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Two chicks at the same time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Winterbike, Jan 14, 2011.

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  1. Winterbike

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Threesomes, orgies, gangbangs, swingers, voyeurs, etc. Some think it's gross, some are blessed with an awesome wife who loves girls (yay me) and some will always look for it.

    Focus: Simple. Share your group sex stories/fantasies
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Apropos Text from Last Night:

    Sometimes quantity wins over quality.
  3. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I did sisters once. It was hot when they went down on each other.
  4. taste_my_rainbow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I've done MMF and FMF threesomes. I ventured into lesbianism and swingers clubs for awhile in college.
  5. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    First threeway was in high school. Got drunk with my girlfriend and a female friend of ours.

    I had secretly had a crush on the friend for years.

    Turned out she had a clit the size of my thumb, and was a worse kisser than a golden retriever.
  6. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    I have two stories related to the focus:

    1: Freshman year of college, I was back home visiting my girlfriend (long-distance relationship carried over from high school) and we were hanging out in a hot tub with another one of our (female) friends. The GF and I had toyed with the idea of a threesome for a while but had never made any firm commitments to try it. But, she started making out with our friend, then encouraged us to move indoors. In the end, I made out with our friend while my girlfriend blew me, though we didn't go further than that. It was an awesome experience and ever since I've asked every girl I've dated within a few weeks of knowing them what their stance on threesomes are—unfortunately I have yet to find a girl as adventurous.

    2: This happened last weekend: I was at a bar talking to a group of four girls. I was hammered and basically talked shit to them for an hour straight, getting more and more belligerent. I was meeting my girlfriend the next night, so I wasn't trying to get laid, and I used the opportunity to be a brash as possible. The five of us went outside to smoke a cigarette and I was getting bored, so I said, "Ladies, I live just a few blocks from here. Why don't we head back to my place for a fivesome?" I expected this to finally put them over the edge, but to my surprise two of them agreed while the the other two were visibly offended. The girl closest to me said, "So do you want to go back with me and my friend?" I answered, "Sorry, all or nothing." Her face registered obvious disappointment, then I walked home.

    If I was single, I would have jumped on that opportunity in a second, but these girls weren't quite cute enough to jeopardize a relationship I actually like, so instead I can amuse myself knowing that being a raging asshole can still result in something as outrageous as a threesome.
  7. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    Ive only ever been in one threesome, but it was MMF. My bestfriend and his girlfriend when I was in highschool. Nothing gay like anal/vaginal at the same time, but I got her mouth and my buddy got the vag.

    Does running train on a girl count to? I was only guy #3 out of 5 guys, and the only one to wear a rubber. I wanted to make sure I actually was 110% sure when we were all sitting on the Maury Povitch stage if one of us had to have knocked her up.
  8. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    One MFF in college with some random bar skanks I, and a female friend of a friend, picked up at a bar. FoaF left so I went home with the two after a couple pitchers of margarita's and tequila shots. It was also St Patty's day, so I was drinking since the early morning, what a great day. Also, there's a possibility of another in the future with FB, we'll see if I can work that one into the mix.
  9. LatinGroove

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 28, 2010
    The only time that this has come up was when one of my former fuck buddies was in town and had a bunch of her friends over at her place. It so happened the FB had brought some ex tabs and they were all rolling. There was four willing women rolling around naked in a room and where the fuck was I? I was at fucking work. Don't ask me why the hell I didn't walk out on the job or quit or make an excuse of why I had to go home. I couldn't tell you why.
  10. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I was feeling really depressed one night because I had been in and out of the hospital for the past month or so, and it was my first night of wearing a heart monitor (I won't go into why this was so psychologically damaging on me, but just trust me on this one), so my two best friends decided we were going to have a cheesy girly night where we got drunk, baked brownies, and watched Mean Girls. (It was The Best.) Afterwards, we naturally started having girly talk, and we started discussing our sexual goals. I managed to avoid sharing the perhaps dozen or so goals I had already accomplished that were on the kinkier side (since I tend not to share that side of me unless it's with a guy I'm fucking that I think can handle it) and told them that really all I wanted to do that I hadn't done was to have a threesome and have sex with a girl. Now, my one friend is one of those people who are just really, really sexual and sensual, and it's a big part of her personality. When I had discussed having threesomes with boyfriends before, I always imagined that my ideal scenario would be with a boyfriend and a random girl that neither of us knew, that I picked, that we would never see again. But I realized that I actually hated that idea, and would much rather do it with this particular friend. It just seemed perfect because we weren't that close and I hadn't known her for that long so we didn't have the "it would be like sleeping with my sister aspect" like with most of my other friends, and I felt she would be cool about it and things wouldn't get weird thanks to her overt sexuality, and I felt comfortable with our comparative level of attractiveness and experience that I was pretty sure I wouldn't have any emotional and/or insecure hangups mid-way through.

