Super bowl Sunday 2019. Anyone hosting the party with the best snacks? Please share recipes. Before you vote on your pick to win, please review these images. Spoiler Patriots Cheerleaders: Rams cheerleaders: My very glorious weekend plans consist of sleeping off the plague that some kid coughed onto me. Probably the kid who stood next to me, sharing air space, for about 10 seconds before he finally reported that he threw up in the sink. I, too, have thrown up in the sink this morning. Thanks buddy. Focus: SUPERBOWL LIII.
The Patriots are in the Super Bowl? Oh, thank the lord above and his ability to work miracles. It’s about time this low budget, rag-tag team of bluecollar lugs got their shot at fifteen minutes of fame. A Cinderella story if there ever was one.
I'm going to a super bowl party for the game and assuming I don't leave early it will be the only time all season that I've sat through an entire game. It honestly suprises me how little of a shit I give about football these days. We should have a poker game going by the end of the first quarter, which will be more fun than watching the game anyway. Brady and Belichick will retire after 2, at the most 3 more seasons. New England might still be good, maybe they'll suck, but without those two there is no way they make more than half of the super bowls over the next two decades. Oh man, I really wish Rodgers hadn't already spent most of his career with fucking McCarthy. If Rodgers wasn't there dude would have been out the door within 2 seasons of Favre being gone. Worst defensive coach I have ever fucking seen, and most of those years he actually had a shitload of talent. Ted Thompson gifted him a top 3 roster, and he just found ways to fuck it up. That Seattle game for the NFC title was so ridiculous. I'm still bitter about that.
Let the hate flow through you. I hate Bitch Boy Brady but honestly I get sick of people bitching that they are always making Super Bowl runs, at this point it’s just watching history happen, the Patriots or any other team will never duplicate this kind of success.
I don’t care about it in any department. The same song played on the radio over and over gets boring no matter how many remixes it has. Green Bay is the greatest football franchise, everyone else has a long way to go besides the Giants. But football doesn’t seem to exist before the late Sixties for some reason in the eyes of most football fans, even though a) it did and b) they’re wrong.
I'm cheering for the Rams for the sole reason that I'm a Steelers fan and I don't want the Pats tying them for six Superbowl rings. But, I think the Pat's are going to win and it'll just further cement that Brady is the GOAT
The Rams have what it takes to be the next dynasty. With a head coach as good as theirs, it will be hard not to. All they need is fans, which bandwagon fake-ass L.A. will be happy to provide.
Question for you idiots. I’m making a prime rib tomorrow to celebrate my wife’s recent promotion. However I have no idea how I’m going to prepare it. I’m reading lots on the internet’s. Does anyone have any recipes they enjoy?
Do you have a Sou Vide? Because this would be a perfect reason to buy one. I smoke mine at 250-300 for a few hours and then finish in the sous vide for 24 hours at 127 degrees. You’ll never want to buy prime rib at a restaraunt again.
I was talking about this the other day with someone that's from LA and this is pretty much their sentiment
Are they also aware they have football teams again? Two of them? It’s hard to notice the Chargers because they play in the football stadium from Varsity Blues.
For sure sous vide is the best way you'll ever have prime rib; however, failing that, here's the way I used to always make mine and it would come out perfect medium rare every time. About an hour before cooking, take it out of the fridge and salt it on all side heavily (preferably on a wire rack inside a baking sheet). This will help tenderize and dry brine the roast. While that's working, get out some unsalted butter and herbs (fresh work better if you have them, but dried will work in a pinch). Let the butter soften and then make a quick compound butter with the herbs, and add in a bunch of cracked black pepper. Once the roast has been sitting and brining about an hour, turn your oven on and crank it up to 500 degrees. While the oven is heating up, slather that compound butter all over the roast. Make it look like some sort of alien bukkake film. Put the roast into a roasting pan of your choosing, or even back onto the wire rack and put it in the oven. This is the important part. You want to cook the roast at 500 degrees for 5 minutes/lb, so if you have a 5lb roast - 25 minutes. As soon as the time cooking at a temperature of 500 is over, shut your oven off and walk away for two hours. Don't touch it to "check on it", nothing at all. The carryover heat from the earlier roasting will finish off the rest. After two hours, take the roast out, let sit for 10 minutes to rest, then carve.
Prime rib doesn't take 24 hours in a sous vide. I usually do mine 4-6 hours, tops. Then just finish in the oven under the broiler to get a nice sear on it. You're thinking of tougher roasts that typically recommend 24 hour cooks.
They probably think the Raiders are still in town. But who the fuck would want that? You want to see what a degeneration of a once-insanely-loyal fanbase looks like, go to Oakland: ...the fuck is that? The cast of “Rent”?