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We don't have math majors, which is why our ratios are off

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aetius, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    The paper of record, the New York Times, has printed this shining example of why old media is dying (hint: because it sucks like a Thai hooker with a Dyson shoved up her ass). For those who don't feel like reading, the general thesis is as follows:

    -The ratio of women:men at UNC (currently 3:2), and similar schools (some as woefully out of whack as 6:5) has led to a radical shift in dating dynamics, where poor sorority girls are forced to engage in ever sluttier behavior to compete with the other girls for the select few men they deem worthy of their attention, and the brutes, I mean men, bask in a harem-like environment of unlimited vaginal splendor.

    Non-serious Focus: Mock the shit out of this article, the writer, the New York Times, the overly entitled and moronic sorority girls that are the subject of it, and anyone else you care to.

    Serious Focus: Discuss gender and education, both in university and before, as well as the social implications of the status quo as well as the end game of currently observed trends.
  2. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    My class is about 2/3rds female.

    I know nothing of these harems, competitions for my attentions, or any of that nonsense. Then again, my classmates are largely those kids you knew in elementary school who were stultified by elementary sex ed; that is, sex is gross and icky and you should never ever have it unless you love someone in a really special way. Also, by parents who told them that boys would inhibit their ability to play piano and get into a good school and bring shame upon the family. Wonderful group of people, really. I've had more than a few conversations with girls these last two weeks where they stated that they would never kiss on a first date on general principle (religious and non-religious types; I doubt they've been on many, if any, first dates). I know a girl who left for the greener pastures of med school who said she might consider finding a boyfriend once she did her residency. Any of you who know anything about residences are laughing at this statement. There was one of those stupid matchmaker bubble-in forms being passed around this week; one of the questions asked whether, during intimate moments, you preferred to a) be looking at the pillow, b) be looking at the ceiling, or c) looking for a partner (in those terms). The hysterical shrieks, giggling, confusion and hyperventilation that resulted made me think I was in fucking elementary school again.

    Going into the implications of increased numbers of women entering medical professionals would be boring as hell, so I'll leave it at that.

    But, on topic:


    Look at plane jane there, third from the left. You can see her biological clock ticking.

    Unless I was mistaken, girls mostly dressed up like that for each other's benefit in the first place. Guys hardly notice that shit.

    I call bullshit on this. An awful lot of young people - not just women - are in college because it's the done thing. I've never particularly heard of anyone doing the "Mrs." degree, but I'd love to hear any shared stories. Reference:

    This is new?

    I go to a rigorous school with more studying than socializing, and to say there are romantic complications implies there is romance in the first place

    This is new?

    This is new?

    This might be new. I'm not sure what to say - it's phrased in a way that makes all these raunchy activities less-than-consensual. And I sincerely doubt that it is any such thing.

    You go, Kennard. Nevermind holding people to high standard sof behaviour - stoop to maintain the company of a man who cheats on you. Some high fuckin' standards you have there.

    You've got to be shitting me. I bet nobody was complaining on the side of young men when they had to primp themselves and buy girls drinks and still face the chance of rejection.
  3. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Probably one of the dumbest things ever said including math used as facts.
  4. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    So I'm just going to go out and ask it... you live in San Fransisco and/or Vancouver don't you? Also, do you know the kind of guys those have to deal with?


    I went to a Liberal Arts program for two years before switching out, it was about 65% girls. I noticed that girls are just better at artsy school stuff than guys are. For instance, most of the guys struggled hard with the essays on Caravaggio and other Baroque artists, the girls just loved that and succeeded mightily.

    I know the implication is sexist but did this journalist try researching in some fields that require problem solving skills, like the pure sciences or engineering? Instead of a one line blurb, if the journalist went to a tech school, he'd see that the guys still have trouble meeting girls and it's just like it always has been.

    To the girls: You're boring, not hot and/or clingy. It's not the status quo that's wrong, it's probably you. I guarantee that no normal guy will ignore, mistreat or cheat on a girl if she was actually desirable.
  5. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    Jesus christ, I fucking wish. I go to RIT, which has a ratio of about...7:3? I think at last measure (in favor of sausages). I'm not complaining that I can't get girls or anything, but boy is there ever a case of R.I.B.S. (Ratio Induced Bitch Syndrome). Girls I would normally have a fun time with turn into annoying wastes of time whenever the implication of sexual anything is brought up, and it gets old fast.
  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    "Sordid Romantic History". No, we're just saving ourselves for Mrs. Right. Sounding frustrated and robustly stupid at the same time while trying to use math analysis is like a perfect storm of retardation. I'm sure you'd rather be dating the 40-pounds-overweight WoW addict working on his Avatar thesis while wearing a John Cena t-shirt who's masturbation schedule is so rigorous he only steps out to buy RC Cola and man his turn in line for the next shitty Star Wars movie they cook up.

    Oh whore logic, where would we be without you? And now we know that you, Rachel Sasser, like sloppy sixths. Or maybe sevenths. The fact of the matter is, he hooked up with all of you because your are sluts and you were willing. That's the reason God invented college in the first place.
  7. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Heh. My class was 73% guys, 27% girls. Considering how tiny the school was, and how many Asian girls scared of white people there were, it was a million times worse than what was described in the article.

    Still, I can't ever recall bitching about it like the girls in the article did, even when I was a freshman. There were still some decent/attractive girls out there that I dated, and there were always the local bars and parties at other colleges. It's only a limiting factor if you let it be one.

