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Watch Pamela Anderson's Explicit New Video

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mike Ness, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _src=padba</a>

    I am so sorry to do this to everyone. I was looking at a link Shegirl posted, and I saw a topless Pam holding her breast's with the above title, and this was the damn video I saw!!

    I actually watched it!! I watched it for about two minuets wondering if at some point she was going to get nude in it, then I realized I had been fooled.

    I saw a documentary on HBO a year ago dealing with life on a pig farm. The cruel and vial treatment of these animals was really tough to watch, I hated it.

    However I understand that these animals are being raised for our food, period. How much do we give them? What is considered decent? Remember it's very different from a human perspective as opposed to an animals, especially one being raised for dinner.

    FOCUS: How much of this is blown out of proportion? How much more care should be given to an animal that is only being raised for our dinner plates?

    PLEASE try not to totally PETA out on this one. I really love bacon, cheeseburgers and KFC. While I think it's sad how these animals are getting treated, it won't stop me from eating a couple extra crispy drumsticks. I suppose I'm part of the problem that way, but remember I just saw the thread. Quite frankly I'm still upset I got duped by the films title.
  2. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    I'm confused; at what point did you want to see leather tits?
  3. Solaris

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    Jan 17, 2010
    Belfast, Ireland
    I feel strongly opposed to Factory Farming of chickens and other animals. It just isn't right and should be made a criminal action. It's very hard to use reason on a topic like this, but I see the word 'specist' entering our lexicon within the next generation. Over the last year I've found myself becoming more fond of Eastern Philosophies and this has left me with a real respect for life than before.

    I find it absolutely outrageous that Japanese ships still take part in whaling, if I had the money and though I could get away with it, I'd happily build a fully armed alternative to the sea Shepard. Whales are ancient, fascinating and very smart creatures we should have a deep respect for them, instead people kill them for an easy buck. Utterly disgusting.

    With regards to pigs, I'm not too sure, again they are very intelligent and to me represent the border-line of what is ethical to kill to eat. However as long as they're raised free range I don't have much of a problem with it.

    As religions begin to hold less influence over us, I hope we begin to see we are not created 'in God's image' but just a slightly more advanced species and we have no right to kill and hurt others when it is unnecessary.
  4. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    I didn't realize Hepatitis was sexy.
  5. PeaMan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    I have got into arguments about animal treatment many a time. One of my main reasons for free range and well looked after animals is that they taste better that way, and I am all about eating them.

    As for the people complaining about the price of meat unless it is intensively farmed - if you can't afford it don't eat it. I can't afford to eat foie gras every night but I'm not going to bitch about it. You live within your means. Eating meat is not a basic human right.
  6. Viking33

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't remember who said it but when asked why he ate meat, the guy responded, "Because you can't taste fear in a salad."

    I had to watch a documentary called Baraka and a PETA themed movie in my Anthropology 105 class back in the fall. Baraka shows hundreds of aspects of human life and one of them was the cutting of baby chick's beaks to keep them from pecking one another in the factory. That hit home for me. The PETAish video I could stomach because I expected them to portray the worst of the animal treatment, but in Baraka it came as a complete shock. I'm very opposed marketing the hormone juiced cows and pigs that can't even stand up from the muscle deformations and disease. Disgusting.

    I love eating some fresh cow as much as anyone, and my family doesn't buy from the bulk producers that are constantly the subject of the animal rights firing squads. One of my dad's workout partners raises a small number of cattle and sells us one every spring that we use for meat for the rest of the year. I think it costs around $400 (dont quote me on that) for a year or more of meat from that cow and it's raised in the herd and allowed to graze and roam as it pleases up until slaughter time. Dad made me watch the slaughter last year so I understood what went on, and I had no problem with the bolt gun to the head. Quick, painless and humane.

