belly up to. I just want to sit on a bar stool and have frosty Coors Lights placed in front of me until I can't walk straight.
You might be an alcoholic if you crack open your first beer at 3:30pm in the grocery store parking lot. In other words, I'm an alcoholic. Just for the record though, I wasn't driving.
I hate you all. I will be working until I fall asleep tonight. Then I will likely wake up paniced and get back to the task at hand. Shit.
I am currently parked behind one of our offices on one of the "trendy" parts of town watching women with short leather jackets, tight pants (which are nice) and haircuts which include the sides being buzzed short and the tops and, uh, ear bangs (?) are really long. I've managed to waste only two minutes typing this stupid post and am counting down the time until I get dressed up in my fanciest Sunday best, hop in a car and drive to one of the fanciest restaurants in town where my dad will buy me all the wine I can legally drink and the most expensive dinner I can ask for because it's my mothers birthday. Oh and I love run-on sentences. Oh, look, a vagrant! Edit: And he's digging bottles out of a dumpster. How cute!
I have a cumulative exam tomorrow that goes back to September '08. There are thirty three self-care topics. It is in the format of interviewing "patients" who are Z-list actors, some of whom are good enough to appear on local commercials. I will be having a wine tasting competition at my apartment after the exam. Whoever tastes the most wine wins.
I am really tempted to just go to the restaurant just down the street that I really like, sit at the bar by myself and get good and drunk. Hopefully the good bartender that knows me will be working. I'll probably have to go alone since my friends are lame these days. That also means that I would probably have to take a cab home when its time since I don't drink and drive (anymore). Its either that or go home and play xbox for awhile and then go out to some bar that I'm getting tired of.
2:30 beer and quesadillas on the couch with roommates and Nero Wolfe. Unfortunately there are three of us and not many beers, so this evening will most likely degenerate into vodka or tequila or something else awful from the liquor cabinet.
Hooters after work for wings and beer followed up by Cop Out. That's all that I have planned so far. I'm sure I will be starting the St. Patty's day mini tour this weekend though.
Tonight I'm staying home with the husband since I'm going to be gone tomorrow night. We'll probably rent a movie and order a pizza. That is if he finishes working on his brother's truck at a decent hour, since the part he was needing came in today. If not then I'll just be drinking and packing my bag for tomorrow night. So far I have a decent group of people I used to work with to hit the bars with tomorrow, many of them I haven't seen for a year or two. Should be a blast.
Oh no babe! All better here, I just had to make one of the biggest sales presentations of my young career all day today. I've been working on this account the last 3 months, and it renews on Monday. I find out tomorrow if I get it. So yeah, I'm getting fucked up right now. i've been drinking with my brother, and two of my buddies who just had their girlfriends cheat on then in the past week. So i'm cooking up a big chili at their request as we listen to every slow sad song that Ryan Bingham and Chris Knight sing.
One of my best friends got dumped last week, and he's visiting home for the weekend. It sucks, because the girlfriend was a close friend of mine too, and it was a matter of geographical distance, not loss of love. I'm not really too sure what I can do for him, because I'm what you would call an emotional retard. Were I him, I'd be in the depths of a four-day bender, pushing the sadness deep, deep down inside where the rest of my issues live. He's far more adult and responsible than I am though, so my methods may not be applicable in this instance.
Damn all you's to hell. Nah, just joking. One more class, then gotta stop into work for a few hours to get a couple things done, then booze. But that is standard. What is exciting is that tomorrow I'm going to my first real, professional, wine tasting event. I'm mad excited, though I'm sure it will probably be semi-lame. It's for a literary journal here that I'm involved with and some French literary/artsy thingy that I don't know about. Apparently there will be a few French women there, who I assume will be hot because when I think of French and Literature only two names come to mind, Anais Nin and Simone De Beauvoir, and I would have liked to stick it to botha dem. I can speak some French, so maybe I will dazzle these women with my culture and sophistication and then we can smush. Who knows.
Its gay to let your brother live with you now? Huh. I'll be damned. I don't watch that MTV and stuff, so i don't know these things like shegirl. Yall need to keep me abreast of such things.
Is it wrong to drink whiskey from the bottle in the car on the way home? Promotions are supposed to be good things. I feel like Monday was in 1998. It's been a long fucking week.
Where is Jennitalia at? If you don't laugh at this, you clearly need another drink. NSFW And to Noland: It's only frowned upon if you were the one driving.