A bunch of locals were mad that our town did nothing at all for veterans Day. But, we did have some random woman riding a horse all through town carrying a giant flag so we got that going for us I guess.
I have a niece that when she was 20 told me she was Lesbian. Now that she is getting ready to turn 30, she is engaged to a nice young man and is heterosexual. I just think when you are that young you are just looking for love and really do not care where it comes from. I am also told I am old and have no idea how the world is now.
She's in a "hetero-normative" relationship but she might also still experience attraction to women and non-binary folks. Have you ever asked her?
Friendships in middle, high school and college between girls can be super intense and intimate, and with gobs of hormones on board I feel like we all ended up with crushes on some of our female friends. I probably made out with almost as many girls as guys in high school, but it turns out I’m actually pretty straight. Doesn’t mean there wasn’t attraction there, and there were a few years where I legitimately thought I was closer to the middle of the spectrum.
When I was in high school, there were a bunch of girls (maybe ten) who said they were lesbians, and they were really out in the open about it. By their early twenties, all of them were married with kids. Most of them didn't even make it to graduation.
100% It's also annoying because when I do see something that benefits veterans, it's just for the overlap of senior + veteran. It puts a divide up. They should be allowing vets and their families to come get the free pancake breakfast or whatever. It could potentially foster connections but they isolate the eligible and complain when VFWs are dying out. Third spaces? What's that?
Another 7 days have passed, and so garage night is once again upon us. I have another high school buddy joining us, and in addition to the menu listed above, we’ll have a gin/homegrown weed extraction and cigars. If I remember, which is doubtful, I’ll post pictures later.
You know you're old when you'd rather go to Misanthropic's garage parties and not the latest club/hot spot in town.
Was trying not to date myself haha. I think I made it to my mid 30's before feeling really out of place at a club.
I haven't been to a 'club' in near 20 years, so mid 20's. Dive bars, tiki bars, marina bars, yes. My best friend has a party building. It has an old restored jukebox that still takes nickels and everything else you need to get proper fucked up. I wish I could go more, but he lives two hours away, and I don't need to be around the cocaine that often.
It’s been about 15 years for me since I was, or at least at what passed for a club around here. And I felt so out of place I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Funny story about that night though, I was hanging out with a co-worker who’s a few years younger than me. She was laughing about me “cock blocking” guys that were checking her out. Apparently they’d see her and me next to her and not even try. I was oblivious of course. Now I hang out at a couple private organizations where I’m on the lower end of the average age and it’s actually more fun.