Man, there are a lot of dicks in boxes of chocolate in that GIS. V Day Party! Spoiler Happy Valentine's day! If you're single, this is probably a great day to meet someone at the bar. Or will you instead be celebrating NO ONE EATS ALONE DAY with your doggy friend? Since this household just got over a stupendous round of food poisoning, I foresee a lot of R&R tonight and over the weekend. Chocolate will never be turned down but isn't expected. I sent a plate of chocolate covered rice krispy treats to work with hubs so his single coworkers have something nice today. They have learned to check out his desk before doing anything else because there might be baked snacks there. Have a fun weekend, idiots, and no pressure.
What’s the deal with attorneys and accountants that it takes them weeks to respond to the simplest email? I’ve dealt with plenty of both and I don’t get it.
I’m going on a cruise tomorrow, horray!! Hope I get quarantined on their private island. If I get coronavirus on a company trip is that workers comp?
I’ve never been happier to not have plans. I think I’ll find a movie to watch and melt into the couch tonight.
I was in Tokyo for VDay. It’s reversed here... women take the men out and buy them gifts. It was interesting to see the role reversal. It was much more noticeable than I would have thought.
I'm seeing The Used in concert tonight and then will watch the Ryan Garcia vs. Francisco Fonseca fight if I get home in time. I won't be drinking since I have to work tomorrow, but a concert of a band that I listened to when I was in high school and then some boxing are still a great way to spend the holiday!
I am in Pittsburgh til Monday. Doing Primanti's for lunch. Carnegie museums, Andy Warhol museum. What am I missing?
Arrogance may be part of it but not the most likely reason. They’re not simply delaying the process, they’re billing their client for every minute they think about, discus, or hold meetings regarding your email. At $350 to $500/hour, why would they hurry the process along?
A worthwhile meal eating at Primati's. Ill just say their "signature" sandwich was not worth the 45 minute detour I took to get it. It was MEH.
I'm from the area, Primanti's is overrated. You will find better food in the Strip District or the South Side. If you like cider, go to the Arsenal Cider House in the Lawrenceville neighborhood. The Duquesne Incline is worth the time for an overlook view of the city from Mt. Washington. I recommend early morning or evening/night for the best lighting.
I need a new biography to read- I’m stuck between Teddy Roosevelt and Churchill. What’s the most inspiring biography you’ve ever read?
I have eaten there three times. It is terrible. One of the only places I refuse to eat. It is a regional food that is regional for a reason. The rest of the world has better taste buds.