Happy different colored eyes day. What a reach for a holiday. Oh well, now I can post some babes: Who was it who loves redheads? @Revengeofthenerds ?? Reddit controversy! Supposedly Sarah McDaniels is not actually a heterochromiak after receiving lots of attention for it. Whatever. Still smokin. There is also a subreddit for heterochromia porn. It's not actually porn. What a bummer. I know at least one member has a dog with heterochromia. Let's see your pups! Alt focus: National eat your jello day. @Juice where's your jello gifs when we need them?
Fuck no. You could take the hottest woman on earth, put a red wig on her and I wouldn't touch her with someone else's dick. Red hair is an instant turnoff for me. Same thing with pale skin. Like Rose Lavelle style. It just creeps me out. Pale skin and red hair is purely evil combination.
Perhaps we can find you a doctor to fix you up with some new eyes, since your current pair is obviously defunct. Spoiler
I'm not the biggest fan of pale skin until it goes all the way to the end of the spectrum and gets like Stoya level alabaster. Then it becomes super hot again.
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Spoiler: Don’t do it. I know, I know. It’s art. You can’t judge it.
Banned. Also, that video has received 3 likes. Three. OK, so there's you @Crown Royal . Who are the other 2?
Probably from the pair of door-to-door salesman he has bound up in some torch-lit rape dungeon. If he didn’t die from hyper-obesity He’s probably doing a dime in jail for playground prowling.
Sophie Turner is having a rough summer. She’s now starred in TWO hit series that rotted and died on the vine this year: GoT and X-Men. Thankfully they’ve pulled the plug on that film franchise before ANOTHER awful movie gets made.