It is both Bigwig Day and Spouse Day. Is your spouse the Bigwig? Does she just think she is? Are you sleeping with the boss? Scandalous! Horny boss who isn't a man: Horny boss who is a man: Spoiler Around here I suppose @Nettdata is the Bigwig. Good day to you, sir. Thanks for all your bigging and your wigging. Outside, our snow is melting. I am inside assisting with yet another Lego kit. Last night I followed some very poor instructions to put together a new portable workbench on which to permanently seat my miter saw (freeing up space on my workbench for soap stuff), and I wish they had the Lego people write the instructions because I basically put that thing together twice. I'm shocked/impressed that the crappy wood screws came out smoothly and went back in snugly. So there's that. Happy Friday! Anyone with hot plans this weekend? Is there a big sportsball game on the telly you're looking forward to watching? [Here's your official reminder that V day is in a couple weeks. Don't forget and make somebody sad. ]
Really could've taken the opportunity to bring this full circle with the But Seriously thread and spoiled a picture of Vince McMahon.
Define "bigwig"? Jungle Julia makes more money than I do; most of the women I've been with over the years did. However, I control a lot of aspects of our life that she cannot. Who's the boss?
HEY. Returning the tracksuit was MY choice, and I only returned the top. I still need to get a picture of her ass in the pants; it's not going to happen this weekend, because she's riding the crimson pony. Fun fact: she actually ended up liking the "inferior " Juicy Couture tracksuit! I laugh to myself every time she wears it.
@dixiebandit69 Yeah yeah yeah. I read your response and thought of a line from Bob's Burgers. "Fine I'll go, but I'm gonna complain the whole time." You bitch about this or that but ask how high when she says jump. Cuz she's the biiiigwiiiiig with the biiiig booooooty.
Good day to you as well, madam. Now show @Rush-O-Matic your tits while @Juice shits on your chest. (Did I read the playbook right?)
Bigwig? just a reminder that Watership Down is a masterpiece of a story, and fuck you if you don’t agree.
That little casual chat about the muffler-into-toms sound at the beginning of "Hot For Teacher" where he just, oh ho hum, plays "Hot For Teacher" and continues to gush about Eddie Van Halen is pretty sweet.