    So, I ripped off my monitor mere hours after starting it, we went out to a bar, and within an hour or so, found a guy that we both liked and were straight up with him and told him what we wanted and he readily agreed (shocking, I know). We went back to my apartment, had some more drinks, and then started in. It went surprisingly smoothly. There were a couple of awkward transitions and moments of just staring at each other wondering what we should do next, and a few moments of hyper-awareness that I was indeed having a threesome, but other than that it was fine. I discovered that I give amazing lady head (she hit her head on my windowsill from thrashing through her orgasm and had an egg on her head the next day) and that apparently in that situation, I naturally take charge ("Wait, wait. I want to do this position I saw in a porn!") She freaked out when she attempted to give me head, which I'm still really mad about. The guy was clearly trying to hold out as long as humanly possible to prolong his chance at a threesome, and he was apparently an alien or something because he just wouldn't quit. We both ended up getting bored about halfway through, but I was trying to be a champ and sticking through it to let him finish. It wasn't until he started thrusting really hard, propelling my face into my friend's vagina over and over that it just became silly and we started giggling and told him that he needed to wrap it the fuck up already.

    Overall, it was a good experience, but my need for threesomes is pretty much fulfilled. I would probably be open to another one, but it would have to be the exact right circumstances. I'd also still like to check a MMF off my list, but I have a feeling that is never going to happen.
  11. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    New Years Eve (actually New Years morning...)

    I'd gone to a party at Toowoomba, which is a couple of hours away from where I am. Since a number of people were going, I took a tent to catch a few hours of semi-private sleep in after the festivities.

    I'd organised to go up with a girl who seems very enamoured of me, but I keep at arms length. A couple of days before, an old fuck buddy of mine asked what I was up to for NYE, so I told her about the party and said she should come as a number of people had pulled out because of the weather. I didn't actually expect her to come, as she had a boyfriend who is apparently fairly possessive.

    The morning of NYE, I get a text from the old friend asking if she could still come. I said sure, and made arrangements to get her picked up. I was car pooling, so I ended up taking Girl 1, Girl 2 and a friend's partner. I knew there was a potential for friction, especially as Girl 2 is a bit flirty and we have history, but I couldn't give a fuck. Both girls are bi. The tent's a bit squishy for three, especially with a blow up mattress in it; so I grab a self inflating single and decide to make the best of it.

    Throughout the night, oblivious me doesn't realise they're both jockeying for my attention. Girl 2 spends some time with a male friend of mine, but he quickly pegs her for what she is and goes no further. Later Girl 2 and I are in the spa with male friend and another girl. Girl 1 shows up, looks uncomfortable and leaves despite an invite to hop in. I foresee someone chucking a tantrum at some stage, but still really couldn't give a shit.

    A short time after, Girl 2 reveals that she and her boyfriend have broken up which is partly why she was able to come to the party.

    About 4am we all crawl into the tent to get some sleep. I tell the girls to take the blow up mattress (as I am a consummate gentleman) and I take the self inflating single, which has about 6 inches of room. I figure I can wedge myself on my side and make do. Both girls invite me into the bed, insisting I take the middle.

    Next thing, hands come from both sides and it's on. Being a fully paid, card carrying male, I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. It soon becomes apparent that the girls are more interested in getting at each other, but I'm not about to whine about that.

