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True Blood- Season 4

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Crown Royal, May 24, 2011.

  1. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Really? For me, this episode reminded me why I fucking love True Blood. Sex, humor, Jason being ridiculous, and shit getting fucked up. Top that off with actual scary shit, and I'm looking for ways to legally marry this show.

    Seriously, Marnie is a villain I can really respect. That smile she was shooting the camera? I got chills. Then she just owns the shit out of a vampire that is clearly hundreds of years old. I want see an Eric/Marnie showdown by the end of this season.

    I can't even comment on the rest of the episode because it'll just turn into a recap of every single scene. Hell, even the shit with Arlene in the beginning had Terry holding on to Felix (love that they keep that joke going) to redeem it.

    I have zero complaints with where everything is going after that episode.
  2. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Unfortunately, several of the mods have lives or international download requirements between show air time and watching time, and since the gaggle of fucking children who post in the Pop Culture board often need moderation, we can't just ignore the threads relating to shows where we haven't seen the most recent episode. So you whiny little girls can collectively harden the fuck up, and deal with the spoiler rule. I know we're talking about a paranormal romance here, but fuck me you people are acting like fucking pansies.
  3. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Everytime Felix appears, I come close to losing my shit laughing. It's just so...Terry, you know?

    I'm glad that things have finally started progressing. The set-up was fucking FOREVER, but now we're getting development in all of the storylines. Tommy? Yes. Sam? Yes. Eric & Sookie? Yes. Beel? Yes. Marnie? Oh, yes.

    Okay, now some thoughts on things.

    -Debbie and Alcide. She's still a shitbag (duh) but I am digging this dogged determination to stay together, despite deep unhappiness and chafing over this whole "100% honesty" policy they have going on. I predict that this time, Alcide will fuck shit up and then we get to see Debbie bang yet another gross pack master in retaliation.

    -Marnie is now a Spanish witch. Awesome. I love how the first thing she did in her new body was sensuously rub her boobs. Weirdo. Anyhow, her smile at Luis was creepy as fuck and I feel like her storyline is going to be 1,000% better than anything Alan Ball could've dreamed of for MaryAnne. C'mon, actual necromancer? Badass.

    -Speaking of Marnie, how creepy was it that Grandpa BadWitch knew about Marnie's blood sacrifices? And the snakebite?! Holy fuck. Tio whatshisname!? WHAT IS THIS FUCKERY GOING ON. I'm thinking that Grandpa BadWitch is beyond jacked that Jesus is dating another powerful witch (LaLa). He seemed waaaay too cool with the fact that they basically showed up on his doorstep and demanded protection- I'm thinking Grandpa is being accomodating because he sees huge untapped potential in the two of them.

    -Mikey's black guardian angel. She seems nice. I actually think she's related to Lala somehow...but maybe not. Anyhow, remember how MaryAnne said that Tara's "exorcism" wasn't just a bunch of voodoo bullfuckery, it was actually a call released into nature and she (MaryAnne) wanted to answer it? I think something similar happened when Arlene tried to end FetusMikey last season. But then this black lady showed up instead of a maenaed. Just a thought. But does she tie in with the doll? It's really confusing right now.

    -Pam. Oh, Pam. I have HD. That was the worst makeup job I've seen in a long, long time.
  4. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I just finished watching episode 7. All I can say is "Holy fuck." If they do what they cliff hangered*, I'm going to stop watching the show.

    *Its a word now, if you disagree, bite me.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Epidose 7

    There's NO WAY the hottest girl on the show is going out like that. There's a reason why the cut it away right then and there, and we'll find out next week.

    Really, Pam? You had to do the "bad guy that talks" routine instead of just breaking the bitch's neck? You could have overjoyed ALL OF US on this site.

    I want old Erik back. NOW. He's turning into old Bill with his gooeyness.

    New Bill is awesome, and the scenes with him and Jessica are some of my favourite scenes this season. Especially this episode.

    Alcide's dramatic pause before he said "Forever" in bed with Debbie was a knee-slapper. As if to say: "I want to be forever with you, Junkie Rocky Dennis.

    Lafayette has the show's best moments of suspense and horror. The part in the kitchen with the ghost was marvelously done.

    Sam, as always, is underrated and awesome. He's possibly my favourite character on the show because Trammel sells him so palatably real.

    Great episode.
  6. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    No fucking way, unless Alan Ball decides to scrap everything he's set up along the lines of sunlight exposure. The older the vampire, the quicker sunlight kills. Godric was 2,000 years old and he went up in a heartbeat*, Russell at almost half again that age held for several minutes with fairy blood in him. I doubt the security guys outside are going to stand there ,restraining Jason, while Jess dicks around in direct sunlight for ten minutes before turning to ash. And, being in sunlight, she shouldn't really be able to resist that effectively.

    Now, to make this post sufficiently masculine, I would surely miss those (not yet fully bared, sadly) boobies.

    *Get it? Vampires don't have a heartbeat? No? Jerks.
  7. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    If you watch/listen closely, there is a gunshot shortly before Jess makes it to the door. Methinks Jason got a round off in the security guard and is coming in for the rescue.

    Sam had spells last season and the season before where he got really annoying and was kind of a bitch, but I am really enjoying his character and like when he decides not to put up with stupid bullshit.

    Tara needs to die already, that bitch is fucking infuriating.

    I was reading somewhere that Marnie was much more intriguing as Antonia than as herself. Antonia is passionate and principled whereas Marnie was annoying, poking at the vampires and then meekly pleading freedom of religion when they got pissed. The only part of Marnie/Antonia that is disappointing is that she is in Fiona Shaw's body, and not Antonia's hot ass one.

