I was really hoping for some weird Frank Sinatra porn. Oh well. It's also National Pizza Party day.... Weekend tom foolery.
Have any of you guys ever been to an Apocalyptica concert? Jungle Julia and I are going tonight, and I'm not sure what the crowd will be like.
A cello concert? It’ll be interesting. A bunch of people going to hear versions of Metallica but on a cello? Probably a bunch of pseudo music snobs.
Pool weather fucking finally, bbq and beer on Saturdays for the rest of the summer, southern weather beats Michigan’s hands down. Sous Vide tri-tip while the butts are on the smoker, cold beer and a cigar.
It’s May 2-4 weekend up here, our version of Memorial day only colder and rainier. One Of two legal weekends to freely shoot off fireworks here, so teens will be buying up all the Air Bombs At the corner stores and firing them off after 1 A.M.
For you people that have outdoor patio furniture... I have an 8 foot long, 8 person outdoor table (so with the end chairs it measures about 10 foot long when they're pushed in) and my fiancee ordered a 15 foot wide outdoor patio umbrella. This one specifically. I'm wondering if you think it'll be too long and I should cancel the order before it gets here and go with something smaller. Thoughts?
Plus, when you forget to close it during a storm, the bigger surface area will create more epic blowing away.
Agree with the rest... can't have too much, especially if it rains. If it's big enough to easily cover the table and people sitting at the table during a light rain fall, that's golden.
Nice long weekend this weekend and then I'm off to the mountains in BC for a high-altitude fishing trip with my best friend and others for a week. I can't wait. In other news we're actually getting WARMTH this weekend in amongst the rain, so that'll be a nice change. I started building my 2nd wicking raised garden tonight and should have the box/liner all done by tomorrow. At that point it's all about hiring what passes for Mexican day labourers up here to fill it full of gravel and topsoil. Should be a busy but productive weekend, knock on wood.
I hired the neighbor teen to move 6 scoops of pea gravel around to the new outdoor gym area last week. Best $80 ever spent.
Yeah, I did the last one all by myself so I can say "hey, I did that." Now I'm more than happy to say "hey, I built the frame, and paid them to do the heavy lifting." It works out to about $50/hr per person around here for landscaping labour, so I l figure that's a hell of a deal. Last time I hired a couple guys they busted their asses and took half the time I thought they would and earned a hell of a tip.
Well, a few delays aside, we've made it to Austin. Hopefully, this doesn't suck as much as the other times.
It was about 2hrs of work for her twice after school. She did a great job. She told her mom that she likes me and would have helped for free! I was like hell no, I am paying you. Know your worth girlfriend. I have a bad back but I'm not a charity case. Lordy. I have awesome neighbors.
A few years ago I gave our broken old hot tub to a family friend. I needed the patio space and never used it (and didn’t wanna pay to have it hauled off), he was an electrician and could fix the broken motor and put in all new wiring. Win/win. Only problem was, he had no clue how to get it off my patio and onto his trailer. A phone call and a promise of cash and cold beer later, a whole crew of guys showed up and did more work in an hour than I thought was humanly possible. It was fascinating, and I was in awe.
Where do y'all find these folks that want to work hard? When I was building my flea market I was begging for workers in Mississippi where everyone is broke and out of work. Everyone wanted to get paid, but no one wanted to work. In other news...Fuck today. Fridays are always assholes and elbows at the office, but today one of our web based applications went down. We utilize a few different platforms, but the main one we rely on is the web based one. When it took a shit I had to quickly figure out a way to use a program our founder coded in 1988 to somewhat replicate the web based application. It's a stable little platform, but what you can accomplish in 2-3 mouse clicks on the web app takes about 474 keystrokes on the archaic platform. Thank God that I spent countless hours dealing with CP/M and DOS years ago and apparently I can still run an antique system. It still sucked dealing with it even if I could make it work. Also...my severance pay came to an end. Boo.
I once got conned(by my mother) into helping her friend fill 6 raised beds with dirt...took me 3 days and a shitty wheelbarrow... It taught me I'm not cut out for manual labor....