    Unfortunately, everything came to a rather abrupt halt when Girl 1, whilst attempting to fist Girl 2, manages to either cut or tear her vagina. There's no freaking out, but there is a fair bit of blood. So, in the interests of safety, we call an end to things and attempt to get some sleep.

    Afterwards, from talking to each girl separately, it appears both were competing with me and weren't interested in the other one. Each figured that the only way they were going to get any was to do the group thing. I guess the tension caused each of them to get a little carried away with the other, in semi-hate fuck manner.

    Either way, an interesting start to the new year.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Only have had one chance for a MFF before and it wasnt even that close. I had been talking to a girl from work for a while. I hung out with her at her house one night and we hooked up a little. She was kind of the tattoo punk type chick probably a 6 total and she was bi. She was adventurous and suggested we could get together with another punk/emo girl from our work, who was probably a 4 but neither was fat at least. She texted the girl and the girl initially agreed but backed out when we all tried to meet up the next time we were out. I lost interest in the first girl and wound up hooking up in various forms with 3 other girls from my work (there were a lot of seasonal workers that would come and go as school started/ended so I always had a fresh crew of girls). The second girl that bailed on the three some was bitter and jealous that the tat girl had liked me, they dated for a while and was a huge scandal with the management, and would try and talk shit too any girls I was interested in (which ended up helping me out...).
  13. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had a MFF threesome my senior year in college during homecoming week. We had just finished building our float with our partner sorority, and were having a party. I was homecoming chair for my fraternity at the time and the homecoming chair from the sorority had taken a liking to me since we had been working together almost every day for the past 2 months. When I saw her at the party, she stumbled over to me saying she wants to leave and hang out at my apartment. Not being a retard, I immediately picked up on the signal and quickly obliged. As soon as we got in the car of our sober ride, her obnoxious friend jumped in the car at the last second. We informed her that we werent going back to the Greek Village but back to my place instead and she said she doesnt mind coming to chill at my place (not picking up the signal whatsoever).

    We arrive at my empty apartment and I crack a bottle of wine with the two of them sitting on the couch, at which point the gears start turning in my head. After about 10 minutes of pointless banter, we get to it. Girl 1 starts making out with me, then me with Girl 2, then Girl 1 and Girl 2. After some clothes come off and more wine drunk, Girl 2 starts giving me head while Girl 1 just sits watching bewildered. When she stopped, Girl 1 wasted no time and jumped on me and we start having sex. I and Girl 1 are greatly enjoying this, however Girl 2 is not and lets out a series of dramatic sighs.

    In order to curb her boredom, I start trying to finger her while the other girl was riding me. Girl 1 did not appreciate this however and quickly dismounted and said something indistinguishable in an angry tone and went into the bathroom. She eventually went to yell about something on the phone to a friend in my roommates room while Girl 2 and I look at each other and go at it ourselves for about 20 minutes before being too dizzy to continue (read: whisky dick) and go pass out in my room.

    I wake up the next morning, not sure if what had transpired was a dream or not, and see Girl 2 sleeping next to me. I got up and tiptoed out into the kitchen to see my roommate fixing himself some coffee. He then informed me that I had done him a huge favor bringing Girl 1 back, because had liked her for a while and ended up fucking her when he got back from the party and she was currently sleeping in his room.

    Bottom line, I pissed off the girl I liked and ended up with one I wasnt a big fan of, but its technically a threesome and Im counting it.
  14. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    My college roommate did something to her boyfriend, I'm not sure what exactly. Something about her having sex with another guy between the time they met and when they started dating. (This girl had some serious Daddy issues which is the only logical explanation for this behavior.) Anyway, to "make it up to him" she told him they could have a three-way with her best friend from high school. (Another girl with serious Daddy issues.) I shared a bedroom with this girl, and was not informed beforehand what was going on. I wake up at 3 in the morning to see my roommate blowing him, and the best friend putting one ball in her mouth. Out of embarrassment for seeing this and fear that they would ask me to join in, I pretended to be asleep. None of those people were attractive and it will be burned into my memory forever.
  15. roy jones

    roy jones
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Once, my dog got locked in our bedroom while I fucked my wife. He licked my ass at one point, and I threw him straight out of the room. I thought he was sleeping, and I'm not into other guys.

