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Top 29 Best Cities to Live In; where would you live?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gnowee, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

  2. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Je suis francais, oui oui.

    edit 2: I reread your post, you're right. Your experience actually does mean more than my lack of, and I'll concede that. I'm leaving my post up regardless though, to be fair.

    Tylenol's bad for the liver and we all drink, so instead have a banana or some bread and pop ibuprofen (aka Advil). Safer for the liver and if you have food in your belly it won't harm your stomach as much. I'm keeping up fine and I hope you can tell that I'm not dismissing your first-hand experience, you obviously love the place. I guess deplorable was a poorly chosen word.


    Nettdata, I'm sure you know the difference between the Mafia and Hamas and the difference between arson and terrorism. Maybe not though.

    edit: Hilarious how you leave out this part, jackass.

  3. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Yeah, because when I get firebombed, it matters to me who does it, or why.

    You're talking out of your ass about places you've never been to, and quoting stats/numbers as if they actually mean anything with respect to what we're talking about.

    Last time I checked, none of that shit made a difference to me about how much I enjoyed living in a place.
  4. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Now I'm not taking a side in this hissyfit. I've never been to either. But that quoted statement is just being contrary.

    We don't care about numbers per se obviously. But we do care when they're the best available quantifications of things we DO care about. Like economic development, standard of living, crime, etc.
  5. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    To a certain degree, no, I don't care.

    For the most part, US and Canada are corrupt, censored, and poor anyway. We're buying into this whole "we're the land of the free" shit that's being shoved into our faces, and we're getting fucked over by greedy people and the companies and they run and governments they control.

    A lot of people consider the measure of their quality of life by how much credit they have and the size of their TV and how they compare to the Jones' next door. In the last 5 years, I've opted out of that way of thinking, and that's changed my outlook on a lot of things as a result.
  6. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    That's my point. They're his only quantifications, as he hasn't been there and experienced it live, for himself. And he's arguing against people who have.

    For what it's worth, I have NEVER had the numerical quantifications of the place I've lived actually match up with my real-life experiences.

    Sure, things like housing prices, cost of living, etc., are legit, but when it comes to crime, or employment, or anything at all like that, it's never made any difference to me.

    Maybe I don't care because I have a skill that is always in demand, and pays stupidly well, and as a result don't live in the high-crime areas, etc.

    Those numbers and stats are very contextual when it comes to their significance... both in the exact environment that is being discussed, as well as the person who's going to be exposed to it. Someone who is starting out in life, with no cash, no skills, etc., might be forced to live in the rundown ghetto where the crime is more prevalent, whereas someone who is more financially well off doesn't give a shit, because they'll be living in a gated community anyway.

    In the end, though, I'm just saying that until you actually visit the area, and see for yourself what it's like, you're in no position to offer any advice to anyone else about how good/bad it would be to live there.

    If all you're going to do is regurgitate GDP and crime numbers, then shut the hell up, I don't want to hear from you. Sure, it might be an interesting tidbit or point of conversation, but that's about it.

    If you've never been there, and are arguing with someone who has, then you lose. On-site intel will win, every time.
  7. LucasJackson

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'd love to extend the flame war here, but we all need to understand that living abroad and traveling abroad are two very, very different things. I for one have never lived abroad. I've been to Rome, London, New York, and a couple other places on the list but I've never lived in any of them. Some I wouldn't even want to (London). But if I were the only people I'd listen to are the ones that have actually lived in these places for extended periods of time, and not some crummy article citing suicide bomber statistics (oh my God, I might get bombed! Abandon all hope!). Hell, my good friend lived in Israel during the 06 Hezbollah crisis. The world is a dangerous place, people.

    My alternate focus would have to be Buenos Aires. I have wanted to live in that city for as long as I remember. Dancing the Argentine Tango on a rainy street somewhere downtown? I could cross off an item on my bucket list.

    Also, I have to give a nod to the city of Dublin. That is an awesome place. I've been there twice, and my sister lived there for four years (is now married to the guy she met there), I have a blast every time I go there. But with the sun setting around 4:00 pm from November until April, that might be a deal breaker for me.
  8. toddus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    You honestly can't be that stupid. Anyone who has ever been to Northern Ireland will know how retarded that statement is. I mean I kind of get the Lebanon and Israel comments. Don't get me wrong they they were ignorant remarks but many would probably be guilty of them. But the Northern Ireland comment just shows you are out of your depth on this one and need to shut up and actually walk away from this thread learning something.

    Ok you are that stupid. America has seen countless acts of terror since Pearl Harbor. George Metesky, Washington Sniper, Anthrax letters, Frank Corder, Hanafi Siege, Flight 355, Fedex Flight 705...I literally could go on with 100's of more examples.
  9. ecc1290

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    Should still be lurking

    Dec 13, 2009
    Holy Jesus, you need to shut the fuck up. Let me tell you as someone who has been living in Israel for the past ten months, in Tel Aviv for the past two months, and in the near future I plan to move within a kilometer-and-a-half of Gaza for the next three years: you just need to shut the fuck up. And just so I know, I was born and raised in America. The article by AskMen was right: this is a great city. You need to swallow your pride and admit that you're blatantly, irrecoverably wrong.

    I can tell you because I live here, that the economy is strong and stable, especially relative to the rest of the world, there is no overbearing threat of being the victim of a terrorist attack every time that I leave my apartment, or any type of physical threat for that matter. It's just one of those things, like how every time you get into a car you know you could be in a fatal accident. It doesn't mean that you refuse to drive or that it's even something you think about while you're on the road. Sure, you know it's a possibility, but it doesn't affect your decision making at all because the odds are so slim. In fact, it almost never even crosses your mind.

    And as for the place where I'm going to be living that is right next to Gaza, there are plenty of families there that are raising children. These families consist of normal, acclimated people, and aren't crazy like you ignorantly assume. I'm telling you: it's not dangerous on even a remotely significant level.

    Really, the biggest thing to consider when moving to a foreign country like Israel, and a lot of other foreign countries I would say as well, is how you will be able to adapt being so far away from your native country, from all your friends, from all your family, in a new place that has a language you don't speak. It would be ridiculous and frankly retarded to not move here solely because you're afraid of terrorist attacks or bombings.

    You really need to let this argument go.
  10. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Don't forget the biggest act of terrorism of all:


    It's not ridiculous! We're Americans! We're smarter than brown people and we know everything! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!
  11. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    Other posters have responded to you far more eloquently than I ever could, but your argument is embarrassingly weak. First hand experience living in a country means infinitely more than a couple of articles you read. I am not sorry for getting pissed at you when you assert ignorant bullshit about countries you have obviously never visited.