I dub thee, Seinfeld Day. Better than Zipper Day. It's also Arbor Day but we just had Earth Day. Spoiler Today in history: https://www.britannica.com/on-this-day Today is Jerry Seinfeld's birthday. His dating history makes him seem like a creep, and from his Comedians, Cars, and Coffee show, he comes across like an out of touch rich asshole, but I sure do love the show. It's one show of a handful that I'll put on when I'm falling asleep or want background noise. There's an episode or quote for everything. It is also Willie Nelson's birthday. Wait.... Also Arbor Day.... Spoiler You know. Willie. And "trees." Anyway... There's a lot of sexy pictures of Willie online, I just found out. Happy Friday you idiots. Anyone have plans?
I went to summer camp with willie nelson's kid and he was a straight asshole. Heard willie is actually legit though and incredibly down to earth. Probably because he's high as shit all the time.
Let’s face it. “The Contest” is the mother of all Seinfeld episodes. Never once does the term “masturbation” or anything similar get mentioned the entire duration to keep it basically G-rated. If they did say it, it would ruin one of the most perfect 22 minutes of TV ever. “….I’m OUT!!!!” In other news it’s trailer-opening weekend at the campground. The wifi is already hooked up so yesssssssss.
I love the Risk episode. I used to be a Risk fanatic and played many, many games on conquerclub.com. Games with family over holidays inspired a lot of fights. UKRAINE IS NOT WEAK!!
Ever play Diplomacy? It is like Risk took pcp and steroids, and makes the fights all the worse. A friend of mine backstabbed his dad during long game we were playing and his dad barely spoke to him for a month.
No, but I just read about it. I can definitely see some serious backstabbing and bullshittery that would cause.
The Puerto Rican Day Parade episode is also pretty funny. You have watch it on Netflix because it has never aired on TV again after the first time.
I go pick up our trees from the post office this morning. They arrived on actual Arbor Day, but too late for me to make it there to get them. I don't know what the wife got this year, at least one dogwood is all I know, she wants it in the front yard.
Apparently there’s a local group of guys who call themselves “Predator Hunters”. They pose as underage kids and go online to catch local perverts. They posted their latest episode last night in which they caught the news director/ anchor for a local TV station who allegedly was there to meet a 15 year old boy. Frickin’ yikes.
I’m halfway through Season 7 of binge watching Seinfeld. It’s amazing how many catch phrases my wife and I use that came from that show. My daughter is away this weekend so my wife and I went into Manhattan and did adult thing. Had some drinks, walked the High Line, and of course ate some awesome food.
We have a few from the show that pop up now and again. Fancy "Helllllloooo." Sounds like a fun night. If I visited everyone would know I'm a tourist because my head would be falling off from swiveling around to gawk at everything. I believe you are close enough to visit often and have a feel for certain areas. Do you have some favorite spots?
The thing I like best about New York are the micro neighborhoods within the larger areas. The west side of Greenwich Village, a couple of streets down near the south tip of the island by Wall Street, etc. And you can always find a street festival going on for no apparent reason. Every time we go in we stumble across one. For a historic feel the southern end of Manhattan is fantastic. Cobblestone streets and restaurants that have been around since the 1700s. The Village has a nice historic feel to it with great bars and music. The Peculier Pub on Bleeker Street is one of my favorite bars (followed closely by Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in London, where you can have a pint while sitting in Charles Dickens’s favorite seat). One time a buddy and I wound up at the Peculier Pub with a couple of Swedish au pairs - what a great night. Chelsea has incredible food and the High Line - an elevated park built on an old elevated rail line. If you’re ever going, message me with what you’re into and I can suggest some great places for you to go to.
I just don’t get the people of my generation that were ardent FRIENDS fans. FRIENDS people by choice over Seinfeld. I’ve seen a few episodes that had funny stories but I just can’t get into the the traditional sitcom laugh tracj comedy beat the show runs on. My dad’s cousin and his wife, in their 70s, helped me bring that shark on shore. They bickered just like George’s parents. They talked in all caps. To be fair though they were nice and drunk when they showed up to help. YOU HAVE TO TIE A HOOP KNOT! I KNOW WHAT TYPE OF KNOT TO TIE! HURRY IT' GET AWAY! WHAT'S IT LOOK LIKE I AM DOING? CAREFUL IT'LL BITE YOUR LEGS OFF I KNOW HOW TO DO IT, THE SAND IS SLIPPERY HERE DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS!?!?!
The trees were misplaced, somehow. Hoping they were found late Saturday and I can get them today, but I won't know until they open.
We had horrible luck with a dogwood in our yard. They need partial shade and the spot we put it gets way more sun than we thought it did. A corner downspout also drained in that location so it was probably getting too much water as well.
Yeah, we put one in the back yard that we need to move. It still comes back every spring, but it hasn't grown any. Our front yard should be perfect, we definitely have shade there.
So due to the current historic megadrought, the water levels in Lake Mead have gotten so low that they're uncovering bodies dumped in oil drums that are now above the waterline for the first time in decades. If that isn't "the sins of the past" hitting us in like four different ways at once I don't know what is.