    On another occasion, my friend was having a birthday party about an hour away. I was the driver that evening, and had my wife, her best friend, and BF's husband. Everybody was shitfaced except for me.

    I'd like to take a moment to describe my wife's best friend. She is a pale, 250 pound, loudmouthed cackler that drives me insane. If I put a little red tie, blue collar, and a white beret on her, she would look exactly like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. She's even that flat in the chest.

    Keeping that picture in your mind, she decided to blow her husband in the back seat. I focused on the road.

    She reached up and began fondling my wife. I focused on the road.

    She reached up and began fondling me. Her nails dug into my dick, and I found scratches the next morning. I held back my tears and focused on the road.

    I dropped them off at their house. My wife had passed out at this point. They invited us in.

    I politely declined, and went home and showered like a rape victim. My wife asked me why I wasn't experimental anymore, and why we didn't go in. I gave her a dirty look and went to sleep.
  16. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    Haven't had a full MFF threesome--closest I came was sophomore year of college. Girl 1 was a very cute fuckbuddy and a disgusting skank but great in bed, girl 2 was somewhat overweight and not attractive but was a very close friend and (unbeknownst to me at the time) was very much into me. She was also a virgin, and (also unbeknownst to me) resented girl 1 despite their friendship because girl 1 was hooking up with me. It didn't get any further than me making out with girl 2 (I was willing to overlook her unattractiveness because hey, I had a shot at a threesome) while girl 1 went down on me. Before too long girl 2 got upset and ran out of her room--did I mention this was in her room?--and girl 1 and I fucked on the spare bed in girl 2's room (these were 2-to-a-room college dorms, but girl 2's roommate had suddenly moved out a couple weeks into the semester so she had the room to herself). Later when I found out girl 2 was into me I felt pretty bad about fucking in her room, especially since girl 1 and I both lived 3 floors down in the same building. At least we had the decency to move to the other bed, I guess. That said, girl 2 was (still is) a very close friend, and I probably wouldn't have gone through with the almost-threesome if I'd known at the time that she wanted to date me.

    Also been part of a MMF. No crossed swords. Not really my thing but the girl was smoking hot and only willing to fuck if her husband was part of the action as well, so I went with it. Plus I was on about a 2-month dry spell.
  17. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My freshman year of college I almost had an outside maybe shot. I was talking to two friends one night at a party, when one of them kissed me, then the other, then both at once. I came of age during the dawn of the internet, I'd seen enough porn start this way that I was convinced I was going to have a threesome. I invited them both back to my room, and they agreed to come once they found out I had some weed. (actually, my roommate had weed, but he was gone for the weekend and I'm pretty sure he'd have understood that i needed his pot for a threesome.)

    One has to hit the bathroom before we go, so the other (chubbier...) girl and I are sitting on a couch flirting when she... pukes. All over herself. So I'm getting this girl some water to help her clean up, wondering if it would still be possible to have a threesome (hey, dorms have showers) when I look up and see the other girl making out with a dude who lives in the house and heading into his room with him. So, one girl covered in her own sick, the other one getting with someone else... that threesome turned into a onesome pretty quick.

    Now? No way. If there's one thing I learned from Loveline as a kid it's that threesomes can ruin real relationships. Besides, I don't WANT to have sex with anyone else, and I especially don't want her to, even if it's another girl. So my chances at a threesome are gone forever.

    Best part? I'd have lost my virginity in that threesome. THAT would have been a story and a half.
  18. Winterbike

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Got some time off, here's the story of my first time:

    A year before the event, I had sent an email to the students' journal in response to a series of articles they wrote complaining about police brutality. It was complete hippy bullshit, and I laughed at them as much as I could in the email. They published some parts of my email without my permission three months later, and, taken out of context, I looked like a nazi. I got some bullshit for it from my student association, but everything worked out fine and I let it go. Still, I hated them.

