The SO gives me constant shit for watching The Food Network and/or shows about food on The Travel Channel. Fine wtfever? I watch it because I enjoy it and it relaxes me. How it does that I do not know I just know it does. So there. This weekend I had to endure probably 6-7 hours of GOLF. FUCKING GOLF. And by the way, golf needs slo-mo? Seriously? The fucking Metlife blimp moves faster than a round of golf. I bitched and bitched. His response? "Well let me put it on The Food Network for you since that's SO interesting." I called bullshit and said that if it wasn't golf, if there were no other sports on but bowling, guess what would be on the TV? If that shit isn't pot to kettle I don't know what is. FOCUS: What are your pot to kettle stories?
I routinely call people alcoholics despite the fact that I spend probably 6 out 7 nights in some sort of bar. And, when called out on this I defend my statement by stating "we are discussing your demons here. Me and my demons have a good arrangement."
Golf is okay. You know what's worse? Golf training shows. Hours of them. Particularly when the guy sounds like Hurricane Schwartz. People from the Philadelphia area will know what I'm talking about. Focus: I tell my kids not to judge people when first meeting them. Get to know them before you decide the kind of person they are. However, I am fully aware I judge people based on the medication they buy at work. When you come in on a Friday for Cialis, I'm thinking somebody has plans for the weekend. When you come in every Friday for your Cialis I start thinking you maybe like going to sex parties and want to keep it up for hours. When you take a break from your medication for a couple weeks, then come in for stuff for genital warts, I start thinking I was right*. Whatever, it entertains me at work and helps the time go by faster. *probably not right
I make fun of people I work with for obsessing about whatever expensive shoes their buying, the suits they got fitted for, and general highfalutin business attire. Think hundreds of people like Patrick Bateman without the homicidal tendencies. Then on the weekends, while my normal outfit is basketball shorts and a t-shirt, I'll still spend way too much on a haircut, dress socks, cuff links, and other things I absolutely don't need.
I'm always giving people shit for not taking care of their cars, but I never wash my car (Seriously, I've never done a real soap and water wash on my car since I bought it in 2008.), and the interior is a fucking disaster: I haven't had a driver's side door panel for over three years, headliner/dome light has been gone for about the same amount of time, center console/radio pod is also missing, no dashboard cover, instrument panel bezel has been off for years, the oil-pressure gauge is taped to the A-pillar, there are wires hanging out all over the place, etc. My defense is that even though it looks bad, it runs really well because I maintain the drivetrain meticulously. I've driven other vehicles over the years with major body pieces missing, including: No hood, no driver's side door, no rear hatch, no back-rest for the driver's seat, etc. This is a common practice among mechanics/automotive enthusiasts; we know what we can get away with. "Car guy safe" means "deathtrap" in the hands of the average citizen.
Re: Re: Umm, hello? Pot to kettle. No shit, when people ask me to do side work I just tell em I barely know how to change oil.
Re: Re: Umm, hello? Pot to kettle. You shut your mouth, Rush. RCGT's nipples are the only reason I stick around this festering butthole of a board. They are a testament to manhood and the internet, all wrapped in two little brown chest pancakes of delight.
Re: Re: Umm, hello? Pot to kettle. Well, this is the pot / kettle thread. The TiBer thread has been updated recently, and the boobie thread has dropped to page two, so . . .