    Was anyone completely freaked out by the ghostly woman singing in French in the kitchen? Maybe it was her eerie calm coupled with Lafayette's look of fear, but it was fucking chilling. I'm getting goosebumps thinking of her right now.
  8. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Ok I'm liking this season a lot right now but I did have one thought. Wouldn't it have made more sense to completely switch around Bill and Eric's roles this season? With a couple of little things changed to make everything make sense, I feel like I could more easily picture Eric doing the things Bill has done and vice versa this season.
  9. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I dunno if you guys read the updated spoiler rules, but you don't have to spoiler everything anymore.

    I agree that Eric needs to stop with the puppydog routine. It went from adorable to unbearable really quick. Why is it that they can't write a male vampire character who is nice AND funny? He started off flirting with Sookie and having fun with her, and now he's just overly devoted and whimpering. It's becoming a little much.

    That said, he can be naked all he wants as long as he keeps his mouth shut.

    Jess is not dying. There is no way at all. I'm imagining Jason is going to come flying at her and push her out of the sunlight. They've set up their story too much to throw it all away with her death.

    Lafayette and Jesus have one of the most compelling story lines so far. Who would have thought?
  10. mad5427

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I haven't read the books so I don't know how anything plays out or how closely the show is following the books. Knowing Lafayette is a medium as well as Marnee is going to be interesting.

    Part of me thinks that regardless of all the bad crap vampires have put Lafayette through (he was dealing V), him and Jesus will be front and center and very much involved in helping the Vampires deal with possessed Marnee.

    Tara being seemingly the right hand of the resurrected witch makes me sick. I don't think I can hate a character more. She's so out of touch and stupid and every moment she's on screen makes me hate her more. It's like they purposely only make her see part of the story so she remains stupid and she has never even tried to listen to Sookie about anything. She truly is a horribly developed character.
  11. vex

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 26, 2010
    No spoiler, just a thought/prediction

    The whole gist of this witch is that she makes vampires run into the sun. Sookie's blood keeps vampires alive in the sun. Queue Eric drinking her blood, fucking up the witch, regaining his memories while keeping his "puppydog" ones and pretending to be a changed man before he fucks someone over something fierce in the last episode. Tara preferably?
  12. Yukon Cornelius

    Yukon Cornelius
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
    I think the vamps are gonna:
    hire them some wereanimals to deal with the witch. I think something along those lines happened in one of the books.
  13. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Was it just me, or was that episode really slow and boring?

    I don't think Sookie and Eric have done anything except fuck for three episodes now. I want that to be a complaint, but then again, they are just so naked...
  14. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe

    I really hope this does happen.
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The scene with the bed in the woods was cornier and gayer than 100 Harlequin romance novels come to life. And why were Erik and Sookie talking like they were acting in The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Fantasy worlds in this show are never cool or scary, they're like cutting room bullshit from a Baz Luhrmann film.

    Lafayette continues to have to most brilliantly intense scenes. The flapper ghost produces a real spine-tingling atmosphere without even trying to act scary.

    I like Bill a lot this season, but he always tries to ice skate uphill. Throw down, man.

    I had a 3-second OMIFUCKINGOD moment when Jessica bounced Hoyt's head off the dividng wall. I think a few of us did. Very left-fieldish shock.

    Tommy's death must be brutal and done with extreme prejudice. I think maybe thrown into a giant food processor. I do not know how the insufferable little shit can sink lower. However, him "plaing" Hoyt's mom was a riot. That woman is a treasure chest of hate for this show. Don't ever get rid of her.
  16. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Bill is, even if a bit cautious, a damn good king.

    There seems to actually be some character development in this episode, which is refreshing. The whole "warm, sunny day with snowflakes raining down" would be a nice trip, but they gayed that scene out about as much as possible, and then some.

    Packmaster tries to kill Sam over gorgeous whatserface, Alcide intervenes because he's a friend of "Oooh mah dear Sookie", kills the greasy-looking dude and becomes new Packmaster, leading to Debbie going nuts and having to be killed off. Hopefully they off her, Tara, and Tommy in the season finale for a trifecta of awesome.
  17. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    " possible."

    Jesus. I always try to defend True Blood against people who call it garbage tv. If someone brought up that scene, I would have no good response.

    Other than that, solid episode. The throwdown has left a little too much to the imagination though. Let's see some fucking blood.
  18. mya

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    My random thoughts on this weeks show:

    I feel like the storylines are getting under better control now. They seem more "linked". I hadn't figured how Debbie and Alcide were fitting in this season, and this show made them seem more pivotal (and is Debbie good or bad)
    Good to see Pam restored to normal, please bring badass Erik back now
    I like politician Bill a hell of a lot more than Sookie's Bill
    Anna Pacquin has lost about 15 pounds that she didn't need to lose
    Layfette's scenes were great
  19. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Fuck this cliffhanger. Seriously, fuck it in the ass with a ten foot pole.
  20. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    The dream sequence was some good old-fashioned silly/sexiness that I think is the hallmark of the show. I couldn't help giggling. Plus the disparity in heights between Eric and Bill was ridiculous enough to be comical.

    Looks like Lafayette is going to have a lot to do with getting rid of Antonia. I love that they are developing his character into even more of a badass, which I did not think was possible.

    The only reason I'm not pissed about the cliffhanger is there are at least three more episodes, which means the rest of the season is going to be sweet, sweet action. I think. I hope...