    All the same, fuck you PETA. In theory, animal rights are a great idea. In practice, you guys are fucking retards.
  7. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    I always have had a thing for grilled cheese sandwiches.
  8. Hoosiermess

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 2, 2010
    I work in the AG industry and while there are farmers who are guilty of animal abuse my experiences lead me to believe that the reports of wanton animal abuse on large farms is greatly exaggerated and the video's are sometimes staged. The dairy industry (most of my experience) started focusing on animal comfort years ago, making free stalls (stalls that cows are able to lie down in or get up and walk about the barn to eat or drink freely) wider to accomodate larger cows, bedding products that encourage cows to lay down for close to the preferred 14 hours/day on a surface much closer and in some cases softer than pasture ground, and a low stress environment. This includes open barns with ventilation to keep temperatures from stressing the cows out as well. If you've ever seen the misting fans on NFL sidelines....yes they make those for dairy barns too.

    These animals are an income source and they won't produce nearly as well when treated like shit as they do when they are happy and comfortable. Production can vary wildly, any where from 10 to 40 or more pounds of milk a day (per cow) based on stress, temperature, and comfort/care.

    If PETA didn't work so hard to turn all of us into vegetarians and focused only on shedding light on real/truthful issues with honest investigating (some of which I'm sure they do now) they might be more effective. As it is most members of dairy/hog/beef associations do as much as they can to promote healthy animals so they can make more money. is a link to one of the companies I'm familiar with and shows examples of some of the products designed to promote a low (animal) stress on dairy farms.
  9. Veovis

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    Nov 3, 2009
    I grew up on a farm, and if you feel one drop of sympathy for a chicken, please don't. They are good for eating and eggs. thats it. And Pam can kiss my ass by saying we're ending their natural 11-15 year life span. Layers are good for 2 years. then production drops like 50% or more. We used a hatchet and simply removed the head of the chicken at butchering time, they flop around all funny, then as everyone from the start of time realized, if after you kill them you soak em in bioling water the feather come off easier. If you think it's cruel, how would you kill a chicken?

    Considering PETA has repeatedly proven they are full of shit, I give them little credibility on these videos. They would make it up if they desired, however I do not doubt that KFC isn't exactly the nicest. Broken bones are not from being top heavy, look at the structure of all birds.....every damn bird on the planet is technically top heavy. Cutting beaks, this isn't KFC cruelty. Everyone I have ever met in my life that raised chickens clipped the beaks, it's only like cutting off a finger if you clip too far. If I recall right too, they clip them so the chickens don't all peck each other to death.

    You know what else you do with baby chicks, first thing upon getting them, you dip each ones face into the water dish so they get a little drink and then let them go. why? Because they are too stupid to figure out how and where to drink otherwise. Out of 100 chicks you can hope for 90% survival rate, why, they kill themselves and each other with efficency......but not as good as turkeys....damn those are some suicidal animals.

    Are there some farmers that have asshole set ups? certainly, but if you don't pity the field of grain as it gets cut, mashed, and abused to get your flour, don't feel for other food. Food is food.

    These animals are not to be cuddled, loved or pitied. They are meant for omlets and a deep fryer.
  10. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    Really? Is she trying to tell me that my fast food chicken isn't 100% all white meat chicken? At least it isn't lead and cardboard.

    As far as I'm concerned, animals are in fact machines for producing meat. I think there's something wrong with people who torture animals for the sake of torturing them, but being indifferent to the suffering of animals that are just your company's stock doesn't really bother me.

    If God didn't want us eating animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat. ('s not original, but I believe it, except for the God part.)
  11. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This week in "Headlines That Were Exciting in 1994".....

    Do you feel the same way about bugs? Why not?

    I'm not saying I'm about to throw Fido on the barbeque. I'm as much a product of our culture as the next guy. But the majority of how we differentiate animals for consumption purposes is arbitrary, often only a product of social usefulness and cuteness. The idea that there are appropriate and inappropriate animals to eat always struck me as arbitrary and silly, at least from a theoretical perspective.

    Also, did anyone else read this as implying that cruelty tastes delicious? Because I sure did. And I think I might agree.
  12. BL1Y

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    Feb 7, 2010
    I definitely feel better eating dumb animals than smart ones. When a chicken dies I feel like we've lost something less special than a whale, not just because I think intelligence is special, but because whales are especially rare. We've got plenty of chickens and bugs, we're not going to run out.

