Area 51 Day, kids. I’m guessing it will be a dud as always. But two Dutch guys already got arrested a few days ago trying to get in and someone was shot dead trying to get in earlier this year. So stupid.
Focus: Happy area 51 day! was the hype page. Today a bunch of pichachu onesie wearing neckbeards are swarming Area 51. It looks like about a dozen people showed up. Alt focus: Fall is around the corner, folks. Sep 23rd is the Fall Equinox. Set your clocks back ("Fall back" vs "Spring forward") an hour the night before and catch that extra hour of sleep. It's one of my favorite days of the year. I am perpetually running out of time. Sexy person birthday for Sep 20th: Sophia Loren: Get crunk and get funk. Happy Friday you goddamn idiots. Edit: no, don't do that.
Fuckheads. It is a MILTARY. BASE. On American soil, to boot. It couldn’t be defined for you any more plainly if it were a stop sign. ...this is a great example of when they SHOULD plaster a video of somebody dying on social media. Like the idiots who try to sneak into zoos through the bengal tiger enclosure, or choose to go kite surfing in a fucking hurricane. Adults stIll —to this day— aren’t getting the easy-to-understand warnings that logic puts in front of us, and they need visuals lessons to prove their stupidity.
And even if you some how got passed the initial security detail, it’s not just hopping a fence and sneaking into some alien spacecraft hanger. The size of the actual base property itself is the size of Connecticut.
I'm all good with the spring forward, it's the fall back that fucks with me. Like what will happen on November 3rd.
Aw well fuck me. 1: I have no concept of time so this is consistent with everything. 2: this is why I normally wait til later in the day to make a thread rather than 630am. There is not enough coffee in the world to make me sharp in the morning.
Right now it’s over 1500. Could be tens of thousands over the weekend. Mostly there to observe the REAL idiots. It’s a troll fest. Probably an interesting people-watching exhibit.
play stupid games.... Spoiler: video of a dude's brand held way too long Might be one of the dumber things I've seen online in a while. And that's saying something.
There is nothing better then that first beer after work on Friday. So let's check out what's going on in the local news....oh dear...
Fuck me. So much for a relaxing evening. A new roommate (Who looks like Dom DeLuise) apparently came home drunk, wandered into the back yard and got into it with Crazy II. Now I guess the cops are on their way. Yay. EDIT: Cops are here. Right outside my fucking bedroom door dealing with the dude.