I found this website recently, and I have to admit I understand the appeal of every guy listed. I don't know if it's weird curiosity or something is wrong with me, but I shouldn't be attracted to these men. Focus: What celebrity do you have an unexplainable attraction to?
I think this is easier for girls than guys. The difficulty here is "inexplicable how?" Inexplicable to yourself, or inexplicable to the world at large? For example, if Pam Anderson isn't your type, then Pam Anderson is someone you could have an inexplicable crush on (despite it being completely understandable to the rest of the world). Some would be both, I guess. So for me: Inexplicable to most of the rest of the world: 1. Jodie Foster - Plays for the other team. 2. Julianne Moore - Old. Inexplicable to me: 1. Julie from the first Real World: New Orleans: I usually go for girls with brains and personality, and she seems to have neither.
I'm not a fan of anything more than a few tasteful tattoos, I like my women to be intelligent and witty, I lean more towards women who are a little outdoorsy and that look best in their casual dress without too much makeup on. Still there's something attractive about a crazy-racist-bipolar freak that you know will never call out the safe word. She's game for anything, you ain't shocking her.
I would wreck Flo the Progressive chick. And I don't know why. The only reason I can think of is that I bet she'd get buck wild. Look at all her eye make-up. "You wear too much eye make-up. My sister wears too much. People think she's a whore."
(I know they're not really celebrities but...) I would go crazy on every one of the chicks on Jersey Shore. It's shameful.
Focus: I don't know what it is about her. Perhaps it's the glasses? Perhaps her humor? There is NOTHING conventionally hot about Tina Fey, yet I am very attracted to her.
Are you retarded? Tina Fey is one of the funniest women in America and is cute as hell. It's unconventional not to want her. Let's try for a little more strange here. I would fuck Christine O'Donnell senseless. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, but I would do it god damnit.
I agree with the Christine O'Donnel thing My vote goes for Bristol Palin! As a communist myself dumb right-wingers really float my boat for some reason.
Biggest hate-fuck of all time: I'm not especially into kink, but with this one there would definately be bondage, discipline, and D/s.
You should read this: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 1c65a1fd6d</a> And the Sequel <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Lea Thompson. This one isn't that big of a stretch, even now that she's getting old I would still nail her to the wall. I watched Caroline in the City a lot when I was a kid for some reason. Now it's going to get a little weirder...I watched a lot of Star Trek in junior high: Now it gets downright creepy...
Jay Baruchel. He's awkward and thin and has a so not conventionally attractive face that I am often left wondering why I feel any sort of attraction to him. To further add to my confusion, I know he is a Habs fan, and as a Leafs fan this is an ultimate dealbreaker. I've resigned myself to the fact that I most likely dig him because he was on Popular Mechanics for Kids.
A few weeks ago, I started to really fear for myself because as I was watching the latest episode of It's Always Sunny I found myself being very attracted to Charlie. A few episodes later, I still found myself waiting for Charlie to come back into the story, and then he'd finally be on screen in his droopy Long Johns and I'd be like "awwww yeahhhhh." Then I actually had to pause the episode and do some serious soul-searching. And that's when I realized that if I removed the character from the actor, Charlie Day actually looks remarkably close to the guy I had a serious crush on at the time (still do). Moral of the story is, I don't care, if you can look at Charlie Day and remind yourself that in real life he can read, he's totally hot: But before my Charlie revelation, I would've totally boned Mac. It's out.
Sarah Silverman. She isnt my type in any way at all. Unfortunately, I have a major weakness for a girl with a good sense of humor.
So you're just posting to tell us Sarah Silverman isn't your type?* * Im not trying to start a female stand up comedians are all shit debate but I think her and Tina Fey have been highly overrated comedically. Tina Fey is at least super cute. I like girls with senses of humor as long as they don't try and be the center of attention the entire time with their raunchy sense of humor, Ive known girls like this and it gets tiring.
NOTE: I'm mainly posting here so that the message board will be in the following order: We Shouldn't be Attracted To... Two Chicks at One Time FOCUS: I'd make her a Golden Girl...