    But, I definitely have known plenty of militant vegetarians who didn't even understand that the animal kingdom includes insects and sponges.
  13. MoreCowbell

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    Oct 19, 2009
    So I assume you avoid tuna, right? If so, OK. If not, that makes no sense.

    Biodiversity is a hell of a more coherent argument than most put forward, I'll give you that.
  14. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    Fuck the Japanese. Why? This.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    Kill the fucking thing before you eat it! Stupid fucks. I don't give a shit if it's taken off the menu. It's the fact that it's been done, and will continue to be done outside of restaurant settings that pisses me off.

    This sounds a lot like the idea behind slavery.
  15. Hoosiermess

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    Jun 2, 2010
    One other thing related to the video....How the fuck are they alive and conscious AFTER they get their heads cut off? They're not. Her script was clearly written for those who didn't realize some chickens have to die before they make some extra crispy. Its very touching really but it would be more effective if it were done naked news style, at least it would get more views.
  16. toddus

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Yep exactly, it is exactly like it. I hope a black guy kicks the living shit out of you while you scream furiously at a nearby stray cat begging it to help you.
  17. Veovis

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    Nov 3, 2009
    Some would argue because they still cluck and move around. Of course, so does anything you cut the head off of. If you actually needed any thought as to why PETA is complete shit, watch Pens and Tellers Episode of Bullshit that they did. I thought it was awesome.

    Volvo - sounds like slavery? IF so the cow, pig and chicken slave trade is really awesome, espicially with a baked potato, garlic toast, some sauteed mushrooms, and boiled alive carrots. (those poor carrots, they weren't dead when they were thrown in scalding hot water.) (in my mind slavery is reserved for humans to other humans)

    It's not just this PETA crap that gets under my skin, it's all the "save the cute shit" that people puke out on a regular basis. They want their cows to volenteer to be a burger, and commit sepuku or something at the feed lot. Can't remember the comedian, but they posed a good question.....what if every cows ultimate dream is to be a burger? Don't tell me it isn't, you ain't a cow.

    Farming is a poorly treated, minimally respected business with little to no profit to be had and you wonder why they go for volume. Everyone wants food but they are happy NOT knowing where it comes from. Really, let them enjoy food. By the time you factor in every chemical thats every hit our soil, the "cruelty" to every piece of meat, the cancerous rays of the sun that have permeated every morsel we receive, fuck, nothings worth eating or enjoyable anymore, may as well move to nutient filled supositories.....or just fuck off and let people have some small pleasures like eating. Hell, it's a video to make you have an emotional connection with a chicken.....think on that....a chicken, not even the cute fluffy chick stage, the ugly, I produce an obscene amount of vile shit adult chicken thats smart like a rock, and tasty. Out of all that, I only care about the last's after I get it from KFC that will get the emotional response, and thats when I'll say

    "I LOVE chicken"

    edit - (aparently nicotine fits = "ranty")
  18. jrussellmikkelsen

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    East Bay, Ca
    If you don't know a lot about where your food is coming from, Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer is a good place to start. Here's an excerpt from his book. And here's his website.

    With all things not researched first hand, you have to realize that he's just a person who's done his own research. Everything he sees, he interprets through his eyes, which may not be the same way you interpret it. Personally, I think he does a decent job of presenting the facts but a fantastic job of making the book engaging and interesting to read.
  19. Dread

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    Apr 22, 2010
    The first problem that I have with that video is... Well... I only have one problem with the video. I don't give a fuck what Pamela Anderson has to say about anything. Ever. She's no different than Jenny McCarthy.
  20. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009

    Unless she's nude!!

    Primer and ScotchCrotch you guys are clearly around 25 or younger, Pamela was and still is pretty hot, and surgically enhanced in all the rate places. Before everyone starts hounding on me obviously there are tons of hotter celebrities but on a normal women scale she's a smokin forty two year old.

    I would chance hep-c by having unprotected sex with her. My wife? Oh she would be furious but for that six minuets of would be so sweet.

    Young guys see Playboy centerfold, I think around 95. Shit I thought she looked good on dancing with the stars, I mean......hey what's the focus anyway?