I know I can't be the only one watching this. I thought the first episode did a great job of getting out of the funk from the majority of the second season. So many questions. Spoiler Can amputation even save someone? What the hell is wrong with Andrea? Are Randall's friends from the governer's group?
Spoiler I think it would work the same way as a snake bite. If you amputated before the infection spread, I don't see why not. I'm curious how this season will play out versus what happened in the comics. I'd bet I'm not the only person that would like to see Rick more like the character in the comics.
I haven't read the comics, but I've heard that the show is fairly similar as far as major plot points go. Spoiler I'm curious about the prisoners. Are they locked into that place and trapped? Are we in for an uneasy alliance, or are they going to be at each other's throats from the get go. I was also surprised to hear that the zombies are forming giant packs now that simply can't be run through with a car apparently.
The prison looks good. Did Andrea say something about Michonne having taken care of her for months? And Laurie's pretty far along. What's the time difference between the end of last season and now, and if it's multiple months, what have they been doing? Why did it take them so long to find the prison that was right over the hill in the last scene last season?
I love the idea of a zombie apocalypse show, but to be honest I've been losing patience with the show. If it doesn't get better than last season I'm going to give up. If it's not better after 4, maybe 5 episodes I'm done. There isn't a single character on the show right now that intrigues me, save for maybe Daryl and he's far from good enough to carry the show. Currently watching episode 1 for season 3, hope it gets better.
There were mentions of them surviving winter and T-Dog (did they really have to name the one black guy that?) mentioned that they had been going in circles to avoid the increasing number of zombie hordes. I think the shot last season was a nod to fans of the comic book as well as a way to keep people on board after a second season that was for the majority admittedly weak.
Pretty good start to the 3rd season, but this show needs to make up its mind about what rules it follows. They've already established at the CDC that everyone already has the zombie virus, but that you don't turn until you're killed. In that case, what difference does it make if you get scratched or bitten assuming you don't bleed to death? Does everyone have it or not? For as cautious as they are about it, they sure as shit don't mind all the brain matter and blood blowback when they're jamming spikes through the zombies' heads. Just sayin'.
As far as plot holes go, that one didn't bother me. They're probably worried about infection (walkers cannot be sanitary), which would be a huge deal with no medicine.
This. I think it's been about 4 months since the end of the last season. Which explains why Carl has gotten considerably more badass, and why the group has become so much more efficient (see: the raid in the opening sequence where they killed all the walkers without saying a word). I think not watching television for a long time has turned me into an asshole... but why the fuck don't their weapons recoil!? I especially liked the old lady putting 7.76 downrange and not even flinching. How old is she supposed to be, by the way? I really hope Dale doesn't bang her. Overall a pretty badass start to the season, though.
Dale is gonna bang her for sure, and I can't blame him. There's 3 other women in the group: 2 are spoken for and 1 is underage and closely guarded by Hershel. Poon is not easy to come by in a zombie apocalypse.
For everyone concerned about this show being better, it may not be "better" but it sure as hell will be more consistent given that Greg Mazarra the new showrunner is now in full control and doesn't have to dig himself out of a hole that Frank Darabont put himself in. Well she's gotten some practice "over the winter" and she did mention her shoulder was killing her afterwards. Hence the sexy massage. In terms of zombie lore plot holes, I mean, its fucking Zombies. Why do they need to eat people if they never die egardless if they eat or not? What's the point of them even eating people? Why do they want to kill? ........ Yeah, exactly. Don't go far down that rabbit hole. The whole "We're all infected" vs. "biting, blood splatter, etc" is a litte "huh?" but I think they just wrote themselves into a wall and are now writing themselves out. I bet the guy at the CDC was wrong, and Hershel is going to be fine. No reason for him to not die at the end of this episode if he was going to die. But this idea of zombie hoardes? Fucking awesome. They've been circling round and round going from house to house suriving. That scene when Rick throws the dog food against the wall is fucking perfect. He didn't say it, but he was basically saying "Fuck this shit, we deserve better, I will get us better." Damn right. The two things I will sit here and complain about as WTF this is a zombie apocalypse are "Lori, shut the fuck up already. Jesus fucking christ" and "Man, those cars are looking pretty damn clean. Did they get them detailed at a local carwash? Those things look fresh off the lot. They don't even have a Mexican in the group."
I think the plot holes are more inconsistencies within the show itself than problems with the whole ''general zombie logic''. In the first season they had to cover themselves in zombie guts to get through the city because their smell betrayed them, and in the second one hiding under cars right under the zombies' nose was magically fine. Or the number or bullet was an issue, and at some point it didn't matter anymore because... no one knows. Or a zombie crept up like a ninja on Dale in the middle of a field with nowhere to hide during a moonlit silent night. I'm curious why you think Frank Darabont leaving is a good thing. I liked the first season 50x more than the second one (much less useless talking, much more emotionally intense scenes), and I thought Darabont was the reason for that.
I'm fairly sure that Darabont was running the show up to the episode where they slaughter the walkers in the barn. I think the new guy was responsible for all the badass that happened after. First season was awesome though.
Yeah this. There is a break where Darabont isn't on the show any longer. There are tons of articles talking about how he wanted to bog the show down with a ton of more flashbacks and had issues with the TV format. There was going to be an entire episode dedicated to the soldier in the tank. What the fuck for? Remember that stupid fucking flashback with Lori and Shane at Carl's school? Yeah, me neither, it was fucking useless. Frank wanted to have a ton more of those. MORE IMPORANTLY the guy that plays T-Dog has his named listed on IMDB as IronE Singleton. (His first name is Robert.)
Darabont's plan for the season 2 première was to do the outbreak of the zombies in Atlanta, and following one solider through it, and he would turn out to be the zombie in the tank. The episode would show how Atlanta was overrun. Not a flashback, per se. I think it would have been awesome. He was fired though, and had nothing to do with season 2.
Okay, we need to stop going back and forth on this. Here is a credible source. From this article. Here is another one from The Hollywood Reporter. He shit the bed with the first 6 episodes with the exception of the zombie horde scene and they fired him. Its been better since.