Inspired by this: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rack-mind/</a> It's an incredible story about a guy who is capable, it's hard to even describe, several different trains of thought at once. His focus is on music. He can listen to several symphonies at once and know note by note what is happening in each one. He is a musician as well and can play two songs at once while carrying on a conversation. Before you call bullshit, in the story they discuss a test they did on him to prove it. I've never heard of anything like this. FOCUS: What is are you very good at? Do you have any strange talents? Tell us about them.
I only have one somewhat unusual talent, and I'm not sure how it will sound via messageboard. Regardless, every so often I can mix basic psych / ev psych / cold and hot reading techniques and go on a spiel which explains people's thought processes and actions to themselves. Doesn't sound like much, but I have had people look at me like I can just reach inside their head and read their mind. This trick works best on people who aren't especially self-aware - a group typically comprising young, impressionable girls, and it's gotten me laid a few times. Being the drunken cynic I am, I usually just get drunk and use it for evil in the form of long, vicious call-outs for the amusement of my friends. Hey, we all need hobbies, right?
Do cock push-ups count? Sales, I'm really fucking good at it without trying. At my first sales job it was selling new and used cars, they called me "The Freak" a la Timmy Lincecum. I had just started and finished 2nd on the lot, full of veteran salesmen. I just am good at connecting with people, listening to their needs, and then selling them the product. The sick thing? I don't love it, I like it, however I am pursuing a career in law enforcement or government security contracts. I enjoy it enough to where I am picky about what sort of job I will take in the career I really want, however it's not what I truly love. I am currently working in finance and it pays the bills well and gives me something to do M-F.
I'm really good at getting hit. I used to box Muay Thai, and I've never been knocked out. I've been choked-out in jits more times than I can count - but if there is one thing I don't have, it's a glass jaw. I've also never been hit by a George Foreman freight far so good.
Does sucking dick count? I mean, sure, some of what makes a good beej is simple enthusiasm, but there is a definite skill component, and I am dedicated. Every morning when I brush my teeth I push that gag reflex just a touch further. On a serious note, I am really really good at striking up a conversation and having people tell me their deepest darkest secrets within 5 minutes. For some reason people seem to be very comfortable talking to me and tell me things that they haven't told their best friends, let alone a virtual stranger. I've considered applying this skill to establish world dominance.
Don't know how I follow up that, but I have a freakish ability to remember names and faces. Having an eidectic memory helps, but Ive still had multiple friends, teachers, employers mention I was the best they'd ever seen. I could go through my HS and name honestly 75% of the kids there (my hs was around 1100 kids), most of whom I'd never had a real conversation with. Its just from hearing them pointed out or mentioned, or reading the yearbook. Its honestly more of a curse than a blessing socially. I remember pretty much anyone I meet for more than a minute or two, but for most people it's not the case, so those conversations get awkward. Though having those snapshot images of people in my head are fun sometimes when you can impress the hell out of someone remembering exactly what they were wearing when you first met them or some random fact. My roommates will often ask me about people, that they know, cause they can't think of their name and know Ive met them before. And you know, I can like, give girls earth rattling, synapse frying orgasms with my mind and a little bit of tongue.
Same here. Maybe it's my cro-magnon sized brow ridge, but in 15 years of playing rugby, I've only been knocked out once. Sure, there have been a few concussions, but all minor. What makes this even more amazing is that I don't wear a mouth guard. I've taken elbows to the face that have knocked out my teeth and broken my nose. I took a running knee to the face that fractured my maxilla. Neither one of those even phased me. The only thing that knocked me out was when I went coconut-to-coconut full speed with a Samoan. I'm also very good at bracing myself for impact. I've taken (and delivered) some monster hits over the years with little or no immediate damage. I'm sure being a fast and flexible 235 lbs with a low percentage of bodyfat probably helps, but I've definitely learned how to absorb impact better than most people.
In that similar vein it's super hard to armbar me. I am doublejointed at the elbow i guess. When I first started I would get chastised verbally by higher belts and the coaches about ego and trying to be a tough guy because i wouldn't tap to armbars until my arm is horribly bent. Then eventually it became apparent that isn't the case. Also I am extremely good at having a sure thing in terms of getting laid and going home alone. This couples amazingly with my talent to sit in the dark and cry.
I'm fairly good with playing the saxophone, playing the bass, and making cheesy pickup lines inferring what I can do with my fingers and my tongue.
I'm good at confusing people with deadpan comments, unintentionally being an asshole, and putting things back together after they've been taken apart. Oh, and helping other guys get laid simply by virtue of me not being competition. Oh, and polishing the scepter. That thing damn near shines now.
I am good at being disrespected and unappreciated constantly and not managing to not mentally snap in a typhoon of fury and ending all life within a mile of me. I also seem to be very good at being ignored, too - is this a talent? This seems to go well with spending time by myself and computer games, I guess. EDIT: I didn't say I was lonely - I enjoy being alone. I've said this multiple times on a few different threads. What I do not enjoy is saying something and having it go disregarded anyway. I guess Angel does have a point about whining...
And whining, Durbanite. Don't forget whining. I'm a classically trained pianist, a professional chemist and I can make egg rolls from scratch. Bow down, bitches.
I'm really good at pop culture trivia. It's a pretty useless talent, but it comes in handy when trying to decide on a movie among a large group of people. So I suppose I'm also really good at convincing people to watch stupid movies.
Marry me? Focus: I'm a pretty good teacher. I like to say that if you can't teach something, then you don't know it very well. As a result, I tend to be the person that people ask when they have questions. I'm also more accessible than the average teacher. I also make a pretty mean apple pie. I can also IRON!