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Uh...Unrequited Love?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Here's the article. The first two paragraphs sum it up nicely:

    "It's not unusual for handsome young yogi "Ben" to receive tokens of affection from his students. Sometimes he gets books. Sometimes it's herbal tea. But recently, one student sent him a box of four dead rats after a private yoga session at her home.

    "She asked me to stay for dinner but I could see she set the table with silverware and candles, so I declined," recalls Ben, who doesn't want to draw negative energy to his studio by using his real name. "Soon after, the box of rats arrived. It also contained a long letter explaining how the rats were a reflection of her love for me. I had to get a restraining order." "

    Focus: What's the craziest thing you've ever done for a crush or love?

    Alt Focus: Ever had someone do something creepy to you?
  2. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Well, shit. That's what you get for having private yoga sessions with cats.
  3. slothers

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Santa Barbara
    It's embarrassing thinking about how emotionally dependent I once was, but here goes:

    My first girlfriend developed lymphoma a couple months into our relationship and even though we tried making it work, it didn't happen. She ended up telling me that she had to break it off so that she could focus on getting better.

    So in my not so mature mind, I decided the best course of action was to to drop off get well cards / gifts at her door every week. I tried convincing myself that I I wasn't doing it because I wanted her back, but it was because I wanted to help her get better and not feel so alone. That I simply wished her the best. It's mostly true, but of course I wanted her back, I was just in denial.

    Also in some stupid way, I thought she "needed" me to help her through it.

    Her response came a month later when she told me to please stop.

    Not only is she better now, but we're still friends. And thankfully so because it doesn't get much creepier than convincing yourself that someone needs you when they really don't.
  4. ILikePie

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I used to drive 60+ miles one way on a motorcycle when there was ice on the roads to see a girl twice a week.
  5. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I dated a guy for three weeks my senior year in high school, and he really took that to mean we were supposed to be together forever.

    A year after we broke up, he was still buying me presents for Christmas and my birthday, and apparently for any other reason he could think of. Since we had mutual friends, one day we were all hanging out, and I made a joke about how I had gotten a huge chocolate cake for my birthday and it was all I would eat for the next week, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    The next day, about half an hour after I get home from work, I hear the doorbell, and it's the guy with two huge bags of Whole Foods groceries (no cheap supermarkets for this present). He had bought me groceries, because he was worried about my nutrition and the thought of me eating cake for a week depressed him. The best part was when he said, "I brought these over earlier but you weren't home, so I walked over to your work and they said you had just gotten off your shift, so I walked back to your apartment. I'm so glad I caught you!" Thanks?

    Another guy was much more shifty. I had known him in high school and we reconnected in college. I invited him to a party I was having at my apartment and he sat in the corner brooding the whole time, giving me dirty looks and not really talking to anyone. Later on, he tells me I flirt too much and am bordering on being a whore before leaving. The next day he asks if he can come hang out and I tell him no, I'm busy.

    Two minutes later he's at my door with Belgian waffles. Because he was Belgian, of course. He tosses the waffles on the counter and says, "I'm planning on bringing you food until you become my girlfriend." Then he just sat on my couch barely saying a word. Once he left, I stopped talking to him completely.

    I wish just once free food wouldn't come with the stigma of creepy boys delivering it to my doorstep in an attempt to make me their girlfriend (or considering the shifty factor of the second guy's case, a basement slave).

    Edit: For the record, I am not nearly skinny enough to warrant people trying to feed me all the time.
  6. Facepalm

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    My most recent girlfriend, who I dated last year, was a real piece of work. It's a long story - we knew each other for about 10 years, lost contact, reconnected as she was going through a bad divorce.

    The TL;DR version of the relationship boils down to "don't date crazy bitches that are going through a divorce." Because soon after she stopped talking to me (and started talking all sorts of shit about how apparently I was a "creeper" because I asked her what her plans were one weekend - seriously, I asked "Hey, what all are you doing this weekend," and that apparently made me a "creeper"), she started sending me Facebook messages telling me she wanted to "talk." I told her to fuck off and blocked her from my Facebook.

    About a month later I suddenly start getting friend requests from girls I have no friends in common with telling me I'm "such a cutie" and "omg ur sooooooo hot." When I go to browse their profiles, and look at their profile pictures - who's in a bunch of them? That's right, Crazy Bitch. She was actually trying to get me to accept friend requests from people I didn't know, just so she could take a look at my profile. But apparently I was the "creeper" that had "issues."

    Probably the worst girlfriend I ever had, I dated freshman year of college. She's not a bad person and I still keep in touch with her every now and then, but back when we were dating she had SEVERE trust issues. I was once going to meet her at a friend's house, and a girl we both knew showed up at that friend's house about 10 minutes before me. She later got angry at me and accused me of cheating on her with that girl, and we obviously planned to show up 10 minutes apart so we could cover it up. She also would get insanely pissed every time anything with a vagina came within 5 miles of me. Like I said...she's a great person, but I could not deal with the jealousy.
  7. Allord

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    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo
    Are you kidding? So all those condoms I used didn't even count?

    Aww, shucks.
  8. satan rae

    satan rae
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    east coast
    I broke up with a guy I had been dating for a couple years after I realized we were more like best friends not bed friends. We had been fighting over petty stuff for months and basically hated each other so I was pretty sure the breakup wasn't going to be a huge shock to him, I was wrong.

    I wont go too far into the insanity that followed for the next two months other then to say he reminded me of every pathetic broken hearted co-ed from every shitty movie ever (flowers, poems, lurking everywhere, presents, messaging potential new lovers crazy rambles months into the breakup.)I tried to be understanding and mature because I still cared about his feelings but every time I spoke to him he would take that as a sign we were moving towards reconciliation which was not happening so I completely cut him off.

    The craziness went on for months even after being told in every conceivable way to leave me alone and finally boiled over when I woke up to him in bed with me. He had climbed in through my window (it was overlooking the garage) and fell asleep curled up at the end of my bed. I woke up and freaked out , police were called, black eyes were given and I didn't speak to him for years after the incident. I later found out this wasnt the first time he had done this rather the first time I had woken up, gah.