Inspired by this article, I figured we could do one of two things: Focus: Discuss your favorites from the article. Alt. Focus: Reminisce about your good ole days. Some of you guys are too young to remember some of the things from the article so tell us what you missed from "way back when."
I'm surprised I remember most of what is on that list. I read pretty much every book in the Goosebumps series, and I think that Fisher Price cash register is still buried somewhere in the parent's basement of crap. Oh, and yes I did subscribe to Nintendo Power...most of my youth revolved around that video game system. Ah, memories.
My dad uses to make my brothers and I run as fast as we could away from in the the front yard, lasso us, and then jerk us off our feet when the line when taunt. Mom hated that game.
Remember when just about every McDonald's had a statue of Ronald McDonald outside? (shown here getting a blowjob) I remember that when I was in highschool, some friends and I came up with a plan to steal one of those, but we couldn't find one anymore. We could have a whole thread just about cancelled cartoons. Remember the Pawpaw Bears? The Wuzzles? Foofer? The Pound Puppies?
This, and many other things on that list, were a decade or two old by the time the 80s rolled around, as lust4life well knows. Shit, I played with/remember some of this stuff from the 60s and 70s. Bozo the Clown (picture 17) started back on the 1940s. Where The Sidewalk Ends was published in 1974. Why don't we also list fucking rocks and sticks? I played with those in the 80s. Speaking of rocks and sticks, what I miss most from my good ole days is just spending all day outside, with no toys but the aforementioned rocks and sticks. Sticks were guns, and rocks were grenades. Sticks built a fort, dug a hole, and poked dead things. Rocks were baseballs, made stone walls, and were perfect for throwing at that weird kid down the block. Yes, I had TV, a bike, games, books and shit, but on the best days I didn't need any of that.
Damn totaly forgot about Koosh Balls. Koosh ball baseball was the shit. You could only get tagged or pegged out. They had the tiny ones all the way to the huge ones. Throwing them at kids faces hella hard. Haha good times. Pogs were sweet too. Our school banned them because we played for keeps and it was "gambling." Not my fault the poor kids didn't have sweet slammers and couldn't fend for themselves. 3DO was hella funny too. Not because it wad a good system but because my buddy had one and it was just a video game porn machine with such titles as "Plumbers don't wear pants."