Re: WDT 1/24/14 The gym sucks in January. A flood of new people come on, work out for four weeks and then 90% give up before the month is through. On the meantime, you have to wait twice as long because Ron Coleman is sitting backwards on the fly machine.
Re: WDT 1/24/14 The worst part of my gym is the guy who thinks he owns the place and walks around naked all of the time. He parks in the spot right in front of the door, controls the radio, and even leaves food and drinks all over the place. It sure is tough having a home gym.
Re: WDT 1/24/14 I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I bet you he's also fucking your wife...
To be fair, the NSFW tag is in the title of the thread. So quit dogfucking and do your jobs, lazy bastards! Remember, I can replace you with a single phone call. There are hundreds of scabs who would chop off and gargle their own balls for this job, and I won't tolerate this lying around shit.
Well it is NOW... It's that time of year again. Time to take the corporate Anti-Bribery course. Last year, I failed it twice.
All the New Years Resolution folks are still flooding the gym I frequent and it's almost comical watching them. One guy loaded up the bench press with 315lbs, took a selfie with the weight in the background, then stripped the bar to 135 and struggled to lift that.
How do you fail a bribery test? Person: I will give you money to do something you aren't supposed to. You: Sure sounds like a good idea. It sounds like those dumb questions they ask you in interviews.
You should go around and squeeze their bitch tits while they are in the middle of a set. Now THAT would be comical.
The Biebs gets fined two grand for DUI, street racing without a license and resisting arrest. Bob Hartley gets fined 25 grand for starting a hockey fight. Yeah.