Happy Leprechaun day. I mean, driving the snakes out of Ireland day. I mean, Guinness day. St Paddy's Day porn GIS is kinda weird. I clicked on one graphic and then found a whole bunch of fun ones. Spoiler Happy Friday folks. Anyone going out to enjoy some revelry tonight?
Ahh. Brings me back. I can smell the funnel cakes and crack pipes from here. That happened a year or two before my sister graduated college. All the arch-y majors decorated their graduation hats. She put the leprechaun in the tree on hers.
Wife’s nan last night. She’ll be 100 years old in October, still has a screwdriver and cigarette for breakfast every morning. I’m starting to think British people can’t be killed.
Today is yet another reproductive health visit, where where for some reason the doctors require I stand awkwardly behind Jägerette as she gets her vagina probed and gawked at by strangers.
Ive had my PCP ask to have young med students sit in on appointments a few times. Ive never took him up on this. Each time as I remember they were sensitive appointments not regular check ups. Can't imagine randos watching as the doctor probed body cavities.
I would bet it is a liability issue. If you are there, it is hard to accuse the doctor of hanky panky at a later date.
They usually have a nurse or another staff member present for that reason. All students have to go through time in a clinical setting before they can graduate. That was a big limiting factor when I was in school. There were only so many clinical facilities around to support training new graduates. I was cool about students helping with my OB care until I had to pay for 2 radiological visits because the student couldn't get the imaging in the slotted time. Learned my lesson with that. If I'm in a for pay health system, I will not ever choose to have students help in my care. I get nothing out of it.
It's more so that each time it has been a differnt doctor/ nurses since it's been so many specialists. But today was the permanent doctor, and she is a very attractive Czech woman. I've always wanted to see an Eastern European woman wrist deep in my wife, but not like this.
Speaking of findings reputable doctors, any legitimate sites for vetting doctors/offices? Looking for a sleep specialist but google reviews are all people pissed and then there are a million dicey “review” sites. My doctor has a dicey record himself on referrals and are all exclusively from the same health system that owns his practice, not necessarily what the best specialists would be in town.
when I had my brain surgery, the only OR that was immediately available was one that was referred to me in paperwork I had to sign as a "viewable setting." I had to sign an acknowledgement consenting and allowing students to watch my surgery. Since my health was so tenuous at the time they didn't even give me that syrup to make me go to sleep before they wheeled me in there, so I vividly remember being pushed on the bed into the actual room, and looking up to see these windows with stadium-style seating on the other side. I've always wondered how pissed those students were that my 4 hour surgery turned into 7
Unrelated to a sleep specialist but sleep relevant. Wifey is getting the butt cam tomorrow and they recommended eating clean for the week prior so after our trip we've been eating healthier and 100% cut out booze. I cannot believe how much better I sleep. I've known that alcohol disturbs sleep but I had no idea how much. It was common for me to fall asleep around 10-11pm, wake up 2-3am, toss and turn, finally fall back asleep around 4-5am. I assumed it was work stress related but it's continued into this year.
Taking daughter to the Broadway tour of The Book Of Mormon here in town tonight. Looking forward to this one for a while now. The only problem with seeing this musical is you want to see it again as soon as it’s over, and you can’t. It’s that good.
A buddy of mine, also a drinker, hasn’t touched a drop since January 1, and will not shut the fuck up about how much better he sleeps.