Wait. Why wouldn't we compose our own original tune? Intelligent Discourse and Depravity by TiB Verse One Kamaya Mayaaaaaaa!! "Call the cops, they're fuckin' again!" I don't normally do this... You are what you drink Let's try the "Dying Quail" position That really happened? Why has no one told me about this? Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, You're cool ... Summer BBQ Thread Pop Culture Rules Weekend Drunk Thread Chorus Boobies! Uh, huh Booty! Hell yeah
Well I feel like I'm doing good job, making some fabulous first impressions. But if you couldn't guess it, I'm on a Lil Wayne fix.
Between the drunk threads, sex and kink threads, and rant/rave, I can't be the only one thinking there's more than a few nut-tuckers: