Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies The only one of these that, in my experience, does not exist is "hot air hostess".
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies For me this is definitely a hot cheerleader. Probably because my best hookup in high school was with a cheerleader, in her a front of all the meatheads. Definitely one of my crowning high school moments. Of course now like 5 years later she had a friend die in a car accident, because extremely religious, swore off anything sexual, and now sings for a gospel band. Life is weird.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies You have obviously never flown Virgin Atlantic or Korean Air - The majority of the stewardesses on both of those airlines are outstanding.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies I never would have answered hot maid until I saw those pictures. Complete convert.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies Hot nurse for the win. Something about the words "hot" and "french" just doesn't seem to compute in my brain. From my limited experience in France (a few days in Paris, on a few separate occasions), 99.9 percent of all french people stink. If they don't smell like a moldy carton of cigarettes, they smell like the worst body odor imaginable. Apparently, they don't believe in deodorant. No thanks. Although in truth, I don't really get the whole fantasy thing, at least as far as it relates to certain occupations. Some of it (like hot french maid, or sexy [whatever] for halloween) doesn't even make sense.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies Where the fuck is hot schoolgirl? How did hot cook make the list, but not catholic schoolgirl? I don't really do much of the whole roleplaying thing and frankly, hot lingerie is just as sexy as some uniform. Hell, the uniforms are all pretty similar with just different coloring to suit the profession. I'll take one of each, please. The professions don't have to be sexy, just the girl and the clothes.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies I was going to mock you for having no imagination, but considering I'm on a Durbanitesque dry spell right now, I decided to keep that sentiment to myself. Focus: I was torn between hot teacher and hot maid, but in the end realized that I'm getting too old for hot teacher to really make much sense, while hot maid doesn't really have any age connotations. Much more versatile.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies Somehow I've never entertained these fantasies. And some of them I didn't even realize existed in the canon of hot things. Hot chef came right out of left field. Mostly, I find the sexied-up costumes with garters and miniskirts way overdone. Perhaps it would have been too pedophilic to vote for hot Catholic schoolgirl. My girlfriend was one of these once, and she's since lost her kilt or something stupid. Damn it. Furthermore, the hot French maid would probably go on strike halfway through.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies While an excellent counterpoint, my argument was that the costumes were overdone. Lingerie by itself, not so much. Catholic schoolgirl NSFW By the way, I really don't get the army girl. Have any of the people who voted for it ever joined the army? Shit. This is obviously similar to people getting ridiculously camo-ed up for hunting or going all-out with rifle accessories, or airsoft - they want to pretend they're in the military. I wouldn't vote for a hot nurse, but I think I might vote for a hot ultrasound technician. Had the best scrotum massage of my life from one last year. Should have bought her a drink first. This reminds me that my school building actually does have a hot secretary. She's young, loves wearing low-cut shirts, and bends over a lot. God bless her.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies Hot School Girl Hot Tennis Player Hot Secretary-(this is where I'd link picks of half of Jenna Haze's porns.) Sorry my connection sucks.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies I was shocked, god damnit, that a hot secretary or hot businesswoman was not on the list. Sometimes, I find myself ogling more women downtown in business attire (especially those tight patterned pants and sexy jackets) than yoga-pants wearing women at the gym. I know, I have a problem.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies I'll be honest, I was a shy, scrawny nerd with a mullet in high school. I never had a chance with a cheerleader (or any girl, for that matter). Therefore, my fantasy would have to be the cheerleader because it was the thing that I was never able to experience.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies I would have to say hot French maid. I think it's something about the power subtext. Hot spy is a close second, though. The femme fatale that can't be subdued by anyone but you... brr.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies I voted cheerleader, but agree that schoolgirl should have made that list. I always thought that was part of every guy's fantasy. Hot Army girl? Anyone who has ever been in the military knows the hot ones are Air Force or Navy.. For me, it really all comes down to thigh-highs.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies Obviously, you've never seen a hot female in uniform. They're rare as hell, but they're around. My gunnery sergeant is around 35 or so, and I'd put her around average on the attractiveness scale. But the way she carries herself is just fucking sexy. She's confident, strong, and outspoken, and if she gets mad she'll grab your collar and pull you about six inches from your face and yell. I get the feeling that fucking her would probably end up with black eyes and broken bones, but it would definitely be worth it. And of course there was the officer who would go around our barracks wearing booty shorts and a moto shirt. Hot females in the military are fucking awesome.
Re: Top Girls from Male Fantasies Maybe it's because I had hot female bosses at my last job, but hot women in the office* gets my vote *Bonus points to anyone that knows who that is and what thread it came from.