Yep, that's right... it's that time of the year again... dry turkey, family you can't stand, and a long weekend. Well, I opted to make it a 5-day long weekend this year, so I'm starting the LWDT (long weekend drinking thread) a bit early... because why not? FOCUS: Things Canadian.
We're going for a simple thanksgiving this year... just a big turkey, frozen veggies, and a Costco pumpkin pie (because they're better than homemade and half the price). Mostly this long weekend is about winterizing the house/yard, and trying to make some progress on my office reno that I've been putting off for way too many months. I've almost got the floors ripped up and next comes new electrical and then drywall. I'm also heading out to the local saw mill to get some rough lumber for a whack of cabinets and furniture for the office. Should be a nice day of doing nothing while other schmucks have to work.
A about a year ago a skunk apparently sprayed everywhere before it died under my brother’s house. Right by the intake for the AC unit. Yeah it took a professional cleaning service and about a week of open doors and windows to get that house smelling even somewhat tolerable again. His very pregnant wife was not overly happy.
It's now been double-wrapped in contractors bags, sealed with Tuck Tape, sprayed with enzyme disinfectants, covered in a bunch of sawdust, and is in the garbage can. Luckily I'm going to the dump tomorrow so it won't be around too long. I've also just finished spraying the shed where it unloaded... and it appears to be working not too badly. Or I'm just losing my sense of smell and I reek too. Regardless, it's a bit cooler out tonight (38°F right now), and there's a wind, so I think that'll help.
If you guys had to drink every fluid produced by the human body, which one would you start with and which one would you end with?
Well, that's a pleasant thought experiment to start your morning off with. Excuse me while I go vomit real quick... Wait, is that also included in your list of bodily produced fluids? @Nettdata Since I know you've got a big set-up; have you done a full sous-vide turkey yet? For the past 10 years or so, I've always done my turkey on the smoker for Thanksgiving, but I'm always interested in trying something new. At a minimum I'm assuming you would have to at least spatchcock it to try and get it fit into the cooking vessel, if not completely breaking it down.
I guess the reverse order of a female porn star. Is it our own piss, blood, saliva, sweat, spinal fluid, stomach acid and load or somebody else’s? My first thought on my birthday is this. Hardee-fucking-har.
Start with cerebrospinal fluid, of course, and finish with blood. If you have to drink it all, because blood is the most volume, I guess? Is it a dude or a chick, because I'd rather not drink semen, since that makes you gay.
It can be your own or someone else's, up to you. Vomit is not included and neither is diarrhea since those are just mostly water. I would probably start with bile and stomach acid.
I have zero desire to do any kind of chicken or turkey sous-vide... I just don't think there's need for it, especially the way I like my poultry done. So much of the flavour is the rendering of the fat due to slow cooking while the skin gets all crispy. The only thing I tend to do with poultry is ensure that it's at room temp (or even higher) before cooking to help with that rendering process. Since I vacuum pack everything from Costco in meal+lunch sized portions, I'll grab a frozen pack of thighs/breasts for dinner and throw them in the sous vide to thaw them out, and get them to about 110 before they hit the bbq, but that's about it. Haven't really felt the need to do anything more with the sous vide with chicken. As to turkey, the logistics for a sous-vide big bird wouldn't be worth it, in my opinion.... I just stick to my tried and true method for Thanksgiving:
Oh, and there's no way that my current setup would be able to do a turkey (at least the 20+ lbs ones we get at Thanksgiving). My counter-top version may be big enough to do a big chicken, at best. It's ideally sized for doing 4-6 steaks, or a good sized roast. I do have a stick as well, but don't have a container big enough to do a turkey.
Yeah, my thought would have been to try and use a turkey fryer pot with my Anova, but like you said, doesn't really seem worth it, plus it would be hell trying to get it somehow bagged up. However, what I might try is using my Frankencooler I built to do a couple of small fryer chickens to make chicken meat for my wedding soup I also make for Thanksgiving.
I saw that and have had that cooler on my Amazon wish list ever since. Just waiting for the time that it makes sense to pull the trigger on it. Until then, the big soup pots I have are pretty well good enough for what I'm doing with it, when I need it.
It's great for doing full packer briskets or anything else where you need a wide flat container as opposed to a standard round soup pot. I recently made 24 cheesecake in a jar for a work function and didn't have to try and stack them on top of each other like you do in a pot or plastic container.