    A year later, I learn I'm paying 2,35$ every semester for the journal. I decide to fuck with them. I send them an email explaining I'd rather use the money to buy fuel to burn their journal even if it means an arab scheik can buy one more Mercedes, and I want my money back. The girl in charge of the journal (let's call her E) answered me, told me she couldn't give me the money, and we started exchanging emails.

    I met the wife around the same time. At first, it was just a casual sex thing, and we hit it off like none of us had before. She fulfilled all the fantasies I had, and some of the stuff we did was so dirty I wouldn't even write it on this board. Some random night, we're talking about past sexual experiences when she mentions she's never had sex with a girl before, and would like to try a threesome. Understanding God was giving me a once-in-a-lifetime offer, I jumped on the occasion. I asked all the girls I know, sent emails, checked craigslist and even Facebook, without any success. Those who could have been interested were all in relationships.

    At this point, my emails with E had evolved from pages of insults to mild flirting. I decide ''fuck this'', and send her an offer. To my immense amusement, she accepts. I was pretty excited, but I had absolutely no idea what she looked like, and was a little worried. I check her profile picture on Facebook, and it's not good. The picture is blurry, and if it's the best she's got, she's a 5 or a 6 tops. I'm thinking about calling it off, until she sends me pictures of her in lingerie so we can get an idea of what she looks like. As it turns out, the Facebook pic was a pretty bad one, and she's a definite 8 (again, she was even hotter in person). I'm feeling like a fat kid in a candy shop.

    We set everything up and meet in a motel room. E even comes dressed as a schoolgirl (skirt, pigtails, the whole thing). I won't describe it all, because it lasted over two hours, but some highlights:
    -E told us at the beginning she was there mostly for the wife and that I wasn't her type. It shook my confidence.
    -The first five minutes felt really awkward, because when the girls started touching each other, they completely forgot about me (that was fixed a little later)
    -Hatefucking E thinking about the students' journal was as awesome as I thought it would be. She told me later she could have simply given me the 2,35$ and forgotten about me, but she thought I was too much of an asshole. It think I won anyway.
    -Both girls liked rough sex and being dominated, so there was a lot of ass-slapping, hair-pulling and dirty talk.
    -We brought toys, and the girls going at it with a double-ended dildo is still the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
    -Near the end, I'm fucking E doggystyle and slapping her ass, and the wife, having just found out she's got a voyeur fetish and likes to watch me fucking other girls, pulls E's hair, slaps her (gently), looks at me in the eyes, and tells me she loves me (it was really cute and touching, even given the circumstances). Then, she tells me to fuck E harder. It was surreal.

    It was a one time thing for E, so she wasn't interested in doing it again. We found another girl a little while later. We've met her 4 or 5 times since. She's not as hot (maybe a 6), and she's even dirtier (I didn't know having anal with a girl while she's doing a 69 with another girl was a possible thing to happen until we met her), but she lives pretty far (3 hours drive) and she's got a busy schedule. Still, it should happen again. Next time, I'm bringing her a strap-on and we'll do a DP on the wife.
  19. trojanstf

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    Sep 7, 2010
    I'm just waiting for Scootah to tell us about the time he fucked 3 girls and a horse all while eating breakfast.
  20. big B

    big B
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Right near the beach, NC
    When I was in high school I used to go over to a friend of mine's house just about every Friday night to hang out. One night after a couple beers my friend and his girl had gone to bed and I was out in the living room laying down on the couch. After a while, my friend came out of his room and motioned for me to come back there with them. I walked into the room and there is his girl was laying on the bed butt naked. He closes the door, hands me a condom and asks "You wanna do this"? Fuck yes I do.
    She postures up and I kinda clumsily walk around the bed trying to figure out what to do. I shimmy off my clothes as my buddy is making out with his girl. She starts blowing him, so I take her from the back. It wasn't awkward, and it wasn't like super freaky or anything, but it was fun as hell. The good part was that same scenario continued for the next three weekends in a row. It was pretty sweet.
    However, because it was a MMF deal, and because I was banging my friend's girl, I have never told anybody about it. I always felt a little weird about telling people, I don't know why. But finally with the anonymity of an internet message board (shut it Tastemyrainbow) I can finally get this story out. I feel better already!
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