It's freaking spider season. They were all over the pumps today and had repopulated the porta potty too. I'm guessing orb weavers of some kind? I am really not a spider hater, but daggum! I'm going to end up with a spider in my mouth.
I got kinda questioned about an act of arson in 7th grade, because of just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. There were two fires that day, one was an old abandoned farmhouse, that actually was arson. I happened to skateboard past it, right before it went up in flames. I was skateboarding from our farm to my aunt and uncle's farm, where uncle just happened to let a brush fire get a little out of control. He was an idiot, burning in the fall, on a breezy day. His fire burned a few thousand square feet before the volunteer fire department got there and got a big enough fire break raked so it would stop spreading. It was about a mile, from the abandoned farmhouse to my aunt's place. Deputy showed and just asked me if I did it. They all knew it was me skateboarding between farms, they didn't have to work to figure that part out. I was probably the only kid that rode a skateboard for miles, on those country roads, to get places. I guess he was satisfied with my response, and I'm sure the look of confused terror on my face was easy to read. It probably helped that the uncle's fire looked like an idiot burning on a windy day, not arson.
They should interview each athlete from Argentina with a German last name and ask them about their great-grandpa.
Since the odds are in favour of them descending from either a Nazi or a conquistador, the more accurate question would be “Which baddies ARE we?”
Elephants and Jackasses thread going off the rails so I'll bring this here.. I don't see it on their menu anymore but they had a honey mustard chicken sandwich that was damn good. And then I was trying to eat healthier and started eating this magnificent sandwich. Nothing fried, no beef so it couldn't be too bad right? Wrong. 810 calories!
It's not really that the calories are bad for you in that sandwich. 810 calories of wheat bread, lettuce, tomato, lean meat... are not as bad as 810 calories of fried mozzarella sticks and a milkshakes or soda.
I don’t give a shit how many calories they have when I have a craving for curly fries Arby’s is the spot. They are the best fries of any chain. Mix ketchup and horsey sauce. Shiiiiiiiiiit.
I disagree. Too many crunchy nubs, not enough long, triple curl curly fries. I usually just get there crinkle fries, because I was tired of all the wasted space on inconsistent fry junk. Zaxby's crinkle fries are good, Five Guys fries are good.
I used to find her appealing because I could practice my Spanish when speaking to her because she doesnt speak English. After two years, I found out she speaks Portuguese instead of Spanish. Now I don't make eye contact.