I was kinda hoping to add some intelligent discourse to this board but trollcats are too funny to pass up. I'll leave it to the other mods to see if this has legs or not though. http://www.trollcats.com Focus: Post your favorite/most offensive one. Foucs2: Make your own. Make your own: Here are some cat picture sites without any text http://www.picturesofcats.ca/ http://www.pictures-of-cats.org/ http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/cat.html And here's a text site (courtesy of SaintBastard, who is well versed with lolcats. Neg him for it) http://wigflip.com/roflbot/
I hate cats, they are awful, and stupid, and evil, and they suck. But this is funny, even if it is a stupid jerk cat:
The TiB can do better. Let's see some more original submissions. You can use this to easily generate text on a picture.