Can never forget Perry Bible Fellowship, R.I.P. I always find myself going back through these whenever I get bored. I have both of the books he put out, great stuff.
From the internet's first (or at least best) punk comic (also where my avatar is from). Seriously, why aren't there more hardcore foodstuffs?
I just realized that the only web-comic I've ever liked,, has updated for the first time in years. Here's one of its best strips;
Re: Now that's a Kodak Moment Just came across this while trying not to do anything productive today.
Here you go people-three awesome web comics to keep you entertained: Written by Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan, Hellblazer, The Authority etc), it centres on a group of 12 young adults living in a now flooded London. The group all have psychic powers such as mind control, telepathy, the ability to create force fields etc, and it's heavily suggested throughout for as yet unexplained reasons that they were the ones responsible for the flood. They live in Whitechapel amongst human survivors and are trying to rebuild the standard of living amidst attacks from rival groups, and also from one of their own who they cast out. A post-apocalypse zombie tale as you might imagine. The story concerns a team of zombie hunters who scavenge the wastelands looking for supplies for the research base they live at. They're all infected with the virus, which means that if they die they come back undead, but should they get bitten it doesn't matter. It has a bit of a 'Left 4 Dead' feeling, in that as well as the normal shambling zombies, there are 6 (I think) variants that have been mutated beyond the simple reanimated corpse. More zombie apocalypse, only this time more cartoony. It's funny, but the story is very compelling once it gets going-it starts out as your typical 'survivors hole up in a building' affair, but becomes more and more absurd as it goes on. All three have been going for a good while, so there's hours and hours of stuff to be getting on with.