    And according to Wikipedia, UNC has about 18,000 undergrads. If slightly more than 40 percent are guys, that's still over 7,200 guys. That's 8 times the entire undergrad population of where I went to. What's the problem? Are those girls complaining because there's slightly more competition for guys, or that they might have to go out and meet new people, instead of everyone coming to them?

    What a bunch of lazy, self-entitled losers.

    Also, I found the article in general to be a bunch of hateful rambling towards men, with little or nothing to back it up. No wonder the New York Times is hemorrhaging money.


    That's truly a horrific and unique experience. I must have pulled away a girl talking to a random guy at least a hundred times, and had a girl I was talking to pulled away at least as often. (And sometimes by other girls)

    Yes, because guys should be perfectly satisfied with what they don't want.
  8. Stimpson J Cat

    Stimpson J Cat
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Because heaven forbid a woman go out of her way to get a man. Newsflash: if you want to attract the opposite sex, you might have to actually do something to earn that attraction. Putting in work to find a mate isn't victimization, it's life.

    These girls seem to think that the only way to possibly get a boyfriend is to dress like a skank and open your legs for the first guy you see. An idea: develop a personality and generally be an interesting person, and guys will actively seek you out, even if you're not the hottest girl in the room. Why? If you're looking for a boyfriend, you probably don't want a guy who is only looking for a warm hole to shoot his load into. You're looking for someone who's also seeking out actual quality in a person. If you're fishing for trout, don't use a ham sandwich.

    Most of the guys I know and hang out with are like this, and it works for them. This is because they are actually interesting people, who can carry out actually interesting conversations. Girls see a group of guys having fun, and approach because they *gasp* also like to have fun. It's not rocket science. I've never bought drinks for girls, and while they don't instantly get wet when I walk through the door, they don't treat me like a leper just because I'm not complimenting them for having a vagina.
  9. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    The majority of my undergraduate career was spent at NYU, a school with a ratio of 61-39 towards women last time I checked. However, the vast majority of my classes were either Economics or Math classes. Particularly in the math classes the ratio was more than reversed. My friends in the hard sciences said Physics and Chemistry had similar ratios to math while Biology was somewhat equal. I don't really understand why, but this should be of much greater concern to the authors given their priors. Personally, I don't think things like this need reporting. Who gives a shit about what the ratios of men to women are in anything? Power to whomever achieves more.
  10. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Oh man, that article is great. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard at a piece of journalism. This isn't really the crux of the article, but it might be my favorite part:

    How vapid and clueless can you be?

    I don't buy into it. There's no way a hot/smart/cool girl is going to have to put up with that shit based on a 60:40 ratio. My college is in the majority for women, but it has a fairly normal dating dynamic. The guys probably still put in more effort than women when it comes to hooking up. Sure, let's say about 10% are complete sluts, but they still don't fit the dynamic in that article. I don't know - maybe if you interviewed the most hideous, or most desperate women here you'd get similar answers, and they'd be happy to blame it on the 'excess of women.'

    Honestly, I think this is a classic case where a reporter decided what story he wanted to put out before he did the research, and then just molded that 'research' to fit what he wanted to write. Either that or he exclusively interviewed the ugliest women on campus.
  11. Ryan Leaf

    Ryan Leaf
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I went to law school at UNC, and it is every bit as awesome as the article implies. I've sat at that very table in the photo, drinking the 25c beers faster than the Tri Sigs could buy them for me, knowing that there was no place I'd rather be in the world. It is the only thing I miss about North Carolina.
  12. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Jesus Christ. I chose to NOT go to UNC Chapel Hill.

    Be right back, busy banging my head against a wall. As opposed to banging bitches.
  13. numeric

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Land of Green and Gold
    UNC has one of the best graduate programs in the country for my major.

    Is "unlimited vaginal splendor" worth $40k more in debt?
  14. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    So this woman figured out that if men have options they will do the following:

    Fuck anything that moves.
    Not commit.
    Commit and fuck anything that moves.

    Wow, way to crack that mystery New York Times.
  15. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I read that article, and then thought "I suddenly know where I'm applying for grad school."
  16. Ryan Leaf

    Ryan Leaf
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The only caveat that I'd mention is that, UNC being in the South, you get a lot of girls that are religious and you need to work on them a bit to breach those years of indoctrination. If you want to go somewhere that you can get guaranteed one night stands every night, go to San Diego. If you want a harem of otherwise intelligent southern belles chasing you, then UNC is pretty fucking awesome.
  17. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I can't be the only one who went to Facebook to check that the problem wasn't just a matter of "Oh dem chicks ugly."
  18. Dennis

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 9, 2009

    I want to see your report.

    In my school there were supposedly more women than men, but it is Minnesota - discount the fat chicks and you got a few good ones getting chased by many.
  19. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Most of them were smart enough to disable their Facebook profiles (can you imagine the flood of male friend requests that must follow this sort of article? "Oh she needs to meet more guys! I'm a guy!"), but the ones who weren't ranged from average to cute.

    I'd say looks legitimately aren't the problem.

    Honestly? She might be on to something.

    I'd say I do about average, maybe marginally less than average, with women for you're average sociable, non-deformed college male. But when I go to NYU to visit my friend there? I fucking clean up. And Lord knows it ain't my game.

    And I've always figured that it follows similar logic: 40% male...half of those are gay...then half of those left are helplessly nerdy, obese, or ridiculous hipsters. You're left with only ten percent of the population being normal males. Some of those must have girlfriends. So we're talking like, 5-7% of the student population.

    So compared to shitty demographics, HEY, I look not half-bad!
  20. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Worst quote:
    "Oh, I'm not a gold-digger. I just date 'young professionals' because there's umm...not enough boys and stuff."